Saturday, September 5, 2020

ANTIFA scumbag who killed a Trump supporter was killed by law enforcement... and I couldn't be happier

So, this scumbag... who was known by the name of Michael Reinoehl, a self-proclaimed ANTIFA supporter who shot and killed a 'Trump supporter' several days ago, has now been tracked down and killed by Federal law enforcement officers after an intense manhunt for this piece of shit.

Given his track record, I can see why the law came down hard and fast upon him. Since there are several reports coming out now that shows he is a troublemaker and a hardcore rule-breaker.

And now, his law-breaking and criminal activities have ended in him taking the asphalt temperature challenge.

While the family and friends of the victim that he killed, can finally achieve a sense of justice.

Me on the other hand, when I heard this bit of good news today, This was my response;

Well, that's all I've got to say.

Rest in piss Michael Reinoehl. Nobody will mourn or miss your stupid liberal ass.

And let this piece of shit serve as an important lesson to the rest of the ANTIFA fucktards; your actions will have consequences. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. But regardless, your actions of burning shit, looting stores, assaulting people, and now; murdering somebody for having a different opinion. Your actions WILL have consequences.

So let the actions of this piece of shit scumbag serve as an important lesson; America is starting to get really fed up with your shit, and you might want to start looking over your shoulders from this point on.

Until next time folks.

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.