Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Pulse Nightclub shooting...

So... here we are again...

Another mass shooting... with dozens, if not hundreds of lives displaced and destroyed... and a landscape and society forever changed by the actions of one psycho...

But once again, it's like I've stated countless times before;

Criminals. Don't. Care.

If you're going to break a bunch of laws, up to and including mass murder, they can only hang you once.

But, as usual;

The FBI will try to justify the huge fuck up they've caused once they realize that they should've kept closer tabs upon this pisslamic loser when the warning signs became painfully obvious...

The family and friends of this now-dead psycho will continue to say things like 'oh, he was just misunderstood!', or 'he really was a good boy!'...

The anti and pro gunners will begin their heated debates once more...

The cries of 'we have to do something!' will begin anew by the ones who fail to keep their emotions in check during a time of crisis...

The religious bigotry and hatred will spill out from all sides due to this event being a religiously-motivated attack...

The powerseekers and politicians will further exploit this tragedy for their own political and power-hungry gains, if they haven't done so already...

The celebrities, musicians, artists and the entertainment media will jump on the #prayfororlando bandwagon to further their own agendas...

No one will take into account that the current gun laws in America and 'no guns allowed' signs on the building did ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING to stop this guy from marching up to this nightclub to kill people...

And when the news media isn't demonizing the guns or the law abiding gun owners or pro-gun supporters who actually try to do the most to protect the innocent, or when they aren't demonizing the movies, music, videogames, comic books, or the hundreds of other things that plenty of people participated in yesterday without murdering anyone, they will continue to air the story of the mass killer in the background, telling the whole world his life story and all his worries and woes...

...the cycle repeats, and the next disaffected, angry loner takes notes on how he or she can go from worthless loser to the most famous person in the world.

So yeah, it's business as usual in this great country of ours once again...

Now go on about your day, people.

Cause really, it seems like that's all we ever do anymore...

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