Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The recent mass shooting/attack in Nova Scotia...

Since it's been a week and a half since the mass shooting/attack that took place up in Nova Scotia, Canada, I think this needs to be said once again for those who are too slow on the uptake:

Criminals. Don't. Care.

Sure, Canada has some pretty strict gun laws (which can be boiled down to; if it's been used by the bad guys in a Hollywood movie, it needs to be banned), but once again, this criminal didn't care.

Keep in mind; according to the information that's been released about him so far, he was a known troublemaker, a wife-beater, and a loan shark... or whatever the equivalent is up there in Canada.

He had also gotten sent to court a few times in the past, and his convictions in court resulted in him becoming prohibited from owning firearms FOR LIFE (In Canada, if you get arrested and convicted for domestic violence, you instantly get prohibited from owning any firearms legally for the rest of your life)

But once again, this criminal didn't care. He still found a way to get some guns (illegally), and kept them well hidden until the day finally came where he snapped, offed his partner over a domestic squabble, and went about on a shooting and arson spree.

If someone is determined enough, they will find a way to hurt you.

Laws be damned, cause criminals, by definition; don't obey the law.

What really surprises me the most, is the time it took for law enforcement to respond.
Seriously folks, look at the after action report that's been released so far; the RCMPs tactics sucked, their communication sucked, and their initial first response literally and utterly fell apart.

While they were busy bumbling around like a gaggle of Keystone Kops from Abbot and Costello's 'Have Badge, Will Chase', this criminal scumbag had all the free reign in the world to murder 21 civilians, a police officer, torch and burn down buildings that were related in some way to his hate, and he shut down an entire province in one of the world's largest nations, for ONE DAY (If this happened in America, it would've been over within one hour, or less).

Yeah, yeah, this criminal scumbag used a de-commissioned police vehicle, uniform, and other equipment to make himself look like a police officer, which allowed him to remain undetected for so long, but still, how in the holy mother of fuck, does a police force make such a massive blunder like this?

Especially when there were several officers in the Nova Scotia division of the RCMP who KNEW IN ADVANCE, that this guy collected, restored and hoarded de-commissioned police equipment at his home and place of business?!

Seriously, what a massive blunder.

And now, it's resulted in the deaths of 20 civilians, and the death of one of their fellow brothers in blue (or red).

Fucking brain power, over a mudflap if you ask me.


And as usual, the same, tired old arguments that get parroted over and over by the politicians, the news media, and the "professional experts", are being tossed around up there in Canada right now.

Various documentary directors and channels are currently making their films that will inevitably focus on this scumbag, and tell the entire world all his worries and woes.

The RCMP's leadership will just blunder and stumble like they usually do after a tragedy like this happens in their country, and nothing will ever change in regards to their tactics, communications and logistics... which we've seen happen before with Mayerthorpe, Moncton, the Spiritwood incident, the Ottwa parliament shooting, Fredrickton and the Toronto van attack

(and the pro-RCMP Canadians wonder why the more regular Canadians don't trust the RCMP?)

The next disaffected, angry loner who watches these news reports and documentaries  about this hot new mass killer will begin to take notes on how he or she can go from disaffected loser, to most famous person in the world.

And nothing will ever change in regards to the average Canadian citizen being able to legally protect themselves with a gun of their own from scumbags like this one who shot and burned his own city, or the average RCMP officer being able to have access to the tools, logistics, communications and tactics that will enable him or her to serve and protect their community.



Well, I'm not sure what else can be said about this recent tragedy.

Have a good day everyone.

And until next time;

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.