Sunday, February 14, 2021

Trump acquitted for a second time, Democrats rage against the people and each other, RINOs get nervous as re-elections draw closer, so what comes next?

Well folks, looks like it's official; Donald Trump has been acquitted for the second time in regards to the powerseekers and corrupt officials in Washington D.C. trying to impeach him... even after he's left political office...

The Nation that failed to elect him a second time, has now failed to impeach him for a second time...

And from what we are seeing;

The Democrats are crying and shitting themselves after receiving a second strike, which leaves me wondering; will they try again and hope that '3rd time's the charm'? Or will it end with '3 strikes and you're out'? And all the while, they continue to turn on each other and tear each other's throats out... at least, in regards to the Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom situations...

The Republicans who voted for impeachment are now getting nervous as they look to the people of the states they represent, and as midterm/re-election comes around, those people will certainly remember this blatant move of treachery when they go to the polls to vote...

People are slowly tearing off the shackles of big tech from their lives, even though it's not an easy transition, while Microsoft seems to be the ONLY big tech giant who is playing smart by not rocking the boats of it's customers...

Giant entertainment corporations who have gone full woke or pulled a bait and switch are now panicking as millions of their users cancel any and all accounts they have with them in protest of their woke/bait and switch ideals... or they vote with their wallets and never watch or buy their merchandise again...

China's economy is still in the dumpster with their massive GPD expansion and the exchange rate being almost 7 Yuan for 1 Dollar... and the Democrats still think that the 3rd stimulus checks will be financed by China?

The various world leaders are either reluctantly or begrudgingly agreeing to work with Biden, some of the others have made it clear that they won't work with Biden, while the people of the countries they represent continue to protest against Biden while cheering for Trump...

Kamala Harris doesn't really seem to be making any sort of headway in the news, although on social media her presence continues to be strong... despite the fact that millions of people are finally cutting social media out of their lives for good...

And as of this posting, it seems that Biden has chosen to retreat to a safe mountain resort that's specifically designed for the President of the United States, rather than facing the problems head on.


So... what happens next?

Honestly, I have no clue what's supposed to come next for America.

All we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the best, while going out to vote, calling our representatives, congressmen and senators, and making our voices heard.

Or, we all could just sit back, open a bag of popcorn, and watch whatever shit-show comes next play out in front of us.

And that shit-show will, hopefully, be the crashing and burning of the entertainment industry, social media, big tech, and the Democrat party.

It's time for a reboot anyway.

Until next time folks,

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.