Wednesday, August 18, 2021

My head cannot possibly hurt any more than it already is with this new development...

There is a reason why Afghanistan is known as; "The graveyard of Empires"... ...because damn near every empire or world power that has tried to invade and conquer this harsh, unforgiving region of the Far East, has ended in complete fucking failure, with the would-be conquerors leaving Afghanistan with massive body counts, severe political and social turmoil, and even more unstable and chaos-ridden than before. And more than likely, the would-be conquerors end up going through a massive societal and country-wide breakdown of their own culture and government due to the foolishness of trying to challenge the Afghan Mujahedeen on the battlefield. Shit, we've already seen what happened to the Soviet Union after they left Afghanistan in 1989; 2 years later, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics broke into pieces, and now they are little more than a faded memory. Plus, let's never forget how fucking evil the Soviet Union was. That government murdered twice the number of people than Hitler ever did. And if we are truly being honest here, we should've let Stalin and Hitler fight to the death in World War II, rather than trying to get involved in that conflict. Cause really, what more could the world ask for? Two of the most hated, despicable men on earth, pushing the most asinine political philosophies, fighting to the death in the most destructive and brutal conflict in human history. We all should've just let them fight it out. And hey, if one of them beat the other and survived to become a serious threat, then the United States can join the Western Allies in beating down the threat. But no, instead, jerkass scumbag Roosevelt chose to side with Stalin since he was a scum-sucking communist himself, and his decisions to get involved in World War II is what saved the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Which in turn, allowed Joseph Stalin and his successors to murder and torture millions of innocent people for decades to come. Well, that is, until the Afghan Muslims broke the will of the Soviets and shattered their empire after 10 years of conflict, and then 2 years later the Soviet Union dissolved. So on one hand; yes, the world owes a debt of gratitude to the Mujahedeen of Afghanistan for destroying the most evil nation on earth. Always remember; Roosevelt and his socialist cronies are what saved the Soviet Union, and the Afghan Muslims are the ones who shattered it. So that brings me to the ultimate question today; will the same thing happen to the United States since we are now apparently leaving Afghanistan after 20 YEARS(!!!) of conflict after the horrible event of September 11, 2001? I mean shit, we've been in Afghanistan TWICE as long as the Russians were there, and from what I've been seeing for the past 10 years in America, we're going through a MASSIVE cultural, governmental, political and societal breakdown that eerily mimics that of the final days of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics! So does that mean the United States is going to suffer the same fate that the Soviet Union fell into? Where we become divided into different republics and individual countries rather than a united whole? Honestly, I don't know what the answer is anymore. But I'm going to keep stocking up on dried food and water, just in case. And if this truly the beginning of the end for the American Republic... well, then maybe those hardcore survivalists such as Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski and the people that made up the Branch Davidians were right all along; America is fucked, and this Union is going to be destroyed. So prepare yourselves for the end as best as you can, and make your peace with whatever God or deity you choose to believe in. Now as for the news footage of all those Afghan refugees trying to catch a ride on a military or civilian plane leaving Afghanistan? Well, that certainly evokes the memories of the innocent South Vietnamese citizens and refugees who were trying to escape on the US Military helicopters leaving Saigon in 1975... now doesn't it? But the truth of the matter is this; a majority of those refugees are the moderate Muslims who fight against the more asinine ones. You know, the moderate Muslims who will ally with the West because they know how committed the more radical ones are in spreading their message of "submit to Allah, or die!". And then America will come in with the greatest fighting force the world has ever known... ...oh wait, MSNBC, CNN and the DNC are upset. Never mind, moderates! Buh-bye! You're all on your own now! So America pulls out, radical motherfuckers like Boko Haram, the Islamic State, Al-Quaeda, the neo-Hezbollah, and this new wave of neo-Taliban comes in and does the same shit again and again of mass murder, rape, torture and dictatorship. Different names, sure... but it's all the same mass murder asininity and religious insanity. And maybe 5 years later after a massive attack or massacre of these moderate Muslims at the hands of the more radical and asinine ones, people will change their Facebook profile pictures into a "memorialization" picture in honor of those folks, which goes to show how much this country and it's government really cares. But hey, at least the current administration is all about the fucking climate change and getting rid of all those pesky assault rifles! Good to see that they're on top of that! *sigh* Seriously folks, these events, along with all the shit Obama did (the constant drone strikes), is going to go down in history as part of the list of America's greatest embarrassments on the world stage. And quite honestly, I don't know how anyone can ever trust us anymore, or even bother to work with us ever again. Especially when a Democrat is in office. Bottom line; we royally screwed the more innocent people and moderate Muslims of Afghanistan over. Granted, we screwed them over with the decision George W. Bush (*ahem*, excuse me, Colonel Clusterfuck) made in choosing to invade Afghanistan, and later, Iraq (don't even get me fucking started on that mess). When we should've just gone after Osama bin Laden in the first place, rather than trying to declare war on two nations. And now, the innocent moderate Muslims are paying the price for our misdeeds, while there's a new Cold War brewing in the Middle East between the two biggest powers over there; Saudi Arabia and Iran. In closing, this is the reason why when America was founded, one of the major principles was to have the same mentality that the people of Switzerland have; be an armed, but polite society, and stay completely neutral from all the world's conflicts and turmoil. Sure, be friendly, trade and do business with other nations if you wish. But DO NOT get involved in their politics and wars. Cause choosing to tread on that road will lead down the path of madness and fuckery. Which is exactly, what is happening now in America, and the rest of the world. So what's the solution? I don't know. Remember, I'm just a nobody, ranting into the chasm of the internet. I'm done.