Friday, September 9, 2016

And the biggest douchebag couple award of 2016 goes to...

...these two little ignorant fucks who look more like they came off the fucking streets.

Especially with how it looks like they've used colored trash bags for the fire and smoke on their so-called "costumes".

But as for what I have to say regarding this?


This... is... just...

I literally have no possible words of explanation for this...

To all my fellow cosplayers out there who read this; be prepared for the misinformed backlash that the cosplay community is going to recieve in the coming days from the mainstream press and the public at large.

Because of actions like the ones that these two cunts are guilty of commiting, things like cosplay and fandoms are, or get condemned, bashed and ridiculed by the public, the mainstream press, politicians, lobbyists, religious conservatives, moral panickers, etc., as being a group of immature teenagers and adults who have no respect for anything or anyone...

Bottom line; these two fuckers have, once again, made the cosplay community look bad in the eyes of the rest of the world with this action of theirs...

Normally, I never drop the c and f-bombs as much as I used to in my posts, but... these... these... fucking... cunts have crossed the fucking line between "Free Speech/Freedom of Expression", and "doing something so ridiculously stupid that your actions make an entire culture/fanbase/group/gathering/etc., look really bad"...

Fuck... just writing this whole spiel is pissing me the fuck off even more...

But for all we know, these two bitches are your typical anti-culture SJWs looking to stir up some shit in a community that they don't belong in or don't respect, trying to pass themselves off as belonging in said community, and then pulling shit like this so that the general public will get up in arms and find more excuses to start their smear campaigns against cosplayers and cosplay conventions.

There's plenty of instances of SJWs doing this in the past. And if that's what these two sad little fucks are, then I'm not surprised.


I suppose the best thing any of us can do is to spread the word that;

1) these two sad little fucks DO NOT represent the cosplay community with their actions

2) their actions are beyond distasteful and disrespectful in the extreme

3) their actions contribute to the already negative misconception that many in the public at large have about the cosplay community, and that all cosplayers out there need to shun their actions and inform the public that this is NOT who we are, and to let the public know about the immense amount of goodwill and community that cosplay brings to the world.

...well, that's all I have to say folks.

Until next time...

Good fuckin' night, America...

...and to all the ships out at sea.

Monday, June 20, 2016

A suggestion on how to make bars and nightclubs safe, at least... according to TheYankeeMarshal

Recently, YouTube user TheYankeeMarshal made a video regarding the shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. And in his video, he gave, what I think, is a good suggestion for anyone who's worried about protecting themselves when they are at a nightclub or bar.

Normally, I don't agree with anything this guy says since he falls into the beliefs that the left believes in. And I find it kind of hard to believe that he's a gun owner/supporter, yet he believes in and supports the party that wants to ban the exact same things he owns/supports.

But with this video he made about protecting ourselves in a nightclub or a bar, I think he's got a few good points and suggestions.

If there's one thing that the National Rifle Association and all responsible, law-abiding gun owners in this country should be supporting/lobbying for right now, is a "designated defender" program...

In layman's terms; let's take bars and clubs off the list of "gun free zones", and allow someone who's a sane-minded, law-abiding citizen that's licensed to carry (whether it's open or conceal carry) a gun to be allowed inside the bar or club.

However, just like the "designated driver", the "designated defender" will be the one who has already planned ahead to NOT drink a single drop of alcohol when they are at the bar/club/etc., that way, if trouble does come crashing through the bar or club doors (whether it's a mass shooter or not), looking to cause trouble or serious bodily harm to the patrons, up to and including killing said patrons, the sober, law-abiding gun owner will already be there as the immediate, violent response to the threat.

That's how your effectively end the immediate threat of a mass shooter; by allowing the law-abiding, conceal or open carry holder to be present in the area. They serve as the immediate, violent response against the mass shooter, and hopefully, they can also be the one who ends the threat of the mass shooter before the police arrive.

And if they can't successfully end the threat of the mass shooter right away, then they serve as the best distraction for the mass shooter to focus his or her attention on rather than continuing their mission of killing dozens of innocent people unopposed. At least until law enforcement can arrive to successfully defuse the situation.

Remember this people;

The average number of people killed before the mass shooter is stopped by law enforcement: 14

The average number of people killed before the mass shooter is stopped by an open/conceal carry holder: 2

Naturally though, the pacifist-minded liberal thinkers and peace loving hippies who can't comprehend the idea of someone carrying a gun (unless they are a cop... hardy, har, har...), will scream bloody murder at how an ordinary average joe who's carrying a gun cannot be trustworthy enough to not drink alcohol if they are allowed inside a bar or club, and how those people with guns are the most likely to cause trouble if they are allowed in bars or clubs.

To those people, I say this; stop getting your information from the media that gets their information from Western films that glorify and over-sensationalize bar gunfights, and realize that there is a fucking difference between FANTASY and REALITY.

This is not 1876, this is two thousand and goddamn sixteen.

The average number of actual bar shootouts here in America that resemble the Western-style bar shootouts from the days of old is at an extremely low percentage (around 12% last time I checked), at least in red and purple state America. While the percentage in blue state America is much higher (around 40% last time I checked) since the blue states have pretty much succeeded in stamping out their gun cultures...

And even then, these recorded events (in all the cases) were perpetrated by troublemakers and lawbreakers with already established criminal records and mentally ill pasts looking to cause trouble using weapons that they had obtained whether they were legal or not.

Because once again, criminals don't care.

While in the states that are more gun friendly and less restrictive towards gun owners; the bar owners and patrons in these incidents were law-abiding, sane-minded, gun owning citizens who simply used their guns (if they owned any and had them on their person at the time) to defend themselves from the criminal scum that burst through the bar/club doors looking to cause trouble.

Needless to say, the criminals in those cases weren't so lucky.

But, in closing...

If we can have a "designated driver" program dedicated to having at least one person planning ahead of time to be the one who will stay sober so that he or she can safely drive the drunks home without the risks of said drunks getting into their own car and weaving all over the road at 100 miles per hour until they get into an accident and kill someone...

Then let's get together as the law-abiding, gun owning citizens of the United States that we are, call up our Senators, Congressmen, Representatives, etc., show them that we're from their respective districts, we're registered to vote, and let's present to them the proposal of a "designated defender" program. A program that will finally take bars and clubs off the list of "gun free zones" and finally allow the sober, sane-minded, law-abiding citizen to defend him or herself...

It's time we do more to protect our fellow man and woman against the psychopathic maniacs, disaffected losers and religious nutballs of the world...'s time to actually make a change that benefits us, the People. Not the federal government.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Pulse Nightclub shooting...

So... here we are again...

Another mass shooting... with dozens, if not hundreds of lives displaced and destroyed... and a landscape and society forever changed by the actions of one psycho...

But once again, it's like I've stated countless times before;

Criminals. Don't. Care.

If you're going to break a bunch of laws, up to and including mass murder, they can only hang you once.

But, as usual;

The FBI will try to justify the huge fuck up they've caused once they realize that they should've kept closer tabs upon this pisslamic loser when the warning signs became painfully obvious...

The family and friends of this now-dead psycho will continue to say things like 'oh, he was just misunderstood!', or 'he really was a good boy!'...

The anti and pro gunners will begin their heated debates once more...

The cries of 'we have to do something!' will begin anew by the ones who fail to keep their emotions in check during a time of crisis...

The religious bigotry and hatred will spill out from all sides due to this event being a religiously-motivated attack...

The powerseekers and politicians will further exploit this tragedy for their own political and power-hungry gains, if they haven't done so already...

The celebrities, musicians, artists and the entertainment media will jump on the #prayfororlando bandwagon to further their own agendas...

No one will take into account that the current gun laws in America and 'no guns allowed' signs on the building did ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING to stop this guy from marching up to this nightclub to kill people...

And when the news media isn't demonizing the guns or the law abiding gun owners or pro-gun supporters who actually try to do the most to protect the innocent, or when they aren't demonizing the movies, music, videogames, comic books, or the hundreds of other things that plenty of people participated in yesterday without murdering anyone, they will continue to air the story of the mass killer in the background, telling the whole world his life story and all his worries and woes...

...the cycle repeats, and the next disaffected, angry loner takes notes on how he or she can go from worthless loser to the most famous person in the world.

So yeah, it's business as usual in this great country of ours once again...

Now go on about your day, people.

Cause really, it seems like that's all we ever do anymore...