Friday, December 15, 2017

The Battlefront II fallout, the roast of Electronic Arts, the anger of Gamers, and why this shouldn't surprise anyone at this point...

Well, time for another long-winded, diatribe, gaming rant from yours truly...

And quite honestly, I never thought I'd have to deal with this logo and the constant controversy surrounding the company it represents...

But, here we are again, at yet another massive gaming controversy that they have created once more.

So, for today's topic, it looks like the prediction I made several years ago turned out to be correct in the end...

When Disney chose to give the Star Wars videogame license to Electronic Arts in 2013 shortly after George Lucas sold everything related to Star Wars to Disney, I had a bad feeling (no pun intended) that this would be a bad decision...

Well, here we are 4 years later, and given all the controversy, backlash, roasting and legal troubles that Electronic Arts has caused in regards to their latest release; Star Wars: Battlefront II... I am honestly not surprised.

I'm not going to go into all the bruh-ha-ha and bullshit that has been going on for the past 2 months regarding EA and their handling of this situation...

...instead, I am going to discuss what WE, the gamers, the gaming community, and the gaming industry as a whole, can do about this.

First off; Yes, gamers, I get it. I get that you're fucking frustrated with Electronic Arts and how they allow games to be released that contain little to no content that can only be unlocked through microtransacions and pay walls...

I get that you're fucking pissed as hell that Electronic Arts purchased various studios and companies that made the videogames that defined our childhoods, and beat them into the dirt with their bad business practices...

I get that you want to start a petition and get thousands of signatures so that Disney can revoke EA's Star Wars license (the rumors are saying that they will, but no guarantees)...

And yes, I can see how hilarious it is when there are major publishers and developers in the gaming industry consistently dissing and roasting Electronic Arts right now. Everyone from Bethesda and CD Project RED, to Blizzard and Sony Interactive Entertainment (of America)...

But for someone like me, who hasn't purchased an Electronic Arts-published game since Medal of Honor: European Assault (2005), and who hasn't played an Electronic Arts-published game since Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)...

Seeing all this uproar that a videogame company is causing right now, seeing all these people getting up in arms over a videogame that they knew wasn't going to satisfy them in any way whatsoever, seeing all these people starting petitions left and right against this company and it's parent who gave them the license...

To me, this whole event is just sad.

It really is.


Well gee, if THIS is what it takes for people to get motivated, to get up in arms, to protest and to sign petitions; the actions of a bad gaming company with bad business practices and shitty videogames since 2007 who CONTINUES to treat it's fanbases and the gaming industry like shit, when there are real, serious events and problems going on in our world right now...

To me, it's just really fucking sad.

It's really fucking sad when these kinds of problems are more at the forefront of our thoughts instead of the real problems of the world that affect us more seriously than we can even begin to imagine.

And yes, I get it. Like I said before gamers, you are pissed with Electronic Arts and how they've been treating the fanbases of it's various franchises for the past decade, and how their bad business practices have been hurting and negatively impacting the gaming industry and gamers as a whole. But you know what? Electronic Arts has proven time and time again, that they do not care what you think about them.

Another thing is that no matter how many times you guys protest, rant and scream about EA's bad business practice and how you 'will never buy another EA game again!', YOU will be back to buy another shitty, half-assed, videogame with the signature 'EA' stamp on it.

I know this.

The sensible gamers know this.

And Electronic Arts knows this.

No matter what you guys say or do, all Electronic Arts has to do on their end is put a shiny fresh coat of paint on their games, make false promises to 'stop their bad business practices', and you guys will come crawling back once again to buy their shit.

The same thing happened when Battlefield 1 was announced in 2016 after everyone eviscerated Activision for Infinite Warfare.

Folks, I don't know what else to tell you about Electronic Arts. I've stated time and time again in the past that NONE of you should be buying their games and supporting their bad business practices if they continue on this path. Because once again, that is the ONLY WAY to make them care about your complaints; and that is if NONE OF YOU, spend your money to buy a game that is published by them, and you hold true to that without falling for their lies and excuses that they make about an upcoming game.

Because if the number of people who don't buy their latest game is greater, than the number of people who are, then, and only then, will Electronic Arts care about what we have to say.

But it seems like once again, you all fell for their lies about Battlefront II, and you went out and spent money on a half-assed game that could've been given better treatment under a different gaming studio and game publisher.

Once again, it shows that all of you who wasted money on this game and the baggage that comes with it are suckers and easily swayed sheep.


You know, this whole thing reminds me of a wise statement that one person said in regards to Electronic Arts;

"This company is like a bad restaurant; they make bad business decisions, they inconvenience their customers, you hate the waiters, you hate the chefs, you hate the management, you hate the owners, you hate the food and you hate the way everything is put out in a half-assed manner...

...but you know what? Despite the countless lies and false promises they've made from past to present about 'improving their image' and 'better business practices', you all keep coming back here to pay money to eat their food and keep them in business

And another thing, petitions have been sent to Electronic Arts left and right in the past long before this whole diatribe regarding EA potentially ruining the Star Wars franchise with their 2 shitty games and the cancellation of potentially good Star Wars games made by other companies under their umbrella. I mean shit, does anyone remember that one gamer who took his complaints to the FCC in regards to Mass Effect 3's shitty endings?

And my question about this petition is this; if Electronic Arts didn't give a dead moose's last shit about petitions in the past, what makes you think they are going to give a flying fuck about this petition now?

Oh sure, EA lost $3.1 billion on the stock market in lost revenue, Disney is considering revoking their Star Wars license, and the politicians in the U.S. State of Hawaii are considering signing into law, the first, ever, anti-gaming lootbox and microtransaction laws in this nations history...

And even if all these things will negatively impact EA in the long run, they've proven time and time again that they just don't care.

And with this new petition being sent their way, I guarantee you that they are going to take this petition and wipe their own asses with it.

*sighs again*

Folks... gamers... regular people... Star Wars fans...

I really don't know what else to tell you.

Other than if you truly want to hurt EA, you need to hit their bottom line; which is NEVER buying another EA game or anything with their brand on it ever again, and actually staying true to this conviction and never listening to another false promise or lie that EA tells you to sucker you into buying a new game from them.

And I guarantee that if the number of people who actually follow up on this is greater than the number of people who are going out and buying EA products, THEN, and ONLY THEN, will EA take notice of how their bad business practices and treatment of gamers and the gaming industry is hurting their bottom line and everyone else in general.

Until you all stop falling of their lies and getting easily suckered into buying more games from them, they will continue along this path of bad business practices and not caring how mad the gamers and gaming community gets at them.

But hey, if all the negativity that's been brought down upon EA with Battlefront II for the past 2 months causes them to care, and if they do revert back to the way things were before they started this bad business practice and not giving a shit about gamers...

...I will be the first to come onto here and say; "Holy shit! I can't believe how wrong I was, Electronic Arts actually listened to us and to our complaints!"...

...but you know what? A week from now, a month from now, six months from now, or even a year from now, what are you guys gonna do?

Are you actually going to follow up on this conviction and never purchase another Electronic Arts game or anything with their stamp on it, and never falling for their lies, false promises and hope that they give you guys before every major game release?

Or are you just going to sit there in your sourpuss little selves and just deal with it while continuing to buy more games and merchandise from them in the vain hope that your money will bring them to their senses and they'll revert back to the way things were before 2007?

Think about it people. Just think about it.

Well, I'm done ranting for today.

I'm going to go play some Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition.

Have a good day, gamers.

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

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