Monday, February 25, 2019

Paramount Pictures cancels World War Z sequel, and I couldn't be more happier...

Well folks, it's official; Paramount Pictures has officially killed off the planned sequel to Brad Pitt's version of World War Z (2013)...

...and to that end, I say; good riddance.

Kill this piece of shit garbage sequel before it taints the legacy of World War Z any further, and make sure it stays buried like the zombies we love to see getting punched, shot, dismembered and eviscerated in the movies, tv, books, comics and videogames.


Nobody (as far as I can tell), liked that piece of shit movie.


Cause it had absolutely NOTHING, to do with the book.

And the fact that Max Brooks once said in an interview was alright with how Paramount, Plan B, and Brad Pitt turned out the film's finished script which was nothing like the book he wrote, and gave the 3 aforementioned parties the o.k. to go ahead with that idea, goes to show how he's gone down the road of creators who know nothing about their creations and are perfectly fine with whatever Hollywood does to it when adapting it for the big screen.

Also, you can say that this movie was yet another example of the Hollywood studios being interested in the name, and not the actual character.

World War Z was about 3 simple things;

1) it's a global apocalypse of slow, shambling, walking-paced zombies

2) the type of zombies who cannot run, be stopped or fooled by conventional means

3) and they can only be killed by destroying the brain.

Now, some people may argue this point and say; "well, maybe that was unrealistic, and they were trying to go for a more realistic approach!"

But I'm here to say that this statement is the rotten core of where this movie stank like bullshit.

That would be like if Goku was made to be "realistic" where instead of training out in the forest, honing his powers and martial arts, he was made to be a dorky teenager trying to become popular in high school and attempting to get laid with some hoe he met for all but two seconds!

It doesn't fucking matter if it's "realistic" or not. Because it's a time-honored trademark of the character or story;

Goku is an alien monkey boy who is naïve, yet has a strong heart, is loyal to his friends, family and adoptive planet, has a huge appetite, has a love for fighting, training and getting stronger, and is willing to step in and fight for the weak and the defenseless.

While World War Z is about an unstoppable, global apocalypse of the walking dead who cannot be stopped by conventional means of modern warfare, are slow, shambling walkers who cannot run, and can only be killed by destroying the brain.

And Brad Pitt's movie, was NOT, World War Z.

In fact, I'd be more content if this movie was more associated with the never-made movie sequel to 28 Weeks Later. Cause with everything that was shown in this movie, it seemed to fall more in line with those 2 "zombie" films than the actual zombie films that the book, World War Z, is actually based on.

I'm done ranting.

So until next time folks, Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea!