Thursday, January 26, 2023

How the fuck can people still fall for this shit?

 Seriously folks, how can people still fall for the shit that liberal retards like James Cameron produce nowadays?

Avatar 2 has now gone over the $2 billion point in terms of box office records.


How can people still fall for this shit and give this asshole money?

I thought we've learned our lessons with the other woke and SJW Hollywood failures of the past decade.

Clearly not.

Oh well.

Me personally, I never saw the first Avatar in theaters, and I will never see this one in theaters either.

James Cameron will not be getting a dime of my money for his liberal-induced films that rip off other environmentalist films from decades ago.

Cause that's the only way we, the common people, are going to get Hollywood to care about our complaints.

Which is hitting their bottom line.

I'm done. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

A warning...

Things have really been falling apart at the seams here in America as of lately...

...and people still think that the police, the emergency services and the government will protect and take care of them?

Well, in the words of a certain wise man;

"The weak better buckle the fuck up, cause shit's about to go down."


That is all for now.

Monday, November 14, 2022

The rocket attack in Poland...

 Well, supposedly the rocket attacks(?) that happened in Poland were (as some 'experts' are claiming) orchestrated by Russia...


Well, don't say that General George S. Patton didn't warn our grandparents about those scum-sucking communist fuckwits back in 1945.

As the movie from 1970 so eloquently put it (if the last phone conversation he had with General Beagle was proven to be true);

"Well the war shouldn't be over and we should stop PUSSYFOOTING ABOUT THE GOD-DAMNED RUSSIANS!

We're gonna have to fight them sooner or later anyway! Why not do it now while we've got the army here to do it with?! Instead of disarming these German troops, we ought to get them to help us to fight the damn Bolsheviks!"


Sadly though, that window of opportunity has closed forever since 1949, right after Russia got their hands on nuclear material and weapons of their own, and pretty much after General Patton was relieved of command and died from that "car accident" at the end of 1945 (*snort* yeah right).

So, what's the solution going forward?

LOL, what solution?

Do we send more of our tax dollars to the politicians who supposedly "stand in solidarity" with Ukraine by sending Ukraine more money? Hell no, not after the recent FTX virtual money fiasco that should prove beyond a shadow of a fucking doubt, how fucking corrupt the Democrat party really is.

Do we and the rest of the nations still allied with us, declare war on Russia and go for a full-scale invasion of that country? Fuck no. Because even though the Russian people have a long history of hating and violently overthrowing their leaders, whenever an outside force invades their country, they will unite and fight with a ferocity and scorched earth policy like nothing ever seen before.

Napoleon Bonaparte learned this harsh lesson in 1812, we learned this harsh lesson in 1922, and Adolf Hitler learned that lesson as well in 1945.

And given the fact that Russia has a shit-ton of nukes, they will more than likely, take that scorched earth policy beyond what their ancestors did to the farmlands, rural villages, and Stalingrad (Volgograd now), if we were to declare full-scale war against Russia tomorrow.

So, what can be done?

Fuck if I know.

The ball is in Europe's court now. Either they will be forced unite and fight to the last man like their ancestors have done so well throughout history against an aggressive, superior force, or they continue along the suicidal liberalism path that they've been going down for decades now.

And all the while, the radical Muslim world will probably take note of this chaos, and use it to their own advantage to settle their centuries-old grudges against the European people.


The world is fast turning into a really big mess, people.

And if this is the beginning of World War 3, all I can say is; invest in gold and silver bars now, stock up on food and water, keep your guns clean and your powder dry.

Well, let's brace for it, and see where things go from here.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Elon Musk owns Twitter now...

 So... Elon Musk officially owns Twitter now, and the CEO, along with the other nitwits that made Twitter into the cesspool of scum that it became, are out.


Well, whoever it was that said karma doesn't exist, should probably rethink their viewpoints.

In any case, let's see where Elon takes things from here.

#MakeTwitterGreatAgain, #FuckJoeBiden, #LetsGoBrandon

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Russia is now recruiting inmates from their prison system to fight in Ukraine... where have we seen this before?

 So, the Russian government is now recruiting people from the Russian prison system to become the soldiers who will fight on the frontlines of the war in Ukraine...


...yes folks, you heard right.

Vladimir Putin, is recruiting, prisoners, from Russia's prison system.

...a prison system that contains the lowest of the low, the scummiest of scumbags, and the absolute worst that humanity could ever produce, will now be put in uniform, and sent to the frontlines in this war, with the promise that once they've served their time in uniform, they will either be pardoned or get a lesser sentence...


Well, don't say that "no one saw this coming!", or that "history doesn't repeat itself!"...

...cause guess what people? Adolf Hitler did the same thing when forming the Schutzstaffel, or the SS, before and during World War II.

You see, in that conflict, Hitler's original orders for the Wehrmacht (the army of Nazi Germany back then) was for them to carry out the Jewish extermination. However, many soldiers in the Wehrmacht were sickened by their actions and the orders they were given, and many of them wrote home about it or threatened to quit because of it.

So, to solve this problem, the Nazi Party created the SS. Which, contrary to what the history books will say, was mostly made up of former criminals such as terrorists, anarchists, arsonists, thieves, rapists, murderers, pedophiles, the list goes on. Hell, it even had members who followed Hitler since his early days in the 1920s.

All of these people were some of the most depraved, evil, psychotic pieces of human garbage that you would NEVER, want to meet in a dark alley.

And all of them were given one simple goal; root out guerilla activity and carry out the extermination of the Jews, the Gypsies (Romani people), Slavs, Russians, Communists, homosexuals, and so many more. They were the ones that Hitler assigned to do the dirty work that the Wehrmacht (or any other branch of the Nazi German military) would not do.


Because they were the only ones who were evil enough and depraved enough, to do it.

The unrelenting rule of guerilla warfare is this; if you are fighting a guerilla force, you will have no choice but to commit ethnic cleansing if you want to defeat them completely.

If you're not evil enough to do this, you lose.

And now that Vladimir Putin is basically doing the same thing that Hitler did, I don't know how well the Ukrainians will be able to hold their ground against a group of depraved, sick, criminally insane folks from a prison system that treats them FAR WORSE than our prison system does to it's inmates, who have basically been given free reign to do whatever they want now to innocent people, and not give a shit whether they live or die. Just so long as they can fulfill their own sick and twisted desires now that they're out of prison and in a position of power to do so.

Believe me folks, we're probably going to see a repeat of the many atrocities that Joseph Stalin and his secret police committed when they brutally suppressed revolutionaries and dissidents during his 35-year reign. And we are definitely going to see a repeat of what Adolf Hitler and the SS did during his 12-year rule.

Expect to see the exact same shit that our ancestors saw when they liberated the concentration camps after World War II in Europe ended.

It's not going to be pretty folks.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Shinzo Abe's assassination further proves how gun control doesn't mean shit to a determined criminal...

I wasn't sure on whether or not I wanted to comment on this event, but I'm going to comment on it in a different way.

Personally, I know nothing about Japan's politics or social spheres when it comes to their own domestic issues and what not.

But what is known for certain in the pro-2A community; is that Japan has some of the most hardcore, unyielding, strictest, gun control you will ever see in an Asian nation. Their gun laws and restrictions on guns are pretty much incomprehensible to half of us Americans, and they make Chicago's gun laws look like Bosie's.

But at the same time, we also need to take into account that Japan is a socially homogenous nation that isn't plagued by the gang and drug problems we have here in America. And even though they are a society that prides itself on respecting each other and the environment they all share, we must not forget that the reason why they are like this is because of the legal and moral punishment that comes with deviating from the norm or what is socially acceptable in Japanese society.

So surely, this level of gun control and control over the civilian population will stop mass shootings, horrible crimes and deviant behaviors, right?

Except for what happened a few days ago where Japan's former prime minister; Shinzo Abe, was assassinated by a maniac who used a gun that was basically, a homemade firearm that was cobbled together out of everyday parts you can buy at a hardware store.

Because once again; the criminal didn't care.

If someone is determined enough to commit a horrible crime, up to and including murder, the system can only hang them once.

And from what's been reported so far, this scumbag built several more homemade firearms and even homemade bombs of all things!

And yes, Japan has strict laws against murder, while there are more laws regulating firearms, and other laws against explosives or explosive devices and ingredients.

But once again; the criminal didn't care.

Cause believe me when I say this folks; there is NO LAW, out there that will completely stop a criminal from acquiring a firearm to commit felonies and perpetuate crimes such as the assassination of a political figure.

And in most cases where a crime like this takes place in a country where firearms are heavily restricted, the criminals will either make their own guns (which isn't hard to do. Just ask anyone who fought for the Irish Republican Army in the late 1960s - early 2000s during The Troubles, anyone who was part of the criminal activities of the Hell's Angels Australia chapters, or anyone who has worked/lived in the Khyber Pass region of Pakistan), or alternatively, they just find a way to smuggle them in (usually through the same people who smuggle in thousands of tons of drugs).

But, as usual, the world's political figures will look at this event and proclaim the usual gun control statements like they always do.

Despite the fact that no matter what laws, rules or regulations are on the books, there's no way to completely stop a criminal from creating their own guns at home for whatever crime or nefarious violation they are willing to commit.

Anyway, that's all I've got to say about this event.

And even if it's not my place to say so, rest in peace, Shinzo Abe. Regardless of whatever it is that you believed in, championed, or campaigned for, it's really sad that a fucked up individual sought to kill you over some petty, trivial bullshit.

So, rest easy dude.

I'm done.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The terrorist attack in Norway...

So... looks like there's yet another act of terrorism that has struck Norway again.

However, instead of it being an attack perpetrated by one of those "Europe first!" extremists, this attack in Norway was perpetrated by another loser of the pisslamic faith. And as of this posting, his body count is 2 dead with 21 more injured before he was brought down by some random good Samaritans passing by, and was detained by them until the police arrived to arrest him.


Members of the European Union...

What are you going to do in response to this attack?

Are you going to stand up and strike back against the pisslamic virus that has overtaken and been destroying your continent for the last several years while your leaders cowered and placated the social justice warriors, the liberals and the woke crowds?

Especially now that we've all come to realize that there are quite a few verses in the Koran that advocate the killing of homosexuals?

Or are you going to host another cringe-inducing 'interpretive dance/movement' like you did at the last parliamentary session that was supposedly for 'standing in solidarity with Ukraine', despite how cheesy and cringe-inducing it was to begin with, while your leaders and politicians continue to banter and babble off their suicidal liberalism policies?


Well, as that old saying goes from a wise man from so long ago; "The joke used to be; 'Once you go Swede, you'll drink all the mead'. Now, the new joke is; 'Once you go Swede, your daughter gets raped by a jihad johnnie'."

I'm done.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The new trailer for 5th film in the Predator franchise just dropped... and this is my warning for everyone...

So... the trailer for the new film in the Predator franchise just dropped.

The new film is called; 'Prey'.

And from what's been revealed so far; it's a Predator film that's going to take place in colonial times(?) where the Predator is hunting both Native Americans and European Colonists...



You know... on one hand; I find it interesting that the filmmakers chose Native Americans to be the main stars of this new Predator film. Cause when you look at the bigger picture; alot of Native American folklore in real life talks about invisible entities that would hide and hunt in the forested areas of North America, and how the elders/shamans/etc., of many Native American tribes would warn their tribesmen to not venture into the forests or mountains where these invisible, shimmering entities reside. Because to do so would result in death, since these entities cannot be fought with conventional means.

But... on the other hand; given the time period that they've chosen to set this new Predator film in, I'm worried that this new film is going to have some bullshit SJW, virtue signal message attached to it, since from what we've seen in the trailer so far, it's the European-looking Colonists that are getting taken out by the Predator, while the Native Americans barely get a scratch.

And we've all seen what happened to the other franchises of the 80s and 90s when the progressive crowd in Hollywood got their dirty little paws on them;

They became murdered franchises.

Star Wars, Terminator, the Men in Black franchise, Ghostbusters (well, until Afterlife retconned the shitty 2016 feminist reboot), the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Disney live-action remakes, The Purge franchise, etc., we've seen it happen so many times before.

So if this new film in the Predator franchise goes that same route, don't say that you weren't warned beforehand, Predator fanboys.

You all bitched and ranted about Predator 3 (2010) and Predator 4 (2018) being crappy movies and how they are 'repeating the same bullshit we've seen over and over again!'...

...and now that there's a new Predator film coming out that, from the first impressions, looks like it's going to go down the virtue signaling, social justice-driven, progressive route... Predator fanboys will have no one to blame but yourselves if and when that happens.

Which is exactly how the Star Wars fanboys have no one to blame but themselves, for how they treated George Lucas and the Prequel Trilogy for 15 fucking years (1997 - 2012), and for the sad, sorry state that Star Wars has devolved into for the last 10 years (2012 - 2022).

Me, on the other hand, I have grown to love the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, and will continue to do so.

Just like how I enjoy Predator 3 (2010) and Predator 4 (2018).

Same with Terminator 3 and Terminator: Salvation.


Well folks, let's see where this new film in the Predator franchise will take things.

And while I'm at it; Hollywood progressives, stay the fuck away from Robocop and the Alien franchise. Cause Robocop (2014) was pretty damn good, and Prometheus and Alien Covenant were both great in their own rights as well.

And to the fanboys of those franchises; quit bitching about those films and learn to love them. Cause if you don't, then Hollywood is going to inevitably give them the same cancerous social justice treatment that they gave to the other franchises we all loved and cherished in our youth.

That is all.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Where have all the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy haters gone?

So, I'm kinda late for a "May the 4th Be With You"-related post about Star Wars. But hey, better late than never, right?

So for today, I ask a very interesting question;
Where have all the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy haters gone?
Seriously, for almost 18 years (1997-2015) I heard nothing but endless bitching and whining from these people about how "George Lucas ruined my childhood!" whenever it came to the debates about the PT and the changes made to the original Star Wars Trilogy. Although, other than the public outcries, it was the ones on the internet who screamed, ranted, bitched, whined and cried the loudest about the PT and everything else regarding the decisions that George Lucas made to his magnus opus.
So much so that in 2012, when George Lucas was asked about future Star Wars films along with the scripts he had written for a potential Star Wars TV show (which to my knowledge, were used in The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, and the upcoming Obi-Wan), his response was; "Why would I make any more, when everyone yells at you and tells you you're a horrible person all the time?"
Which led to him washing his hands of his creation, selling it to Disney, and riding off into the sunset in 2012.
But, in the 10 years that has passed since Disney bought Star Wars, and essentially ruined it with the last 2 mainline films by completely destroying the character of Luke Skywalker and breaking established lore with the decisions that Rian Johnson was allowed to make with JJ Abrams being unable to salvage it... and of course, the general decisions that Kathleen Kennedy and her feminist cohorts has made regarding the franchise, I've been noticing as of lately; that the majority of the Prequel Trilogy haters have gone almost completely silent.
Are you silent out of shame? Guilt? Embarrassment?
Well... good.
Because you fucking own this.
ALL of you, are the reason why Star Wars has now become a murdered franchise.
And quite honestly, you all don't need to remain silent.
What you need to do, is stop acting like a bunch of entitled fan-brats and fucking admit that you guys were the reason why George Lucas eventually threw up his hands and sold off his creations to Disney, who in turn, made an even worse continuation of the story that makes the story of the Prequel Trilogy look good.
Yeah, yeah, you can argue that George Lucas was planning to sell off Star Wars off for a long time, but if we were to take a different look from his perspective; I'd say that part of the decision he made to sell the franchise stemmed from all the public AND internet criticism that's been levied against him for years and years on end. Endless video rants, reviews, blog posts, Twitter tantrums, etc., I'm sure it all eventually became too much for him to handle, especially whenever he appeared on TV or in an interview to discuss future plans for Star Wars, and all you fan-brats would get your panties all twisted into a bunch over whatever he'd say in the interview or appearance.
Also, let's not forget that because of you rat-bastard fanboys bitching and whining during that time period; Jake Lloyd's (young Anakin Skywalker) career never went anywhere after The Phantom Menace, Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks' actor) nearly committed suicide when his own career started going downhill after TPM, and Hayden Christensen (the actor who played older Anakin Skywalker) has never landed another acting gig since Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (as far as I'm aware).
So good job, Star Wars fans. You've succeeded in turning a once beloved series, into another murdered franchise. You've succeeded in running off the man who truly understood this franchise with your endless bitching and ranting. You've succeeded in turning Star Wars into another woke franchise run by politically-driven social justice morons who try to push their progressive agendas into the forefront of the films, rather than giving us a good story that will entertain us.
Way to fucking go, you nerdy losers. Also, I find it hilarious how despite the wall of silence that has permeated from the PT haters, there is quite a nexus of them that actually want, George Lucas to come back and direct more Star Wars related media. ... ...... Yeah... I don't think George Lucas will ever come back, especially with how everyone treated him like trash, and now they've gone silent since an even worse continuation of Star Wars has been made.
But hey, like I said before; you don't need to remain silent.
What you SHOULD be doing, is stop listening to the words of fan-brat retards like RedLetterMedia, ConfusedMatthew, and anyone else like them.
Treat those toxic fuckers like the pieces of trash that they are.
And give George Lucas the apology he deserves from all of you.
Actually, scratch that.
You all owe George Lucas an ETERNITY of apologies for the way you treated him for 15 years (1997-2012), and for the current, sorry, stagnant state that Star Wars has devolved into.
Cause quite honestly, I don't see how future seasons of The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, or the upcoming Obi-Wan series is going to save the anal rape that Kathleen Kennedy and her feminist cohorts committed upon Luke Skywalker, the established lore, and even the Expanded Universe with The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker.
So Star Wars fans; you all need to fucking own up to your mistake.
Admit that you were wrong.
And give George Lucas the ETERNITY of apologies that he deserves from all of you.
I'm done.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

My head cannot possibly hurt any more than it already is with this new development...

There is a reason why Afghanistan is known as; "The graveyard of Empires"... ...because damn near every empire or world power that has tried to invade and conquer this harsh, unforgiving region of the Far East, has ended in complete fucking failure, with the would-be conquerors leaving Afghanistan with massive body counts, severe political and social turmoil, and even more unstable and chaos-ridden than before. And more than likely, the would-be conquerors end up going through a massive societal and country-wide breakdown of their own culture and government due to the foolishness of trying to challenge the Afghan Mujahedeen on the battlefield. Shit, we've already seen what happened to the Soviet Union after they left Afghanistan in 1989; 2 years later, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics broke into pieces, and now they are little more than a faded memory. Plus, let's never forget how fucking evil the Soviet Union was. That government murdered twice the number of people than Hitler ever did. And if we are truly being honest here, we should've let Stalin and Hitler fight to the death in World War II, rather than trying to get involved in that conflict. Cause really, what more could the world ask for? Two of the most hated, despicable men on earth, pushing the most asinine political philosophies, fighting to the death in the most destructive and brutal conflict in human history. We all should've just let them fight it out. And hey, if one of them beat the other and survived to become a serious threat, then the United States can join the Western Allies in beating down the threat. But no, instead, jerkass scumbag Roosevelt chose to side with Stalin since he was a scum-sucking communist himself, and his decisions to get involved in World War II is what saved the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Which in turn, allowed Joseph Stalin and his successors to murder and torture millions of innocent people for decades to come. Well, that is, until the Afghan Muslims broke the will of the Soviets and shattered their empire after 10 years of conflict, and then 2 years later the Soviet Union dissolved. So on one hand; yes, the world owes a debt of gratitude to the Mujahedeen of Afghanistan for destroying the most evil nation on earth. Always remember; Roosevelt and his socialist cronies are what saved the Soviet Union, and the Afghan Muslims are the ones who shattered it. So that brings me to the ultimate question today; will the same thing happen to the United States since we are now apparently leaving Afghanistan after 20 YEARS(!!!) of conflict after the horrible event of September 11, 2001? I mean shit, we've been in Afghanistan TWICE as long as the Russians were there, and from what I've been seeing for the past 10 years in America, we're going through a MASSIVE cultural, governmental, political and societal breakdown that eerily mimics that of the final days of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics! So does that mean the United States is going to suffer the same fate that the Soviet Union fell into? Where we become divided into different republics and individual countries rather than a united whole? Honestly, I don't know what the answer is anymore. But I'm going to keep stocking up on dried food and water, just in case. And if this truly the beginning of the end for the American Republic... well, then maybe those hardcore survivalists such as Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski and the people that made up the Branch Davidians were right all along; America is fucked, and this Union is going to be destroyed. So prepare yourselves for the end as best as you can, and make your peace with whatever God or deity you choose to believe in. Now as for the news footage of all those Afghan refugees trying to catch a ride on a military or civilian plane leaving Afghanistan? Well, that certainly evokes the memories of the innocent South Vietnamese citizens and refugees who were trying to escape on the US Military helicopters leaving Saigon in 1975... now doesn't it? But the truth of the matter is this; a majority of those refugees are the moderate Muslims who fight against the more asinine ones. You know, the moderate Muslims who will ally with the West because they know how committed the more radical ones are in spreading their message of "submit to Allah, or die!". And then America will come in with the greatest fighting force the world has ever known... ...oh wait, MSNBC, CNN and the DNC are upset. Never mind, moderates! Buh-bye! You're all on your own now! So America pulls out, radical motherfuckers like Boko Haram, the Islamic State, Al-Quaeda, the neo-Hezbollah, and this new wave of neo-Taliban comes in and does the same shit again and again of mass murder, rape, torture and dictatorship. Different names, sure... but it's all the same mass murder asininity and religious insanity. And maybe 5 years later after a massive attack or massacre of these moderate Muslims at the hands of the more radical and asinine ones, people will change their Facebook profile pictures into a "memorialization" picture in honor of those folks, which goes to show how much this country and it's government really cares. But hey, at least the current administration is all about the fucking climate change and getting rid of all those pesky assault rifles! Good to see that they're on top of that! *sigh* Seriously folks, these events, along with all the shit Obama did (the constant drone strikes), is going to go down in history as part of the list of America's greatest embarrassments on the world stage. And quite honestly, I don't know how anyone can ever trust us anymore, or even bother to work with us ever again. Especially when a Democrat is in office. Bottom line; we royally screwed the more innocent people and moderate Muslims of Afghanistan over. Granted, we screwed them over with the decision George W. Bush (*ahem*, excuse me, Colonel Clusterfuck) made in choosing to invade Afghanistan, and later, Iraq (don't even get me fucking started on that mess). When we should've just gone after Osama bin Laden in the first place, rather than trying to declare war on two nations. And now, the innocent moderate Muslims are paying the price for our misdeeds, while there's a new Cold War brewing in the Middle East between the two biggest powers over there; Saudi Arabia and Iran. In closing, this is the reason why when America was founded, one of the major principles was to have the same mentality that the people of Switzerland have; be an armed, but polite society, and stay completely neutral from all the world's conflicts and turmoil. Sure, be friendly, trade and do business with other nations if you wish. But DO NOT get involved in their politics and wars. Cause choosing to tread on that road will lead down the path of madness and fuckery. Which is exactly, what is happening now in America, and the rest of the world. So what's the solution? I don't know. Remember, I'm just a nobody, ranting into the chasm of the internet. I'm done.