Monday, November 14, 2022

The rocket attack in Poland...

 Well, supposedly the rocket attacks(?) that happened in Poland were (as some 'experts' are claiming) orchestrated by Russia...


Well, don't say that General George S. Patton didn't warn our grandparents about those scum-sucking communist fuckwits back in 1945.

As the movie from 1970 so eloquently put it (if the last phone conversation he had with General Beagle was proven to be true);

"Well the war shouldn't be over and we should stop PUSSYFOOTING ABOUT THE GOD-DAMNED RUSSIANS!

We're gonna have to fight them sooner or later anyway! Why not do it now while we've got the army here to do it with?! Instead of disarming these German troops, we ought to get them to help us to fight the damn Bolsheviks!"


Sadly though, that window of opportunity has closed forever since 1949, right after Russia got their hands on nuclear material and weapons of their own, and pretty much after General Patton was relieved of command and died from that "car accident" at the end of 1945 (*snort* yeah right).

So, what's the solution going forward?

LOL, what solution?

Do we send more of our tax dollars to the politicians who supposedly "stand in solidarity" with Ukraine by sending Ukraine more money? Hell no, not after the recent FTX virtual money fiasco that should prove beyond a shadow of a fucking doubt, how fucking corrupt the Democrat party really is.

Do we and the rest of the nations still allied with us, declare war on Russia and go for a full-scale invasion of that country? Fuck no. Because even though the Russian people have a long history of hating and violently overthrowing their leaders, whenever an outside force invades their country, they will unite and fight with a ferocity and scorched earth policy like nothing ever seen before.

Napoleon Bonaparte learned this harsh lesson in 1812, we learned this harsh lesson in 1922, and Adolf Hitler learned that lesson as well in 1945.

And given the fact that Russia has a shit-ton of nukes, they will more than likely, take that scorched earth policy beyond what their ancestors did to the farmlands, rural villages, and Stalingrad (Volgograd now), if we were to declare full-scale war against Russia tomorrow.

So, what can be done?

Fuck if I know.

The ball is in Europe's court now. Either they will be forced unite and fight to the last man like their ancestors have done so well throughout history against an aggressive, superior force, or they continue along the suicidal liberalism path that they've been going down for decades now.

And all the while, the radical Muslim world will probably take note of this chaos, and use it to their own advantage to settle their centuries-old grudges against the European people.


The world is fast turning into a really big mess, people.

And if this is the beginning of World War 3, all I can say is; invest in gold and silver bars now, stock up on food and water, keep your guns clean and your powder dry.

Well, let's brace for it, and see where things go from here.

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