Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Why the American news media is disgusting, and why Diane Feinstein is a fucking moron...

So, the debating and the usual tussle of "we need more gun control!" begins again...

However in their sad, pathetic and misguided attempts to influence the politicians to enact more gun control here in America, the news media took a past event and spun it in a way that not only made me sick, but also spits in the faces of the victims who perished in this past event.

The event that our news media chose to sensationalize this time, was the Port Arthur Massacre, which occurred in in 1996 in Tasmania, Australia.

Just like the Hungerford Massacre in the United Kingdom in 1987, the Port Arthur Massacre was a mass shooting perpetrated by your typical, mentally challenged, disaffected loner scumbag. He killed 35 people and wounded 23 more before surrendering to the police. A body count that's absurdly higher than any other murder sprees that have been perpetrated in Australia...

(Unless you want to include the millions of innocent Australian Aborigines murdered by the European settlers... but that's a rant for another day)

After this event, the Australian government issued a massive gun ban and confiscation program.

Since then, violent crime has skyrocketed in Australia. Any cusory google search will show that the number of muggings, theft, rape, robbery and assault have been increasing since the passage of the 1997 gun control acts.

Because once again; criminals, don't, care.

And what makes this whole affair even sadder is that Australia doesn't have their own National Rifle Association. Oh sure, there are a few pro-gun Australians who are fighting for their rights as gun owners, and I happen to be subscribed to one of them on YouTube who goes by the name of AussieFeralControl. But from what I saw on this news broadcast, it seems like everyone over there is content with being good little sheep who will trust and follow whatever their government says.

It's really sickening how our news media are willing to drag the families and friends of the victims of the Port Arthur Massacre through more pain and misery just to fill the sails of their news report.

Someone pointed out that while Australia hasn't had any mass shootings since then, they never really had any prior to the massacre.

And that's where we need to remember; that mass shootings are the headline grabbing anomilies. They are the big fish that the news vultures are looking to fry and serve up on a silver platter to the stupids who believe any word they say.

You are more likely to get your head caved in by a local Donnie the Dirtbag thug looking to steal your wallet, and even that won't make the evening news.

And as far as the United States Supreme Court is concerned when they announced that they are turning down a lawsuit set forth by several pro gun activists to overturn the insane gun bans that Chicago, Detroit and New York City has, and that they would support new gun control measures, all I'm going to say is this;

Members of the Supreme Court, if any of you bothered to read on the history of your position, then all of you should know good and damn well that the Supreme Court was founded on the principles of common law and that there is a law higher than the laws of men or governments, and it is your job to seek out and enforce this law.

But since you've shown that you do not care for these principles anymore, and you're just rolling along with whatever the government tells you is right or wrong, you can be sure that when voting time comes around, I will cast my vote to make sure all of you are voted off the bench and replaced with those who understand common law and are willing to enforce the law that is higher than the laws of governments or men, and not go along with whatever the government says is right or wrong.

The last time a supreme court went along with whatever their government said was right or wrong, 20.9 million people were sent to concentration camps and gas chambers.

Are we really that forgetful about history?

And as far as Diane Feinstein's ridiculous statement about how it's "human nature" for a criminal to surrender to a police officer, repeat it with me everybody;

Criminals, do, not, care.

Believe me, the number of criminals who choose to fight a cop far outnumbers the criminals who choose to surrender to a cop.

Cause once again,

Criminals, don't, care.

And if any of you are genuinely concerned about your rights to own firearms, then do the sensible thing;

Call your local councilmembers, congressmen, senators, etc., show them that you're from their district, you're registered to vote, and that you will be watching them during the debate. Demand that they say NO to new gun control measures, and demand that they enact some form of pro conceal carry law that will allow you, the law abiding citizen, to defend themselves from the meth-mouth Donnie Dirtbag thug looking to mug you for your wallet, or the sand-negro Jihad Jonny who's looking to halla-snackbar your ass for not submitting to pisslam.

It's time we the people, do more to protect ourselves from the scum of the world.

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