Friday, May 25, 2018

The Santa Fe High School shooting... what I think

So... here we are again...

We have yet another mass shooting perpetrated by yet another disaffected scumbag loner...

I'm sure the Democrats, celebrities, socialites, anti-gunners and other dipshit airheads will have plenty to say about this recent tragedy...

The news media will go about their usual business of demonizing the guns, the movies, the videogames, the comic books, the television, or people with autistic problems...

And without breaking a sweat, Jimmy Kimmel will get on his soapbox to cry a million tears on national television on how tragic this event was and how we need more gun control...


...but once again, the criminals don't care.

If you're going to commit a bunch of crimes, up to and including mass murder, they can only hang you once.

And what's the one choice that disaffected scumbag loners like this recent one tend to gravitate towards when they want their 15 minutes of fame and to show the world that they aren't losers and how they want us to understand and feel their pain?

Well, that's easy; they buy or steal a gun, get as much ammo as possible, and they go to the local school, college, mall, movie theater, etc., and just start blasting away at everyone they see until they either kill themselves or surrender.

Cause they know, that if they choose this route, then they will, sometimes literally, go from a nobody to a somebody overnight. Suddenly, the whole world will want to know their name and who they are. They will get instant, round-the-clock news coverage for days, weeks, months, years, and sometimes even decades after they've committed their crime. Experts, doctors, lawyers, professors, lobbyists, psychiatrists, regular people and even homeless bums will try to understand what they've (the scumbag psychopath) done and what was going through their head when they went out and shot a bunch of people.

Hell, even the President of the United States, one of the most important men in the world, will drop whatever he is doing so he can hold a press conference to talk about the perpetrator and their actions, and he'll even shed a single, manly tear if the situation calls for it.

So, to the disaffected, depraved, scumbag loser who committed this latest school shooting; congratulations. You are now a star.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; these murdering scumbags DO NOT deserve to be remembered or memorialized. They DO NOT need news specials or documentaries made about them. And they DO NOT deserve any fucking pity from ANYONE. They deserve to be hated, their graves deserve to be spit on, they deserve to be despised, and their names deserve to be erased and forgotten from history.

"In Damnatio Memoriae"

As the ancient Romans would say and do to those who have wronged society in some way, shape or form.

Furthermore, I think it's ridiculous how there are people in the liberal and anti-gun community that are making stupidly retarded statements about this recent shooting at this Texas school by saying;

"Well, at least he wasn't using an AR-15!" or "Well, at least only 10 people died!"

You know what? If you say that, you are a moron and you need to stop saying it.
Stop disrespecting the families of the victims by trying to use their dead loved ones to further your anti-AR-15 agenda.

This mass shooting isn't about the weapons were used or how many people this scumbag could kill before he could be stopped by the police or before he could kill himself.

This mass shooting was about this loser making those who had shunned and hated him feel his pain and his struggles. Cause from what's been reported so far, the 10 people he shot were targets that he specifically chose to shoot. In his twisted, fucked up mind, these 10 people, whether intentionally or not, had wronged him in some way, and combined with the stress and worries that many American teenagers experience in high school, along with whatever mental defects he had, caused him to snap and choose the vengeance route.

Furthermore, I'm not going to call this event a "mass shooting" at this point.

This event, was a targeted killing. A vengeance spree against specific individuals that this murdering scumbag, in his fucked up, twisted little mind, chose to shoot because in his world, they had, whether intentionally or not, wronged him in some way.

This event wasn't like the Parkland or Columbine shootings.

This event was more like the Thurston shooting.

Where the perpetrator came to the school and targeted specific individuals that he believed had wronged him in some way, whether intentionally or not.

This was not a mass shooting.

This was a revenge killing.

But as usual, the anti-gun lobby of the United States will use this tragedy to further exploit their agenda of more gun control. And if that fails, then they will appeal to the anti-gunners by state to screw with the Second Amendment on the local level.

And God forbid, if the National Rifle Association says anything; then they are branded as bloodthirsty monsters. And if they say nothing, then their silence must be the proof of their damning guilt... well, at least, according to Diane Feinstein and everyone on the progressive, SJW, beta-cuck left.

And all the while, the Red States will get redder, the Blue States will get bluer, and nothing ever gets done that will actually protect children in schools.

Unless of course you live in Alaska. Cause in Alaska, nearly EVERY school has a dozen or more armed police officers PLUS resource officers that help patrol the hallways, watch out for potential threats, and interact with the students and faculty in a way that the police departments of the elite urban liberal cities wish they could.

And they haven't had a mass shooting happen in a school up there in 21 years.

And even before that, there has never been an incident in that state where a school shooter went into a school and killed dozens of people.

So if you actually want to make sure your children are safe in school, then we all need to follow Alaska's example.

Cause if we don't, then as much as I hate to say it, nothing will get better.

Well... let's see where things go from here.

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