Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Shooting at YouTube HQ... and why it shouldn't surprise anyone.

So, the other day I heard that there was an attempted mass shooting that occurred at the YouTube headquarters up in San Francisco...

And apparently, the shooter turned out to be a woman who took her own life after she shot and injured 3 or 4 people who worked at the YouTube HQ...




Look, I don't mean to be mr nay-say here, but this seriously needs to be said, at least in regards to the evidence that's been revealed about this woman's motivation for targeting the YouTube HQ...

And it's this;

Countless times, ever since Google bought YouTube out back in 2006, they have made constant changes to the site that have done nothing but inconvienence their users while rewarding those who still continue to exploit the loopholes in the system. So much so, that many former YouTubers nowadays have come to the conclusion that the "You" in YouTube is done and gone.

In short, it's really hard to "be yourself" on YouTube anymore, or do something that catches the eyes of those who are interested in what you have to say or show, or present and talk about subjects without some salty individuals, be they users or the bots getting triggered over your uploaded video while abusing the report/flagging system that YouTube STILL refuses to correct the many mistakes and errors it has.

And the one thing that I and many, many other people from The Archfiend to Emer Prevost (Hellsing920) have said many times in the past is that; if YouTube refuses to fix their shit and get their house in order, then one day, they are going to end up pissing off the wrong person or people.

And it looks like that day has arrived.

Look, I'm not trying to bemoan or demean the victims of this latest tragedy. I'm sure each and every one of those 3 or 4 people that were shot and injured had NOTHING to do with whatever it was that caused this woman to take her frustrations over an internet website out on them.

But the point I'm trying to make is this; Google and YouTube spent over a decade just frolicking through the fields thinking that every single little change and alteration they made to the website was fine and dandy and that the complaints of the users who were against these changes and alterations didn't matter.

But now, this is a VERY, FUCKING, SERIOUS, wake up call to the higher-ups that run Google and YouTube.

So they'd better damn well address the issues that this woman had with their website that caused her to snap and go off the deep end on them.

Yet at the same time, it's tragic that it takes 3 to 4 of their own employees to get injured and the cost of the life of one of their users for Google and YouTube to (hopefully) sit up and finally pay attention to the negativity that their actions have caused.

Sure, maybe the rest of the internet will spend their time making fun of this woman for "losing her shit over a disturbance on an internet website", and yeah, I can already feel the folks on 4Chan preparing their "an hero" tributes to this psychotic bitch...


Cause when you think about it, it does sound like a bad comedy punchline for a newspaper;

"Woman flips out, shoots 4 people, then commits suicide over a disturbance on an internet website!"

And maybe whatever sympathy that her family and friends might be feeling for her right now will probably fade in time.

Sure, they are all probably mourning for her and the choice she made, but years from now, one, if not all of them will eventually end up saying; "Holy fuck was she stupid or what?!"

...but my point remains the same;

Google and YouTube have been constantly making unwarranted and unnecessary changes to the website.

They've been shafting those with legit, true talent in favor of those who are talentless and exploit the loopholes in their system.

They refuse to listen to the complains and criticisms that the users have made from past to present about their changes and alterations to the website.

They've punished their users who's content doesn't fit in with their "kid-friendly", "safe space" liberal narratives as of late with video demonetization, video blocking, video removal, and even up to channel termination.

And now that they've gone so far down this road without a care in the world, they ended up pissing off the wrong person, and tragedy has struck directly at the heart of their headquarters.

That is all I have to say.

And hopefully, Google and YouTube will finally wake up and realize their mistakes, learn from this event, and try to make an attempt to improve things on that website.

But you know what? For all we know, they probably won't give a damn. They will just look at this event and say something to the extent of; "Oh what's this? Someone didn't like our changes and the direction we were taking our website? So they decided to shoot up our website HQ? Oh well, too bad for them!", and then they just keep frolicking through the flowers without a care in the world.

Honestly, I hope YouTube and Google aren't that heartless. But if that becomes their response, then holy shit, they are the worse monsters than this woman shooter was.

I'm done.

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