Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Pennsylvania high school stabbing... and why criminals don't care...

So this time, we have another horrifying incident occur at an American high school...

However this time, the perpetrator pulled out a knife and stabbed 21 people before they were aprehended.

I'm sure that the school has some pretty strict policies regarding the prohibition of knives and guns on school grounds...

And sure... no one has died from this incident...


...but once again;

The criminal didn't care.

If someone is determined enough, they will find a way to hurt you, regardless of whatever laws, rules, regulations or prohibitions are in place.

Make guns hard to get, and knives, blades or improvised shanks become the weapon of choice. Like what happened in China in 2012 when a madman barged into an elementary school and stabbed 22 people with a knife, the majority of them being children. Which, by the way, occurred on the SAME WEEK, that the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre happened.

Make those hard to get, and other everyday objects become the weapon of choice, such as cars. Like how it goes down every other day in the United Kingdom when the jaded pisslamic losers decide to a-halla snackbar the random British citizens who are just walking down the sidewalk minding their own business.

Make those hard to get, and improvised explosives become the weapon of choice. Since, quite literally, anyone who's determined enough can walk into any hardware store and buy the items necessary to make pipe bombs. Like what those two Churka losers did when they went and bombed the Boston Marathon back in 2013.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; criminals, don't, care.

If someone is truly determined enough, they will find a way to hurt you and those you care about.

If someone wakes up in the morning and decides that they are going to commit a bunch of crimes, up to and including murder, the courts can only hang them once.

Because criminals, by their definition, don't obey the law.


Well, in any case, we'll see where things go from here...


Oh, and furthermore, don't give this loser any more free exposure, news media.

Make sure that the loser who committed this stabbing frenzy is hated, despised, spit on, and forgotten.

Don't make this new monster famous.

Make sure they are forgotten.

"In Damnatio Memoriae"...

As the ancient Romans would say and do to anyone who has committed the most vile, disgusting acts in their society.


I'm done.

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