Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Paris attack...

So... there's another act of terrorism in France today...

There is alot I could say about this most recent act of terror that came from a bunch of pisslamic monkeys...

But I suppose the things that need to be said is this; it doesn't matter what form they take or who they are, criminals don't care.

If you look like food, you will be eaten....

Criminals are like a roaring lion, looking for easy prey, the kind that will not fight back. And what better place to do it than in a place where no one can effectively fight back?

Keep in mind, France has some INCREDIBLY STRICT laws regarding civilian possession of guns and explosive devices. Their laws are on the same level as Norway; incomprehensible to nearly half of us Americans. They both make Chicago's gun laws look like Boise's. And for the most part, they are both socially homogeneous countries, doing well in the world without being plagued by the gang and drug problems we have here in America.

And with such lightly armed police and security forces, cameras on every street corner and laws that ban knives and regulate any sort of item that merely resembles a gun, surely that will stop mass shootings and terror attacks right?


Once again, the criminals don't care.

Of course, the reason why France has been a target for terrorism as of lately, generally stems from the ancient hatred that the entire Middle East has for the French.

For those of you who don't know, when you travel the world, you will find that, aside from the United States Government, and with the possible exception of the British and Russian governments, the government that the pisslamic swine hate the most, is France. So much so, that a popular insult in the Middle East for the French is the Arabic word "Franj", which means "cannibal". Althought nowadays the word has become synonymous for all Westerners in the eyes of the pisslamic swine.

Believe me, this word is NOT a compliment.

If you're a Westerner and someone of the pisslamic faith or of Mideast descent calls you a "Franj", they are pretty much insulting you.

And this hatred goes all the way back to the days of the Middle Ages and the Crusades, over 1,000 years ago.

But if you want to learn more as to why the Arabs hate the French so much, just put France vs Middle East into Google, and you'll encounter a huge store of information as to why these two government powers are ancient, hate-filled enemies toward each other.

Naturally though, all the conspiracy nuts and other zany survivalists are coming out and saying things such as "America is going to turn into a police state to prevent a similar event like this from happening here!"... and my response to that is this;

In the aftermath of the 2008 Mumbai attacks (a similar event where 10 to 15 jihadi operatives of Al-Quaeda simply walked into town and started shooting people and setting bombs off all over the place), The National Rifle Association and various other pro-gun organizations and lobbyists sat down and talked with guys who work as SWAT, narcotics, counter-terrorism and drug enforcement, in one of the big inner cities of America.

These are the kind of police officers who are well-practiced, knowledgeable gun nuts who train hard and vigorously on their own dime outside of work so they can succeed at protecting and serving, have seen alot of horrible things in their careers, and are all too intimately familiar with what real violence is like... know, the guys you want responding when the REALLY bad shit goes down.

And the truth of the matter is that these officers admitted in their interviews was that their training is dismal, their "scary assault weapons" are locked up in the armory, and since the state they live in shut down or chased off the gun ranges, they can't stay in practice to remain sharp on the job and all the other cops who applied for the same job they're in couldn't keep practicing to qualify for the role anymore.

But their leadership (the commissioners and politicians) could pat themselves on the back because they 'DID SOMETHING!'.

So to answer the question from earlier; we are DANGEROUSLY close to having a Mumbai or Paris-style event happening here in America.

And believe me when I say this; many governments and criminal groups in the Pisslamic World have threatened us with such an event many times throughout the years.

Iran said in the 1980s that they'd do it by forming a partnership with Nicaragua to form "joint Latin-Iranian terror teams inside the U.S.".

Did they do it? If so, where are those teams now?

Osama bin-Laden said he'd do the same thing in the 1990s, and in 2001, 19 of his soldiers succeeded in destroying a good portion of New York City, Washington D.C., Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and killed over 3,000 people in the process...

And now since their sudden rise and surge throughout Iraq and Syria since 2011 after the withdrawal of U.S. troops and through the unfolding chaos of the Syrian Civil War (2011-present), the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or simply; The Islamic State, have been saying since 2013 that they're planning to carry out a similar attack here on a major American city...

When will it happen? I wish I knew...

Maybe in another 20 years? Maybe in 20 minutes?

I don't know how the covert forces of Pisslam work, I can't read their minds. But one thing's for certain, they are calm, patient and methodical in their work. They can wait 40 years if necessary to carry out their attacks when we finally let war weariness overcome us and we let our guard down.

And all the while, the neutral people of Switzerland continue to clean and oil their rifles as they watch these massacres and terrorist attacks, shaking their heads sadly as they have done so many times before.

And if you're truly worried about protecting yourself and those you care about from these sand-dwelling incompetents, then do the sensible thing; call your local senators, congressmen, representatives, etc., let them know you're from their district, you're registered to vote, you'll be watching them closely during the debates, and demand, I say again; DEMAND, that they reject any new gun control measures, and that they enact some form of legislation that will allow sane-minded, law-abiding, conceal carry permit holders, which could include even you, to be allowed at your school, mall, movie theater, school, concert, etc., so that we can all effectively protect ourselves and our fellow man or woman from such religious radicals, instead of always relying on the government to take care of all our wants and needs, and if need be, to be able to fight back against such radicals if they threaten our way of life and our livelihoods.

Remember the wisdom of that age old saying from Abraham Lincoln about America's citizens being a fully armed society;

"...all the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with Napoleon as their commander, would not be able to set foot on the Blue Ridge or take a drink from the Ohio".

It's time we do more than just give in to emotional panic and allow an out of control Orwellian-style government more power that it doesn't deserve.

It's time we step up and become a polite but fully armed society of citizens that are willing to defend ourselves and each other from the pisslamic criminals of the world.

If Switzerland can do it, so can we.

Well, that's all I have to say about this whole thing.