Friday, August 7, 2020

Yael T. Abouhalkah, you're a piece of shit. Period.

Man, if the left couldn't possibly get any more crazier than it already has with the kinds of people that are supporting them, or joining them, then the words of this foreign guy will hopefully open more eyes as to what the left truly wants.

His twitter post... in case anyone cares.

Yeah... no pal. I've only got one response to your retarded immigrant ass and your pathetic failure of a career you call "journalism";

Fuck off and go back to whatever 3rd world socialist shithole spat you out, you pathetic failure of a "journalist".

If you even bothered to do any fucking research on the matter, you will find that gun sales in the United States has SKYROCKETED over the last 5 months. So much that gun sales in 2020 has already surpassed 2012 and 2008's gun sale records.

And yes, while a good majority of those sales were due to concerns about COVID-19 and the George Floyd (ugh) riots, another reason why they spiked was due to how every time an election year rolls around, everybody who is on the right side of the political spectrum, or a gun supporter, will go out and buy as many guns as they can.


Cause just in case your side wins the election, those of us who own guns or support gun rights will have as many guns as we possibly can before you side completely restricts or bans them all.

So, in closing; to respond to your calls to kill the "unnecessary second amendment"...

...the gun-owning, right-leaning side of America says;

Fuck no.

I'm done.

Until next time folks;

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

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