Friday, January 25, 2019

Ghostbusters 3 is back in production, and the Hollywood Left loses it's collective shit over it...

Oh yeah folks, it's official;

Ghostbusters 3, a film that we all thought was confirmed dead since 2014 with the death of Harold Ramis, and especially in 2016 with the failure of that god-awful reboot that shit all over the legacy of the first 2 films, is now back in production.

From what's been revealed so far; Jason Reitman, the son of Ivan Reitman, who was the original director of Ghostbusters 1 and 2, will be directing Ghostbusters 3, and from what's been revealed as of this moment in time; the film will follow the events of the first 2 films and it will be an official continuation of where the story left off after the second film.

There's no word yet if any of the original cast and crew will make an appearance in this upcoming Ghostbusters, although, it would be interesting to see them make an appearance as mentors, where they show off the ropes and pass the torch on to new, younger Ghostbusters. Which apparently, according to some rumors, is going to be a major theme of this new film.

Naturally though, since this upcoming film is going to try and salvage the Ghostbusters name and legacy of this franchise after the anal rape that was Ghostbusters (2016), all the actresses, screenwriters, director, and especially the left-leaning femnazis and libtards in Hollywood are losing their collective shit over this new Ghostbusters film, and how it will NOT be a continuation of the 2016 version.

In fact, actress Leslie Jones is going so far as to call this new Ghostbusters film "so insulting", in regards to the so-called "hard work" that she and her co-workers put into the 2016 version. Which, of course Melissa McCarthy agrees with, probably along with Kirsten Wig and Kate Mckinnon. And, for all we know, Paul Fieg.

(*snort* Yeah, whatever, you deluded bitches. Keep trying to justify the non-existent success of your shitty failure of a feminist propaganda movie that nobody fucking asked for.)


Now, listen; I may not be an 80s kid (I was born in 1988), and I may not share the same love and enthusiasm that the longtime fans of this franchise have shared since 1984, but I do recognize the impact and legacy that the first 2 Ghostbusters films left on our culture.

And while I did not grow up with the original Ghostbusters films and cartoons, I did grow up on the 1990s cartoon sequel; Extreme Ghostbusters, which served as a sequel to the sequel cartoon to the first 1984 film. And just like the upcoming 2020 film; the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon followed a new group of young Ghostbusters mentoring under the original crew, and by the end of the series, the original Ghostbusters crew passes on the torch to the newer, younger generation.

If anything, that's what a proper sequel to Ghostbusters 2 should be now that it's been 30 years since that film.

So, all I have to say is; best of luck to you; Jason Reitman. Hopefully your movie will salvage the franchise, and please, for the love of whatever is left holy and sacred in the Ghostbusters franchise; do not left the Leftists in Hollywood taint your film.

And as for all the femnazis, libtards, social justice warriors, sexists, news media outlets and internet shitheads who are losing their minds over this new Ghostbusters film that will continue the story of Ghostbusters 2... humanity a favor; and shut, the, fuck, up.

Nobody gives two shits about your pathetic failure of a shitty femnazi's non-existent wet-dream movie that was the 2016 Ghostbusters.

In fact, the reported earnings and audience score should speak volumes about how terrible your movie truly was.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. So until next time...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea!

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