Friday, December 25, 2015

Konami's treatment of Hideo Kojima, their employees, their supporters and fans, and why this shouldn't surprise anyone at this point...

You'd think that with Christmas, there would be something to be happy about in regards to the gaming world, right?

Well, unfortunately, we've got yet another disappointing bit of news for anyone who's ever been a fan of the Japanese game developer Konami, and the franchises under it's belt that were created by the brilliant mastermind; Hideo Kojima.

Keep in mind though, I am not a fan of Konami, nor am I a fan of anything related to Kojima's work. And no, it's NOT because I dislike them, they just don't appeal to me. That's all.

But honestly, with the way Konami has treated Kojima, the Metal Gear fans, and pretty much everyone who's a fan of their works, and the actions that they've taken so far in 2015, are pretty fucking low, if you ask me.

But then again, when you look at Konami's actions for the past 5 years or so, it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which direction this company is heading.

I mean really, slot machine games of Castlevania? Along with the subpar 3rd person hack n' slash series that was Castlevania: Lords of Shadow?

Cancelling P.T., a playable game trailer that showed a lot of promise and hope in the revitalization of the Silent Hill series?

Treating Hideo Kojima, a man who's work put your company on the map back in the days of the NES and Super NES days, like garbage by removing his name from the game boxes of anything he's ever worked on now that he's been fired?

And not inviting him to the Game Awards ceremony this year when Metal Gear Solid V won the best action game and best score/soundtrack awards?

And treating the rest of your employees who worked with Kojima like trash by fucking up their corporate internet and telephone access?

And treating us, the gamers, like trash by removing P.T. from the PlayStation store, causing the other games that everyone purchased and downloaded from PSN onto their respective PlayStation 4s, to end up in a state of non-functionality because of a license check failure?


You know, with all of this that has been happening for the past couple of years, this is one of the reasons why I never became a fan of Konami.

Hell, even when I was a kid growing up in the 90s, and even later when I was a teenager in the early 2000s when Konami was at it's peak, I never found their games interesting or appealing.

Look, Metal Gear might be an amazing series that has kept Konami in the spotlight for so many years, but it's not the greatest fucking game series to ever hit the world.

Besides, all of it's ham-fisted politically charged commentary and long as fuck cutscenes never appealed to me. I play videogames for entertainment, not to play for 5 minutes and then get taken out of the action for 30 minutes while my character gets lectured with the same global and political bullshit I see and hear in public and on the news.

And that's the reason why I never liked Metal Gear.

Granted though, I was among many gamers who was looking forward to Six Days in Fallujah back in 2009, but then Konami backed out of the deal like the politically correct pussies that they were, and said nope.

And that's when I personally resolved to never invest any time or money into Konami.

But God forbid, if you badmouthed Konami years before this shitstorm started happening, all the Konami fan-tards would jump on your ass, bitch you out, and call you an ignorant fuck for "not appreciating such fine art!".

But now that Konami is treating said fan-tards who supported and defended their actions for decades, in the same manner that Electronic Arts treats it's fanbase and customers...

...what do you Konami fan-brats have to say now?

Can you still keep defending your precious gaming idol and their pretentious, ham-fisted games?


Folks, I'm not sure what else to say about this whole thing.

But, I suppose the only thing that can be said here about the actions of Konami, and the firing of Kojima, is this;

Do not give Konami another moment of your business, and do not spend a dime on any of their products from this point onward.

If the actions of Konami has pissed you off, as a gamer or as a longtime fan, then hit them where it hurts; their bottom line.

Cause ranting and screaming about Konami and their actions won't do jack shit if you keep buying their shit.

Something that I wish gamers and the fanboys would realize and do about Electronic Arts. Especially with how sub-par Star Wars: Battlefront (2015) was.

Anyway, that's all I have to say about the scumbags that make up Konami.

If their actions have caused you to get angry and unsatisfied with them, then do the sensible thing; hit their bottom line by not buying, investing, or giving any moment of time to their products from this point on.

And instead, devote your time and money towards Kojima's new independent studio, and whatever games he has planned for the future.

Until next time folks,

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Why the American news media is disgusting, and why Diane Feinstein is a fucking moron...

So, the debating and the usual tussle of "we need more gun control!" begins again...

However in their sad, pathetic and misguided attempts to influence the politicians to enact more gun control here in America, the news media took a past event and spun it in a way that not only made me sick, but also spits in the faces of the victims who perished in this past event.

The event that our news media chose to sensationalize this time, was the Port Arthur Massacre, which occurred in in 1996 in Tasmania, Australia.

Just like the Hungerford Massacre in the United Kingdom in 1987, the Port Arthur Massacre was a mass shooting perpetrated by your typical, mentally challenged, disaffected loner scumbag. He killed 35 people and wounded 23 more before surrendering to the police. A body count that's absurdly higher than any other murder sprees that have been perpetrated in Australia...

(Unless you want to include the millions of innocent Australian Aborigines murdered by the European settlers... but that's a rant for another day)

After this event, the Australian government issued a massive gun ban and confiscation program.

Since then, violent crime has skyrocketed in Australia. Any cusory google search will show that the number of muggings, theft, rape, robbery and assault have been increasing since the passage of the 1997 gun control acts.

Because once again; criminals, don't, care.

And what makes this whole affair even sadder is that Australia doesn't have their own National Rifle Association. Oh sure, there are a few pro-gun Australians who are fighting for their rights as gun owners, and I happen to be subscribed to one of them on YouTube who goes by the name of AussieFeralControl. But from what I saw on this news broadcast, it seems like everyone over there is content with being good little sheep who will trust and follow whatever their government says.

It's really sickening how our news media are willing to drag the families and friends of the victims of the Port Arthur Massacre through more pain and misery just to fill the sails of their news report.

Someone pointed out that while Australia hasn't had any mass shootings since then, they never really had any prior to the massacre.

And that's where we need to remember; that mass shootings are the headline grabbing anomilies. They are the big fish that the news vultures are looking to fry and serve up on a silver platter to the stupids who believe any word they say.

You are more likely to get your head caved in by a local Donnie the Dirtbag thug looking to steal your wallet, and even that won't make the evening news.

And as far as the United States Supreme Court is concerned when they announced that they are turning down a lawsuit set forth by several pro gun activists to overturn the insane gun bans that Chicago, Detroit and New York City has, and that they would support new gun control measures, all I'm going to say is this;

Members of the Supreme Court, if any of you bothered to read on the history of your position, then all of you should know good and damn well that the Supreme Court was founded on the principles of common law and that there is a law higher than the laws of men or governments, and it is your job to seek out and enforce this law.

But since you've shown that you do not care for these principles anymore, and you're just rolling along with whatever the government tells you is right or wrong, you can be sure that when voting time comes around, I will cast my vote to make sure all of you are voted off the bench and replaced with those who understand common law and are willing to enforce the law that is higher than the laws of governments or men, and not go along with whatever the government says is right or wrong.

The last time a supreme court went along with whatever their government said was right or wrong, 20.9 million people were sent to concentration camps and gas chambers.

Are we really that forgetful about history?

And as far as Diane Feinstein's ridiculous statement about how it's "human nature" for a criminal to surrender to a police officer, repeat it with me everybody;

Criminals, do, not, care.

Believe me, the number of criminals who choose to fight a cop far outnumbers the criminals who choose to surrender to a cop.

Cause once again,

Criminals, don't, care.

And if any of you are genuinely concerned about your rights to own firearms, then do the sensible thing;

Call your local councilmembers, congressmen, senators, etc., show them that you're from their district, you're registered to vote, and that you will be watching them during the debate. Demand that they say NO to new gun control measures, and demand that they enact some form of pro conceal carry law that will allow you, the law abiding citizen, to defend themselves from the meth-mouth Donnie Dirtbag thug looking to mug you for your wallet, or the sand-negro Jihad Jonny who's looking to halla-snackbar your ass for not submitting to pisslam.

It's time we the people, do more to protect ourselves from the scum of the world.

Friday, December 4, 2015

The attack in San Bernardino... and what needs to be done...

So... now we Americans have experienced our own Paris and Mumbai-style attack here in America by two pisslamic monkeys...

While the death toll isn't as big as the death toll of the other attacks, it's still enough to grab the attention of the nation and the world...

And it all boils down to what I've said countless times whenever there's a mass killing event like this in our country; no matter how many laws are on the books regarding the regulation or banning of guns or explosives, the criminals don't care.

If you're going to choose a career of crime, and if you're already going to break a bunch of laws up to and including mass murder, they can only hang you once if they catch you.

Also, let's not mince the words or worry about "offending" people anymore...

These pisslamic sand-negroes have proven time and time again that they want you to submit to their laughable religion, or face death for being a non-believer.

I mean really, the word 'Islam' literally means; 'submission'.

And that's what it's believers truly want from everyone in the world; submission, or death.

Fuck the multi-culturalists, the SJWs, the liberals, the White people-bashers, the Euro-haters and the Arab apologists who say that; "Islam is a peaceful religion at it's heart!", or "The actions of this couple shouldn't be used to judge their religion and anyone who believes in it!"

Because with events like this, and the many others that have been happening for the last couple of years during the Obama Administration, the followers of Pisslam have proven time and time again, that neither they, nor their religion, are truly about peace and harmony.

Especially when you've got 45-year old men getting married to 12-year old girls on that side of the world, and in their eyes, it's acceptable and legal. When in reality, such an act of marriage should be disgusting and abhorrent to any sane-minded individual.

So you know what?

Fuck 'em.

Now, as for this recent pisslamic terror attack and the response to it?

Let's not forget that California has some really strict laws against guns, explosives and murder.

But once again, these criminals didn't care.

A wise man once said that; "if you look like food, you will be eaten". And that's what criminals do; they are the roaring lion seeking whoever they can devour, including you. If they wanted to get what they want the honest and straight way, then they would go get a fucking job. Instead, they choose the way of the criminal, the predator, and they are looking for the easy prey that will not put up any resistance.

But if the tables are turned and you pull a gun to defend yourself, then you are no longer prey. You are work. And hopefully, the criminal will leave you alone and go find easier prey to pick on. If he or she still doesn't leave you alone, then you must do what is necessary to protect yourself, your family, your friends, your community, etc.

We saw this happen in Garland, Texas back in May of this year when two other monkeys of the pisslamic faith tried to attack the Curtis Culwell Center that was hosting a "draw Mohammed day" event, but they were engaged by a Garland police officer who was just there to keep watch at the event along with a security guard, and who both of the terrorist fucks foolishly chose to shoot at first.

The only casualties that day were the two pisslamic criminal thugs, who were severely wounded by the Garland cop and then later killed by the responding SWAT team when they tried to get more weapons from their vehicle. While the security guard who was in the same car with the cop was shot in the ankle, but survived and is continuing to live his life happy and free, thanks to the gun his partner used to defend himself, his friend, and the people ofhis community.

Since then, I think that the pisslamic terrorists of the world have realized that if they try to commit a mass attack in an American state where everyone has some form of a conceal carry permit, or where the police aren't a bunch of incompetents when it comes to responding to an active mass shooter situation, then their careers as criminals and martyrs will be painfully short.

So now I think they are choosing states that are more easier to pick on, states with extreme gun control, and where no one can effectively fight back or respond against them. Such as California.

Seriously though, look how long it took for the San Bernardino police to effectively neutralize the situation and secure the entire scene. You'd think that after the Chris Dorner event 2 years ago, it would've taught them to be more prepared for a situation like this.

Clearly not.

And once again, it all boils down to what's been proven time and time again about states with extreme gun control; when you kill off your gun culture, you're also killing off the instructors and those with the knowledge of the tool who can effectively pass down their knowledge to those who are trying to protect and serve their community, whether they are a cop or a CCW permit holder

Which leaves the community less safe, but the criminals are more safer.

Remember this people;

The average number of casualties in a mass shooting before the shooter is stopped by law enforcement: 14

The average number of casualties in a mass shooting before the shooter is stopped by a CCW holder: 2.5

So, that's my take on this whole thing.

And if anyone out there is concerned about defending themselves from these pisslamic assholes, then do the sensible thing; call your local senators, congressmen, councilmembers, representatives, etc., show that you're from their district, you're registered to vote, let them know that you will be watching them during the debates, and demand, I say again, DEMAND, that they reject any sort of new gun control measures, and that they enact some form of pro conceal or open carry laws in your state, city, town, etc.

It's time that we as a society do more to protect ourselves and our fellow man or woman from the pisslamic and criminal scum of the world.