Sunday, June 26, 2022

The terrorist attack in Norway...

So... looks like there's yet another act of terrorism that has struck Norway again.

However, instead of it being an attack perpetrated by one of those "Europe first!" extremists, this attack in Norway was perpetrated by another loser of the pisslamic faith. And as of this posting, his body count is 2 dead with 21 more injured before he was brought down by some random good Samaritans passing by, and was detained by them until the police arrived to arrest him.


Members of the European Union...

What are you going to do in response to this attack?

Are you going to stand up and strike back against the pisslamic virus that has overtaken and been destroying your continent for the last several years while your leaders cowered and placated the social justice warriors, the liberals and the woke crowds?

Especially now that we've all come to realize that there are quite a few verses in the Koran that advocate the killing of homosexuals?

Or are you going to host another cringe-inducing 'interpretive dance/movement' like you did at the last parliamentary session that was supposedly for 'standing in solidarity with Ukraine', despite how cheesy and cringe-inducing it was to begin with, while your leaders and politicians continue to banter and babble off their suicidal liberalism policies?


Well, as that old saying goes from a wise man from so long ago; "The joke used to be; 'Once you go Swede, you'll drink all the mead'. Now, the new joke is; 'Once you go Swede, your daughter gets raped by a jihad johnnie'."

I'm done.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The new trailer for 5th film in the Predator franchise just dropped... and this is my warning for everyone...

So... the trailer for the new film in the Predator franchise just dropped.

The new film is called; 'Prey'.

And from what's been revealed so far; it's a Predator film that's going to take place in colonial times(?) where the Predator is hunting both Native Americans and European Colonists...



You know... on one hand; I find it interesting that the filmmakers chose Native Americans to be the main stars of this new Predator film. Cause when you look at the bigger picture; alot of Native American folklore in real life talks about invisible entities that would hide and hunt in the forested areas of North America, and how the elders/shamans/etc., of many Native American tribes would warn their tribesmen to not venture into the forests or mountains where these invisible, shimmering entities reside. Because to do so would result in death, since these entities cannot be fought with conventional means.

But... on the other hand; given the time period that they've chosen to set this new Predator film in, I'm worried that this new film is going to have some bullshit SJW, virtue signal message attached to it, since from what we've seen in the trailer so far, it's the European-looking Colonists that are getting taken out by the Predator, while the Native Americans barely get a scratch.

And we've all seen what happened to the other franchises of the 80s and 90s when the progressive crowd in Hollywood got their dirty little paws on them;

They became murdered franchises.

Star Wars, Terminator, the Men in Black franchise, Ghostbusters (well, until Afterlife retconned the shitty 2016 feminist reboot), the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Disney live-action remakes, The Purge franchise, etc., we've seen it happen so many times before.

So if this new film in the Predator franchise goes that same route, don't say that you weren't warned beforehand, Predator fanboys.

You all bitched and ranted about Predator 3 (2010) and Predator 4 (2018) being crappy movies and how they are 'repeating the same bullshit we've seen over and over again!'...

...and now that there's a new Predator film coming out that, from the first impressions, looks like it's going to go down the virtue signaling, social justice-driven, progressive route... Predator fanboys will have no one to blame but yourselves if and when that happens.

Which is exactly how the Star Wars fanboys have no one to blame but themselves, for how they treated George Lucas and the Prequel Trilogy for 15 fucking years (1997 - 2012), and for the sad, sorry state that Star Wars has devolved into for the last 10 years (2012 - 2022).

Me, on the other hand, I have grown to love the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, and will continue to do so.

Just like how I enjoy Predator 3 (2010) and Predator 4 (2018).

Same with Terminator 3 and Terminator: Salvation.


Well folks, let's see where this new film in the Predator franchise will take things.

And while I'm at it; Hollywood progressives, stay the fuck away from Robocop and the Alien franchise. Cause Robocop (2014) was pretty damn good, and Prometheus and Alien Covenant were both great in their own rights as well.

And to the fanboys of those franchises; quit bitching about those films and learn to love them. Cause if you don't, then Hollywood is going to inevitably give them the same cancerous social justice treatment that they gave to the other franchises we all loved and cherished in our youth.

That is all.