Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Where have all the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy haters gone?

So, I'm kinda late for a "May the 4th Be With You"-related post about Star Wars. But hey, better late than never, right?

So for today, I ask a very interesting question;
Where have all the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy haters gone?
Seriously, for almost 18 years (1997-2015) I heard nothing but endless bitching and whining from these people about how "George Lucas ruined my childhood!" whenever it came to the debates about the PT and the changes made to the original Star Wars Trilogy. Although, other than the public outcries, it was the ones on the internet who screamed, ranted, bitched, whined and cried the loudest about the PT and everything else regarding the decisions that George Lucas made to his magnus opus.
So much so that in 2012, when George Lucas was asked about future Star Wars films along with the scripts he had written for a potential Star Wars TV show (which to my knowledge, were used in The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, and the upcoming Obi-Wan), his response was; "Why would I make any more, when everyone yells at you and tells you you're a horrible person all the time?"
Which led to him washing his hands of his creation, selling it to Disney, and riding off into the sunset in 2012.
But, in the 10 years that has passed since Disney bought Star Wars, and essentially ruined it with the last 2 mainline films by completely destroying the character of Luke Skywalker and breaking established lore with the decisions that Rian Johnson was allowed to make with JJ Abrams being unable to salvage it... and of course, the general decisions that Kathleen Kennedy and her feminist cohorts has made regarding the franchise, I've been noticing as of lately; that the majority of the Prequel Trilogy haters have gone almost completely silent.
Are you silent out of shame? Guilt? Embarrassment?
Well... good.
Because you fucking own this.
ALL of you, are the reason why Star Wars has now become a murdered franchise.
And quite honestly, you all don't need to remain silent.
What you need to do, is stop acting like a bunch of entitled fan-brats and fucking admit that you guys were the reason why George Lucas eventually threw up his hands and sold off his creations to Disney, who in turn, made an even worse continuation of the story that makes the story of the Prequel Trilogy look good.
Yeah, yeah, you can argue that George Lucas was planning to sell off Star Wars off for a long time, but if we were to take a different look from his perspective; I'd say that part of the decision he made to sell the franchise stemmed from all the public AND internet criticism that's been levied against him for years and years on end. Endless video rants, reviews, blog posts, Twitter tantrums, etc., I'm sure it all eventually became too much for him to handle, especially whenever he appeared on TV or in an interview to discuss future plans for Star Wars, and all you fan-brats would get your panties all twisted into a bunch over whatever he'd say in the interview or appearance.
Also, let's not forget that because of you rat-bastard fanboys bitching and whining during that time period; Jake Lloyd's (young Anakin Skywalker) career never went anywhere after The Phantom Menace, Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks' actor) nearly committed suicide when his own career started going downhill after TPM, and Hayden Christensen (the actor who played older Anakin Skywalker) has never landed another acting gig since Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (as far as I'm aware).
So good job, Star Wars fans. You've succeeded in turning a once beloved series, into another murdered franchise. You've succeeded in running off the man who truly understood this franchise with your endless bitching and ranting. You've succeeded in turning Star Wars into another woke franchise run by politically-driven social justice morons who try to push their progressive agendas into the forefront of the films, rather than giving us a good story that will entertain us.
Way to fucking go, you nerdy losers. Also, I find it hilarious how despite the wall of silence that has permeated from the PT haters, there is quite a nexus of them that actually want, George Lucas to come back and direct more Star Wars related media. ... ...... Yeah... I don't think George Lucas will ever come back, especially with how everyone treated him like trash, and now they've gone silent since an even worse continuation of Star Wars has been made.
But hey, like I said before; you don't need to remain silent.
What you SHOULD be doing, is stop listening to the words of fan-brat retards like RedLetterMedia, ConfusedMatthew, and anyone else like them.
Treat those toxic fuckers like the pieces of trash that they are.
And give George Lucas the apology he deserves from all of you.
Actually, scratch that.
You all owe George Lucas an ETERNITY of apologies for the way you treated him for 15 years (1997-2012), and for the current, sorry, stagnant state that Star Wars has devolved into.
Cause quite honestly, I don't see how future seasons of The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, or the upcoming Obi-Wan series is going to save the anal rape that Kathleen Kennedy and her feminist cohorts committed upon Luke Skywalker, the established lore, and even the Expanded Universe with The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker.
So Star Wars fans; you all need to fucking own up to your mistake.
Admit that you were wrong.
And give George Lucas the ETERNITY of apologies that he deserves from all of you.
I'm done.

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