Friday, November 15, 2019

Hideo Kojima, do humanity a favor, and shut the fuck up.

You know, I used to think that Konami was a piece of shit for treating Hideo Kojima the way they did 4 years ago with how Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain were put out to the gaming masses, and with the horrible fiasco that Metal Gear Survive became...

...but now? With the comments he's made about us Americans not liking his overrated game with a pretentious storyline, unlikeable characters, cutscenes that go on for way too long, and for a good majority of gamers not bowing down and riding his dick like they used to every time a new Metal Gear game was announced...

...all I have to say is; maybe Konami had a good reason for letting him go.

Granted, I still think Konami is a piece of shit for the stunts they've been pulling for the last couple of years.

But with Kojima's comments about us Americans preferring "shooter games" over his overrated, exposition-heavy, cutscene-laden "games".

All I have to say is; Kojima, there is a little thing in this world known as "cultural differences", and "the changing of the tides".

Oh sure, so many gamers (except me) used to bow down and kiss your ass when Metal Gear made it's leap into the 3rd dimension with Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 way back in 1998. But guess what? People change, and so do their expectations and their interests.

Just because Death Stranding is basically Metal Gear set in a futuristic world with a post-apocalyptic setting where you spend 3 hours walking from point A to point B while carrying a baby, doesn't mean that everyone is going to like this game or praise the hell out of it.

If anything, the complaints about your precious game should speak volumes about how fucking BORING, it is.

Hmm, kinda like how every Metal Gear game from 1998 up to MGSV was boring and chock full of bullshit that doesn't make any fucking sense in this reality or any reality for that matter.

In closing;

Hideo Kojima, do humanity a favor; and shut the fuck up.

Go direct the movies you want to make already, and stop acting like an entitled bitch who expects the entire gaming community to bow down and suck your dick just because a game has your name on it.

I'm done.

So until next time...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.