Sunday, December 15, 2019

Evanescence doesn't cut it for me anymore...

Oh boy... I never thought I'd be posting about my (somewhat formerly) favorite music artists on here, but in all honesty, this needs to be said;

Evanescence, a band that I, for the most part, have enjoyed listening to since 2004 when I was in high school up to now, has kinda gone downhill for me over the last couple of years with the decisions and outlandish claims that the band's frontwoman has made as of lately...

Sorry, my fellow goth and emo peeps...

...but this "new sound" and "new direction" that Amy Lee Hatzler has been pushing the band towards for the past 8 years since the release of their self-titled album in 2011... or if we truly want to be picky, the past 15 years which also includes the drama revolving around Ben Moody, David Hodges and their previous management after the release of Fallen... plus, the way she treated her musician ex-boyfriend by writing and releasing a full-on trash-talk song version about their bad breakup (come on, you don't do that shit even if you aren't a famous musician, that's something an 8 year old would do) and the way she treated the former members who helped in utilizing the distinct sound and style of Evanescence by firing/dismissing them for reasons that we still don't know about to this day (other than the same old excuse of 'they wanted to try new things!')...

I'm sorry, but this "new sound" and "new direction" just doesn't cut it for me.

Their most recent album, Synthesis (or should it be classified as a "remix" album?) that they put out 2 years ago which contains a good chunk of their old songs that have been remixed the way Amy "wanted it to be", along with the few new songs contained on it that completely abandon the style and sound that we old-timer fans grew to know and love?

Yeah, I'm not spending a damn penny of my hard earned money on this crap, and neither will I be purchasing whatever new album they have planned for 2020.

If you want to hear better remixes of Evanescence's older songs, just look up Enigma TNG's remixes, he does it a lot better and more dynamically than Amy or the producers at BMG ever could.

And do not, I repeat; DO, NOT, believe her bullshit lie of "Oh, this is what I've always intended for Evanescence to sound like since the beginning!"


Yeah... honey; George Lucas pulled that same shit for 15 fucking years (1997 - 2012) when he kept re-releasing the "special editions" of the original Star Wars trilogy with different edits, cuts, dialogue and additional effects added in or taken out completely, and shafting us out of the original, unedited versions that many of us grew to know and love...

...and look how fucking well that's turned out for him.


Also, the fact that she went and pandered to the Woke and SJW crowd with that one song she and the band made for Gears of War 5 (ugh), that's when Amy Lee Hatzler officially lost all credibility in my book, and in the books of those who aren't swayed by this toxic trash.

Amy, if you want to go and "do your own thing", feel free to do so. But don't drag Evanescence into "your own thing"... ok?

Or better yet, just end the band and then go "do your own thing" as a solo artist, since it's clear that the band you helped form has lost it's signature sound and flavor that many of us came to know and love since 2003.

So folks, as much as I hate to say it; Evanescence has gone downhill, and Amy Lee Hatzler has officially lost all credibility.

I still love their older works from the Origin EP up to The Open Door, and I will continue to enjoy those older albums for many more years to come.

But as for their new stuff?

Fuck no.

Anyway, I'm done ranting.

So until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

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