Sunday, February 25, 2018

A lengthy rant/discussion about the bullshit from the past week or so...

Criminals are criminals.

And they don't care.

If a criminal wakes up one day and decides that he or she is going to rob the local gas station or convenience store, or if he or she decides they are going to murder you and rape your dog, or if he or she decides that they are going to kill as many people as they can for the fast track to their 15 minutes of media fame and stardom (even if it's the
infamous kind), they WILL find a way to do so.

Blaming, regulating, restricting or outright banning the inanimate and the material does nothing, solves nothing, changes nothing, and achieves nothing.

Criminals are criminals.

And they don't care.

Furthermore, there is NO such thing as a "safe space".

The world we live in is a dangerous, unstable, imperfect world.

Just like how "freedom isn't free", a "safe space" is an illusion.

You, the average individual, are more likely to get hit by a distracted driver while crossing the street than finding yourself smack dab in the middle of a mass shooting that's perpetrated by some psychotic, disaffected loner.

And even then, it's a long shot that an incident like a hit and run would make the evening news.

The idea or notion that there are "safe spaces" in our world is a filthy lie likely perpetrated by those in positions of political power who have been sheltered and pampered all their lives.

So stop believing the lie, cause it's not true. At all.

Also, we have plenty of gun control on the books. And from what I've seen, it works just fine.

As of 2018; the current gun control we have dictates that you cannot legally own rifles or shotguns until you are legally 18 years of age or older, while you cannot legally own handguns until you are legally 21 years of age or older.

The law furthermore states that if you want to own a gun, you have to provide an id, fill out several different forms of paperwork, and go through a background check that usually takes a few minutes.

The law however, prohibits anyone who is a felon from owning or possessing a firearm. And the law states that a felon is anyone who has been convicted in a court of law that resulted in a prison sentence, anyone who has been convicted to a mental ward or psychiatric hospital against their will, and anyone who is below the legal age to own or possess firearms.

The law also prohibits you from owning fully automatic weapons, and you cannot own "sawed-down" or "sawed-off" firearms, you cannot manufacture, own or distribute destructive devices like explosive charges or grenades, and you cannot own suppressors or silencers.

That is the basic gist of the current firearm laws that we have on the books.

Granted, there are hundreds, if not thousands of more laws on the books, and each of them are going to vary by each individual state. But for the basic gist of it, there you go.

And it works just fine.

So stop clamoring for more gun control or more firearm restrictions or prohibition.

Finally, I just want to say this;

Liberals, entertainment media whores, SJWs, and anti-gunners;

Do humanity a favor, and shut the fuck up.

Guns are not the problem. And there is NOT an epidemic of mass shootings going on in this country. So stop with the bullshit panic attacks and losing your fucking minds whenever we see or hear about a shooting where 10 or more people under the age of 18 tragically died because they couldn't defend themselves or their legal guardians couldn't defend them.

Stop proving the Joker right when he said his famous quote in 'The Dark Knight'; "It's all part of the plan".

Take a deep breath, let rational thinking resume without your emotions getting in the way, and let's actually start a discussion in a sane, civilized manner.

Conservatives, alt-right, pro-gunners and the meme-ers who helped D.J.T. win the election;

Quit gloating.

Yeah, the AR-15 is your rifle of choice when it comes to target shooting, sport shooting, hunting, self-defense or whatever, and sure, you will always rally to defend this rifle whenever it comes under attack from the anti-gunners.

But it is NOT the greatest damn rifle to ever hit the fucking world.

Furthermore, while there are those of us who like the idea of owning an AR-15, the sad truth is not all of us can afford a $1,500 rifle. Why? Cause some of us have/live on fixed incomes and all we can afford are the $200-$500 firearms.

So stop thumbing your noses at us who can only afford the guns in those price ranges.

Cause if anything, that kind of attitude divides the gun community and only turns potential future pro-gun supporters away from you.

And that's it.

Rant over.

Quit crying about more gun restrictions or more gun accessibility.

There's already more than enough salt for us to start exporting it to Canada so they can use it to scrape the ice off their roads more easier.

Oh? What's that? Were you expecting me to say something about the companies severing their ties or connections with the National Rifle Association?


Well, I will say this;

Enterprise Rent-A-Car is a dying business that refuses to get out of it's 20th century mindset.

With things like Uber and Lyft being the number one choice these days, the decision that the owners of Enterprise made regarding their distancing from the NRA will be the final nail in the coffin for them.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised when alot of the businesses that have severed ties with the NRA start panicking at the end of this year when their profits start plummeting because customers refuse to do business with them due to their boneheaded decision.

Ok, now I'm done...

No wait, there's one more thing I need to add;

The only reason these monsters commit the crimes that they've set out to do, is because they want attention.

Get it through your heads people.

They want someone to sit up and take notice of their plight, their sorrow, their pain, and all their worries and woes.

That's the real reason why criminals commit heinous acts of violence such as gathering a bunch of guns and ammo to shoot up the local high
school, college, mall, restaurant, etc.;

Because they want the attention geared towards what they have done.

If a depraved, disaffected scumbag loser can kill a bunch of people in one setting, he or she will go from a nobody to a somebody, quite literally, overnight.

Suddenly, the entire world will want to know their name, who they were, and what they were thinking when they decided to commit this act of mass murder.

Their face will be pasted all over the news media, with 24/7, round-the-clock coverage.

All the experts, doctors, professors, lawyers, politicians and even the common folks will spend days, months, and even decades, trying to decipher or understand what it is that the loser scumbag was thinking or what terrible events happened in his or her life that brought them to this point in time.

Hell, even the President of the United States, one of the most important men in the world, will drop whatever he is doing to hold a press conference to talk about them and their actions, and he'll even shed a single, manly tear if the situation calls for it.

So congratulations to the depraved, disaffected, scumbag loser, you went from being a nobody to a somebody.

You are now a star.


So, when the news media and the figureheads of the entertainment industry and the political spectrum aren't demonizing the guns, the movies, the television, the video games, the internet, comic books or graphic novels and people with autistic problems, they will continue to show the face of the mass killer in the background, all the while telling the whole world about their worries and woes and the horrible steps that led them to commit their heinous act of criminality.

The cycle repeats, and the next disaffected, depraved, angry loner takes notes from what the news media and the figureheads of the entertainment industry and the political spectrum are saying about the current hot new mass killer, and inevitably, they begin the planning stages on how they too, can go from a nobody to a somebody.


I've said it before and I will keep saying it every time an event like this happens.

These depraved, disaffected, loser scumbags DO NOT DESERVE to have their faces plastered all over the news.

They DO NOT DESERVE to have any sympathy tossed their way.

They DO NOT DESERVE to have time wasted on them in trying to decipher or understand their lives and what went wrong that caused them to go out and kill dozens of innocent people.

And they certainly DO NOT DESERVE to have TV specials, movies, documentaries, news specials, books or lectures made about them.



They are MONSTERS who went out and KILLED dozens of innocent people that had NOTHING, to do with their suffering or pain.

And they DO NOT DESERVE to be made famous.

They deserve to be hated, they deserve to be despised, their names deserve to be spit on, and they deserve to be erased and forgotten from history.


As the ancient Roman saying goes;

"In Damnatio Memoriae".

And the only time any of them should ever be remembered is when the sane, law-abiding, gun owner is studying the tactics on how to neutralize them faster if such a scumbag attacks them or their families.


And that is all I have to say.

So once again, don't make these scumbag fucks famous.

Make sure they are forgotten.

Quit crying for more gun control, "safe spaces", thought control, heavy legislation and regulations, cause none of it solves anything.

Take a deep breath.

Calm the fuck down.

And let's actually get together and have a sane, civilized, rational discussion without the tears of Jimmy Kimmel and the bullshit screaming of RHCP's bassist; Flea.

In the words of a famous man; "It's time to install some speed bumps in our schools".

I'm done.