Friday, September 15, 2017

Emer Prevost (a.k.a., Hellsing920) is dead...

So... another person from the original YouTube crowd has kicked the bucket....

Emerson "Emer" Prevost, who was better known as "Hellsing920" here on the internet, has died.

From what's been revealed so far, he died from complications relating to a hernia that he was supposed to go get surgery done on so that he could improve his health in the long run.

But now, it looks like the complications due to his hernia problem has caused him to pass away.


I'm sure this is a really big shock to his close friends, his fans and his subscribers. And it's going to be a really strange feeling knowing that, from this point on, one of the OG YouTubers is dead, and the memories we have left of them are the videos they made over the years in their time here in the online world...

...or, in Emer's case, the real memories that anyone has about him from this point onward, is how much of a douchebag he became after his original retro game review channel got terminated, and in the years leading up to his hospital visits and eventual death...


Look folks, I don't mean to be mr nay-say here, and I'm not trying to speak ill of the dead, but let's be honest here;

Emer Prevost was a real douchebag towards alot of people in his time on YouTube and wherever else he had an online profile or presence.

Obviously, the two douchebaggery things he was known for in recent memory was his feud with Asaleri over a fucking Sonic the Hedgehog game...

(funny, considering Emer made a rant video about Sonic fanboys back in the day and how childish they act, yet he and Asaleri showed the world how childish the Sonic fanbase can truly be...)

...and his completely uncalled for anger against the commentary community, especially after they (rightfully) called him out on his bullshit and all he had to hide behind was a bunch of legal jargon that isn't meant to be taken literally. While also pointing out that he's violated the same rules (both YouTube's and the rules laid out by the U.S. Legal System) many times over with his "Reaction & Review" video series.

But anyone who remembers Emer Prevost from mid-2008 to early-2011, will know that he made a multitude of videos where he would spew out misinformation and incorrect statements about various fanbases, movies, fan followings, video games, other YouTubers, or whatever it was that managed to irk him in the moment, and when he would inevitably get a slew of angry messages/comments/video responses to what he said, he'd just laugh it off with his fellow no-talent creators from the old WingerDinger circle and pat himself on the back for getting a rise out of people.

In fact, several more infamous things that he's probably known for was;

His praising of the horrible live-action film adaptation of the Dragon Ball franchise; Dragon Ball: Evolution, where he said the film looks okay and watchable, and how the Dragon Ball "fanboys" needed to (in his own words) "get a fucking life, and get out of their basements", in regards to how they had every right to trash the movie and protest it's existence...

His rant against the Ring of Honor fanboys, which only further cemented his love of spewing misinformation by admitting in the same video that he hadn't seen enough of Ring of Honor to make a concrete judgment on the company or it's wrestlers in question... 

His infamous "Console Wars" video about the PC as a gaming console, and how he referred to PC gamers as a bunch of "PC gaming scumbags" when he said that they have the option of torrenting/illegally downloading videogames rather than paying for them...

And perhaps the most infamous moment from him (at least, the one that finally caused me to say "fuck it", and unsubscribe from him back in the day); was his infamous video about the "Ground Zero Mosque" that was causing such an uproar back in 2010. No seriously folks, go watch that video of his, and you will see where he stood politically and socially in regards to giving America's enemies the satisfaction that they won a victory against us.


Bottom line; Emer Prevost, a.k.a., Hellsing920, was a grade-A douchebag in his time on the internet.

The only time he was ever cool with anyone, was when he did his angry retro videogame reviews that everyone else was trying to do back in the days of 2006 - 2009, in the hopes that they could become just as famous as James Rolfe (a.k.a., The Angry Video Game Nerd) did with his retro gaming reviews.

But after his original channel got terminated by someone claiming to be 20th Century Fox, when he came back to YouTube with a new account, he just seemed to turn into a really unlikeable person with his rants, ravings, and incorrect bullshit.

And quite honestly, I cannot understand how people are mourning for him right now, when there's a slew of evidence that shows how much of an asshole he was.

But then again, it is saddening to see that he is dead, and it's going to feel really weird from this point on in regards to his channel still being up, but the person behind it is no longer alive.

So, while everything I said here may seem like I'm hating on the man, I do want to reiterate what GreatExpectations320 said in his video about Emer;

The man did not deserve to die. Despite his douchebag ways, his asshole nature, and his all-around grouchiness towards whatever it is that set him off in the moment, the man did not deserve death.

And I'm going to leave it at that.

So, rest in peace, Emer Prevost (Hellsing920).

I may not have agreed with your douchebag ways and asshole nature...

...but I truly hope that you are at peace now, and that you are in a place where there is no suffering or pain.

Godspeed dude.

Until next time...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.