Friday, December 4, 2015

The attack in San Bernardino... and what needs to be done...

So... now we Americans have experienced our own Paris and Mumbai-style attack here in America by two pisslamic monkeys...

While the death toll isn't as big as the death toll of the other attacks, it's still enough to grab the attention of the nation and the world...

And it all boils down to what I've said countless times whenever there's a mass killing event like this in our country; no matter how many laws are on the books regarding the regulation or banning of guns or explosives, the criminals don't care.

If you're going to choose a career of crime, and if you're already going to break a bunch of laws up to and including mass murder, they can only hang you once if they catch you.

Also, let's not mince the words or worry about "offending" people anymore...

These pisslamic sand-negroes have proven time and time again that they want you to submit to their laughable religion, or face death for being a non-believer.

I mean really, the word 'Islam' literally means; 'submission'.

And that's what it's believers truly want from everyone in the world; submission, or death.

Fuck the multi-culturalists, the SJWs, the liberals, the White people-bashers, the Euro-haters and the Arab apologists who say that; "Islam is a peaceful religion at it's heart!", or "The actions of this couple shouldn't be used to judge their religion and anyone who believes in it!"

Because with events like this, and the many others that have been happening for the last couple of years during the Obama Administration, the followers of Pisslam have proven time and time again, that neither they, nor their religion, are truly about peace and harmony.

Especially when you've got 45-year old men getting married to 12-year old girls on that side of the world, and in their eyes, it's acceptable and legal. When in reality, such an act of marriage should be disgusting and abhorrent to any sane-minded individual.

So you know what?

Fuck 'em.

Now, as for this recent pisslamic terror attack and the response to it?

Let's not forget that California has some really strict laws against guns, explosives and murder.

But once again, these criminals didn't care.

A wise man once said that; "if you look like food, you will be eaten". And that's what criminals do; they are the roaring lion seeking whoever they can devour, including you. If they wanted to get what they want the honest and straight way, then they would go get a fucking job. Instead, they choose the way of the criminal, the predator, and they are looking for the easy prey that will not put up any resistance.

But if the tables are turned and you pull a gun to defend yourself, then you are no longer prey. You are work. And hopefully, the criminal will leave you alone and go find easier prey to pick on. If he or she still doesn't leave you alone, then you must do what is necessary to protect yourself, your family, your friends, your community, etc.

We saw this happen in Garland, Texas back in May of this year when two other monkeys of the pisslamic faith tried to attack the Curtis Culwell Center that was hosting a "draw Mohammed day" event, but they were engaged by a Garland police officer who was just there to keep watch at the event along with a security guard, and who both of the terrorist fucks foolishly chose to shoot at first.

The only casualties that day were the two pisslamic criminal thugs, who were severely wounded by the Garland cop and then later killed by the responding SWAT team when they tried to get more weapons from their vehicle. While the security guard who was in the same car with the cop was shot in the ankle, but survived and is continuing to live his life happy and free, thanks to the gun his partner used to defend himself, his friend, and the people ofhis community.

Since then, I think that the pisslamic terrorists of the world have realized that if they try to commit a mass attack in an American state where everyone has some form of a conceal carry permit, or where the police aren't a bunch of incompetents when it comes to responding to an active mass shooter situation, then their careers as criminals and martyrs will be painfully short.

So now I think they are choosing states that are more easier to pick on, states with extreme gun control, and where no one can effectively fight back or respond against them. Such as California.

Seriously though, look how long it took for the San Bernardino police to effectively neutralize the situation and secure the entire scene. You'd think that after the Chris Dorner event 2 years ago, it would've taught them to be more prepared for a situation like this.

Clearly not.

And once again, it all boils down to what's been proven time and time again about states with extreme gun control; when you kill off your gun culture, you're also killing off the instructors and those with the knowledge of the tool who can effectively pass down their knowledge to those who are trying to protect and serve their community, whether they are a cop or a CCW permit holder

Which leaves the community less safe, but the criminals are more safer.

Remember this people;

The average number of casualties in a mass shooting before the shooter is stopped by law enforcement: 14

The average number of casualties in a mass shooting before the shooter is stopped by a CCW holder: 2.5

So, that's my take on this whole thing.

And if anyone out there is concerned about defending themselves from these pisslamic assholes, then do the sensible thing; call your local senators, congressmen, councilmembers, representatives, etc., show that you're from their district, you're registered to vote, let them know that you will be watching them during the debates, and demand, I say again, DEMAND, that they reject any sort of new gun control measures, and that they enact some form of pro conceal or open carry laws in your state, city, town, etc.

It's time that we as a society do more to protect ourselves and our fellow man or woman from the pisslamic and criminal scum of the world.

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