Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Don't try to win a Darwin Award with a tool that is unforgiving of stupidity...

I haven't posted anything on here for quite awhile now.

Mainly because I don't have as much time to post my thoughts or opinions about any hot button or low-key topics and musings on here as much as I used to, and I'm trying to avoid running into the many stupids on the internet that makes me want to reach through my computer screen and beat their head repeatedly on whatever desk/table/etc., they...
happen to be sitting at.

But, due to a recent event that has happened in my former neck of the woods, that the totally unbiased news media (snort) felt the need to report on, I figured I might as well share my thoughts on the matter..., to make a long story short. The local news media where I used to live reported on an incident in San Bernardino (or somewhere near that area) where a man who was disassembling and cleaning his legally owned firearm in his garage, had to deal with the unfortunate situation of his gun going off while a round was in the chamber. Said round penetrated the ceiling, through the floor above, through a mattress, and into the body of his sleeping 2-year old daughter...

...obviously, the police were called, along with emergency medical responders, and the child was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Where as of this posting, she has made it through surgery and is recovering.

Alright... now that you've heard the story, time for me to share my thoughts on the matter...

If you're a gun owner, whether you are a newbie or a veteran, it always goes without saying;


Seriously. This should be common sense by now.

If people actually followed this simple common sense rule of firearm safety, then we would have less accidents like this and the progressives and left-wingers wouldn't be trying to pass so many damn laws that hurt law-abiding citizens and businesses relating to guns.

Another thing that should be common sense (even though some pro-gun folks [sometimes vehemently] disagree) is that if you are buying a gun for the first time, you should invest some of your time and money in a firearms safety course. Hell, sometimes the nice people behind the counter who are selling you your first gun are willing to help you out or point you in the right direction when it comes to firearms safety courses.

Remember, a firearm is a tool. But just like any other tool, it is extremely unforgiving of stupidity and users who don't read the safety or instruction manuals. And just like any other tool, it has the means of hurting the stupid and the uneducated who foolishly handle them.

So as it goes without saying; once you've bought your first gun, get trained and keep training. The more you train, the more better acquainted you will be with your firearm.

Now granted, because this event occurred in the People's Democratic Republic of Kaliforniastan, if you are looking for firearms safety training instructors or classes/courses, depending on where you live in that state, it may be easy for you to find a local gun range or firearms store or shop that contains employees who are willing to train you in the art of firearms safety and handling.

But in other areas, especially the elite, urban liberal cities like San Diego, Los Angeles or San Francisco, you may have to travel long distances, spend a lot of time searching Yellow Pages or Google for legitimate results, shell out extra cash, or jump through additional legal hoops before you can buy a gun and find a training course, instructor or class that will teach you all the know-how's of firearm safety.

But hey, in those areas, you all voted for the local legislature shutting down or driving off the gun ranges and stores/shops that contained the people willing to train others in firearm safety, because those mean, scary guns were so loud and disturbing!

Oh wait... the gun industry has had an easy solution to make guns quieter and lessen the impact of hearing damage of firearm owners! But you crybaby Democrats made that extremely hard and cost-prohibitive for the average law-abiding average joe citizen to obtain since 1934 because the previous decade was rife with scary men in fedora hats and trench coats using shoddily-crafted homemade versions of said solution to murder other scary men in fedora hats and trench coats! All because you people deemed alcohol to be a forbidden and immoral fruit for the American public. And when the Federal Government declares something to be a forbidden fruit, the people who really want that forbidden fruit will find ways to acquire it, sometimes through criminal and violent means and ways.

But hey, once again, you all voted for that.

In the words of that one famous internet meme; 'Deal With It'.

Anyway, I kinda got off-topic there. So it's time to bring things back to perspective, and drive the point home...

Let this event that the news media felt the need to report on, serve as an important reminder that once again; if you are going to own a gun, get some form of firearms safety training, always keep training to stay at the top of your game, and always, always, always... make sure your gun is unloaded before you disassemble or clean it.

Bottom line; do not try to win a Darwin Award if you're going to be a responsible, law-abiding gun owner. Even more so if you're a responsible, law-abiding gun owner living in an anti-gun state.

Because you make the rest of us responsible gun owners look bad.

And you give the liberals even more excuses to pass laws that disarm the rest of us.




That's it, folks.

Rant's over.

Now get out there and get certified in firearms safety.

And liberals, quit trying to disarm us and calling everyone who disagrees with your view racists, misogynists, homophobes and xenophobes.

Cause then you might win more elections.

 Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea!

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