Thursday, June 15, 2017

Valve Corporation, I am officially done with you.

Whelp, that certainly was an interesting E3 experience, wasn't it?

How about that announcement from Valve Corporation?

I'm sure that's EXACTLY what your longtime fans and supporters always wanted from you, right Valve?

Another fucking digital card game? Even though it's a proven fact how digital card games on videogame consoles are never a success?


Valve, what happened to you?

Why are you deciding to pull a GRRM when it comes to things like creating a proper conclusion to Half-Life? A game series that has been overrated to hell and back, modified to the last pixel, and slowly losing the love and interest it once garnered?

Why are you pulling a Konami on us, Valve?

Just... why?


You know what, I'm taking my dollars elsewhere now.

Congratulations Valve, you have succeeded in turning yet another of your longtime supporters into an anti-Valve consumer.

And as long as you keep going down this path you're currently taking, I will not be spending another dime on your games, and neither will I be using Steam to buy or play games.

Valve Corporation, I am officially done with you.

That is all.

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