Thursday, December 31, 2020

Well, I'm glad that's over with...

 So, 2020 now comes to an end...

We've had an epidemic that's on par with the Spanish Flu of 1920 that has ravaged the world and forced us to take drastic changes and measures in our lives...

We've had several major events in the world get postponed or outright cancelled...

We've had a slew of protests, rioting, looting and burning because the media and the social justice warriors rise up to defend a known criminal or criminals with lengthy rap-sheets...

We've had a fucked up election with too many red flags to count, and many countries of the world refusing to recognize the guy who supposedly "won" the election...

We've had big tech reveal it's true intentions for us lowly peasants, which only makes me question what people will do now that they are vowing to stop using big tech...

The red states of America continue to get redder, while the blue states of America continue to get even more blue...

...and now we have a senile old fart running the United States who is surrounded by psychophants and yes men.


...I'm sure America is in really good hands for the 2020s...

...or maybe history is repeating itself once again, and we have a funnier habit of forgetting it.

Oh well...

In any case, Happy fucking New Year.

And until next time;

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077... what a bust this turned out to be.

Well, here we are folks;

8 years of development, delays, false promises, overhyped bullshit, and to top it all off, a release during an extremely difficult and challenging time for humanity right now...

Cyberpunk 2077 went from being the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the gaming world, to being the equivalent of passing a kidney stone that feels the need to painfully inch it's way out of you.

I mean, wow... my god. I have never seen a triple-A game get so much hatred since Rouge Warrior or Superman 64 back in the day.

And with all the reports that gamers have been putting out there on the internet ever since this game's release, quite honestly, CD Projekt RED should've released this game a year ago on the PS4, Xbox One and PC as it should've been. Rather than trying to rush this game out to meet the XBOX Series X and PS5 holiday demands, while trying to make the game run on the previous generation of consoles.

And the over-abundance of reports from gamers about how the game is so damn buggy and nearly unplayable, how it crashes every 5 minutes on the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, while on the PC gamers have reported their computers getting blue screens of death when the game crashes, to reports of the game's so-called "advanced A.I." completely ignoring the programming that they were intended to fulfill, or glitching out and in the process leaving story missions and sidequests unfulfilled or unplayable, and with everything else regarding the textures and graphics not loading correctly which makes them look like a game made for the PS1/N64 era of gaming, to the collision detection and basic world functions either conking out or overreacting in the same way the physics and graphics of Big Rigs acts...

..and now, Sony and Microsoft have pulled the game from their digital storefronts...

...honestly folks, this is just yet another situation in the gaming industry where a game gets hyped up beyond reason, and yet after multiple delays, false promises and sometimes, world events affecting the gaming industry, the game suffers and pleases nobody when it's finally released.

Once again, this is yet another Duke Nukem Forever scenario.

Actually no, fuck that shit. Duke Nukem Forever was actually PLAYABLE despite it's underhanded delivery after 14 years.

Cyberpunk 2077 is more along the lines of Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness.

And I don't know how CD Projekt RED will ever regain the trust and love from gamers that they once had. Because in the gaming industry; once you fuck up this badly, gamers will never put their trust or money into you ever again.

But, is there anything good that can be said about Cyberpunk 2077?

Well, the story is pretty good. the characters are definitely memorable, Keanu Reeves definitely delivers in his performance as Johnny Silverhand, the game is still playable depending on what kind of console or PC gaming rig you have, and many of the missions and sidequests could definitely have potential.

But with all the bugs, glitches, crashes and optimization problems, I feel as though CD Projekt RED needs to recall this game and give it a final round of polish, then re-release it onto the previous-gen and next-gen consoles.

Or, at least give some patch updates to fix the problems.

But then again, with the amount of rage that is being directed at this game and CDPR right now, I highly doubt anyone will ever want to play this game even if patches come out to fix the game. Or even if CDPR recalls the game and properly fixes it and re-releases it, I don't think anyone will ever want to play it.

Heh, now that I think of it, AVGN is gonna have to review this game in 2077, since it's turned out to be a complete piece of shit, assuming he's still alive by the time we get to that year.

Well, all jokes aside, that's all I've got for today folks.

Until next time; Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.