Monday, January 15, 2018

A minor note I'd like to add on the Logan Paul situation...

Well, I figured it was only a matter of time before I decided to chime in on this controversy...

...but since everyone on the internet and in the celebrity world, including their grandmothers, knows who Logan Paul is, what he's done during his trip to Japan last December, and the infamous 'suicide forest' video that he posted onto YouTube which showed the dead body of some unfortunate Japanese citizen who ended their life in that forest, I figured everything that has been said about him is more than enough, and I don't know what else I could possibly add to the conversation when everyone on the internet and in real life has pretty much torn him to shreds so thin that they have been rendered microscopic...


...but wait! There actually is a bit of controversy I can comment on regarding this whole situation!

Someone on YouTube [link will be posted when I can find the video and user], made a lengthy rant about Logan Paul's Japan vlog videos, and while he pretty much said the exact same things that everyone else has said in their video rants about Logan Paul's behavior, this guy decided to add yet another statement into his video which is not only completely idiotic, but also proves that this guy really loves to talk out of his ass.

Because at one point in this guy's video rant about Logan Paul,

He pretty much compared the current U.S. President; Donald Trump, and his behavior so far in his political career, to Logan Paul's behavior during his visit to Japan.




Are you fucking serious?

No seriously, are you fucking serious right now?

Is this how far down you're willing to sink in scraping the bottom of the shit barrel?

You're comparing some Z-list internet celebrity and the actions he committed during his trip in Japan to President Trump's behavior and Twitter posts throughout his political career?


I have only one question for you pal; name a moment in time where President Trump visited Japan, whether for business purposes or as a tourist, and committed the exact same behaviors and actions that Logan Paul committed in his trip.

Go ahead, give me one, legitimate example where President Trump visited Japan, at any point in his lifetime, and acted exactly the way Logan Paul did.


...oh wait, that's right! President Trump never did such a thing!

You, fucking, moron.


It's really pathetic folks.

It's really pathetic when people who are getting their jimmies rustled up over Logan Paul's actions in Japan, are letting their political convictions overrule their sensibility, and are trying to lump him into the same basket with President Trump.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear;

Logan Paul's actions in Japan are not and should not, be about politics, whether foreign or domestic.

Logan Paul's actions in Japan should serve as a very serious lesson and reminder, to ALL the people of the world (not just Americans) that; when you travel abroad,

1) You are going at your own risk. If you don't like the risk, don't go.

2) You are subject to the same laws, rules and restrictions that the citizens of the country or countries that you travel to are also subjected to. If you don't like this or cannot be bothered to read up on said laws, rules and restrictions, don't go.

3) You are, whether you like it or not, a representative of your home country when you travel abroad, so good manners, basic etiquette, and respect will apply when the citizens of whatever country you visit interact with you. If you don't want to behave and would rather act like a child in a foreign nation, don't go.

I know this.

You know this.

President Trump knows this.

And Logan Paul should've known this.


And to everyone who says that President Trump's statements about Mexico and the various other nations of the world during his campaign and Presidency are what destroys my argument, let me make one more thing clear about that;

You all realize that Trump says these things so that the media and all of you will talk about it, right?

Remember, President Trump has been in the media spotlight for a VERY long time, even before he became the President of the United States. He knows how it works, he knows how all of you view them, and he knows all the tips, tricks and means of how to get the media and all of you people talking about him and the statements he makes, regardless of whether it makes you angry or if you agree with him.

And you people just don't seem to learn your lesson when it comes to this one simple rule about the internet, and real life in general when it comes to President Donald Trump and others like him;

Rule 14: Don't feed/argue/respond/debate the troll, it means that they win.

The fact that so many of you keep getting angry and riled up over his Twitter posts and public statements just goes to show how you let the words of a troll get under your skin so easily.


Anyway, that's all I have to say regarding this matter.

This guy who made his video rant about Logan Paul, and comparing Logan Paul's behavior to President Trump's behavior, is not only idiotic and foolish, but also shows how much this guy talks out of his own ass, and how he cannot be bothered to provide any real, credible sources or articles that shows President Trump visiting Japan and committing the same actions that Logan Paul committed over there when he visited the country.

And if he's being honest in his video statement about leaving the United States and moving to Japan to become a permanent citizen over there, then all I have to say; is good fucking riddance.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, libtard loser.

Try to take some of your SJW friends and retarded subscribers with you.

And most importantly, don't come back to America.


Now, normally, this blog post would end here... But... I suppose I should say one or two things about Logan Paul...

The first thing I'd like to say about the man is this; before this whole situation became the shitstorm that it is now, I had never even heard about Logan Paul. But then again, I don't waste my time searching YouTube for retards like him to watch. I spend my time watching people with actual talent on YouTube, not the mind-numbingly stupid shit that YouTube promotes on a daily basis.

The second thing I'd like to say about the man, is this; when I first heard about the controversy he's caused and how everyone including their grandmothers are commenting on or about it, my original thoughts were;

Why do you care?

Why do any of you, care?

And to be honest, those are still my thoughts on this whole situation. Why should any of you give a shit about some z-list internet celebrity's actions in another country?

Is it because he acts like and resembles your stereotypical American tourist? And that his actions make America as a whole look bad?

Or is it because of his ambitions to become an actor and his Hollywood connections that have since shamed him or severed their relationships with him? And because you people, the general public, tend to listen to what Hollywood says and does, you're all jumping on the Logan Paul hate bandwagon because it's the 'cool' thing to do?

Seriously, why are all of you getting all up in arms about this guy?

I'm sure karma will come and bite him in the ass at some point for the shit he pulled in Japan.

But all of you ranting and screaming about it isn't adding any levity to the world we live in.

It's just adding more unnecessary carbon dioxide to the atmosphere we use to breathe.


And that's all I have to say.


I'm done with this shit.

Until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.