Friday, September 9, 2016

And the biggest douchebag couple award of 2016 goes to...

...these two little ignorant fucks who look more like they came off the fucking streets.

Especially with how it looks like they've used colored trash bags for the fire and smoke on their so-called "costumes".

But as for what I have to say regarding this?


This... is... just...

I literally have no possible words of explanation for this...

To all my fellow cosplayers out there who read this; be prepared for the misinformed backlash that the cosplay community is going to recieve in the coming days from the mainstream press and the public at large.

Because of actions like the ones that these two cunts are guilty of commiting, things like cosplay and fandoms are, or get condemned, bashed and ridiculed by the public, the mainstream press, politicians, lobbyists, religious conservatives, moral panickers, etc., as being a group of immature teenagers and adults who have no respect for anything or anyone...

Bottom line; these two fuckers have, once again, made the cosplay community look bad in the eyes of the rest of the world with this action of theirs...

Normally, I never drop the c and f-bombs as much as I used to in my posts, but... these... these... fucking... cunts have crossed the fucking line between "Free Speech/Freedom of Expression", and "doing something so ridiculously stupid that your actions make an entire culture/fanbase/group/gathering/etc., look really bad"...

Fuck... just writing this whole spiel is pissing me the fuck off even more...

But for all we know, these two bitches are your typical anti-culture SJWs looking to stir up some shit in a community that they don't belong in or don't respect, trying to pass themselves off as belonging in said community, and then pulling shit like this so that the general public will get up in arms and find more excuses to start their smear campaigns against cosplayers and cosplay conventions.

There's plenty of instances of SJWs doing this in the past. And if that's what these two sad little fucks are, then I'm not surprised.


I suppose the best thing any of us can do is to spread the word that;

1) these two sad little fucks DO NOT represent the cosplay community with their actions

2) their actions are beyond distasteful and disrespectful in the extreme

3) their actions contribute to the already negative misconception that many in the public at large have about the cosplay community, and that all cosplayers out there need to shun their actions and inform the public that this is NOT who we are, and to let the public know about the immense amount of goodwill and community that cosplay brings to the world.

...well, that's all I have to say folks.

Until next time...

Good fuckin' night, America...

...and to all the ships out at sea.

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