Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I used to respect you, but not anymore.


I thought I had seen and heard everything...

But with this statement that has been made from a certain former retro game reviewer about the gaming industry as of late...

...I can see why the general public views gamers as a bunch of spoiled little shits and entitled whiny pricks when things don't go their way, or when they hate something or someone in the game industry 'ruining' something that they once loved, or whatever the fuck they choose to nitpick and whine about these days since bitching about Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 is about as entertaining as kicking the dead horse of a subject known as Spax3.

So who is it that brought my ire to a boil today?

Well, it's a video from a certain YouTube oldie who, back in the 'good old days' of YouTube, was yet another individual trying to mooch off of the 'angry retro game reviewer' genre, which was largely inspired by James Rolfe, aka, the Angry Video Game Nerd.

This individual, is known as UrinatingTree, or, ESchlasser, DSchalsser, and Darren McCloud in his time here in the online world.

He is known for a lot of things, most of which includes;

his over-the-top, angry retro game reviewing from 2006 to 2008...

his 'Half-Assed Theatre' video series...

having mental breakdowns (allegedly)...

closing his YouTube accounts multiple times throughout 2008 and 2009...

uploading the most random shit onto YouTube in 2010...

and now, he uploads videos where he bitches about sports teams, sports coaches, team owners and all this other clichéd bullshit that the general browser on YouTube couldn't be bothered to give half a fuck about...

Suffice to say, UrinatingTree was once a pretty cool guy back in the early days of YouTube, but he is now a lifeless, unfunny, washed-up has-been who thinks he's making some sort of point with his sports videos where he bitches about irrelevant topics such as the failing legacy of the Detroit Red Wings or how Danica Patrick is the sole defining factor that's killing NASCAR as a sport.

(Wow, never thought I'd find myself mentioning American Hockey and NASCAR on here)

Oh sure, he occasionally talks about videogames, but too often, the subjects he approaches are about some of gaming's biggest failures and fuck-ups in the last 7 to 8 years, such as No Man's Sky, Mighty No. 9 and Mass Effect: Andromeda, to name a few. You know, the kind of games where everybody including their grandmothers could tell that they were doomed to fail even before the products even hit the store shelves.

(At least with Mass Effect: Andromeda, people should've seen the signs long before the game was released, given Electronic Art's track record and how they handled ME 3. And with No Man's Sky and Mighty No. 9, well, people shouldn't be so easily fooled by kickstarter or indie projects that make over-the-top statements and promises. Because as that old saying goes; 'if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is')

And for what it's worth, the videos he made regarding those subjects were pretty informative and well-done for the most part, even if the information contained in them hasn't been made blatantly obvious by now.

But in his Mass Effect: Andromeda video, UrinatingTree made a statement that kinda caught me off guard; he said that he would welcome, "the inevitable gaming crash, let it fucking happen!'

At first, I tried to see his reasoning behind such a statement, but with his most recent video (which you can watch here; if you have the patience to sit through it) where the title says 'videogames need to die', and the idiotic rant he goes into over the state of gaming these days just because of the actions of a few publishers and developers... much as I hate to do this, it has to be done.

I'm sorry, but I just can't hold back anymore.

UrinatingTree, I used to like your videos and the fun they once produced on YouTube, but with all the bullshit you put everyone through, especially your own fans, over the past decade, and with everything you've just said in your recent video about the gaming industry, you have officially lost all respect from me.

And with your idiotic video rant, you have only furthered to cement the negative perception that the general public has about gamers; a bunch of spoiled little shits and entitled whiners that complain no matter what kind of good or bad things the gaming industry says or does.

I mean, really? Just, fucking really?

Because Electronic Arts, Activision, Konami, the kickstarter scammers and indie liars have done nothing but put out half assed games with endless patches, insane DLC prices, lootboxes and pro-SJW propaganda in their games, the whole gaming industry is bad and deserves to crash?

What about the more awesome games and gaming moments that have happened over the past couple of years?

Besides the usual shitty EA games, the endless Call of Duty titles, the cancellation of potentially good games by Konami, overhyped lackluster titles, indie liars and the Patreon/GoFundMe/Kickstarter-funded projects that only served to rip people off over the past couple of years, there have been many, MANY, games that have come out which shows that there are still those in the gaming industry who are willing to give us good games with good stories and amazing player experiences.

In fact, I can name 5 games off the top of my head that proves my point;

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Alien: Isolation
The Last of Us
Metro: Last Light
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Do those games and game franchises not count?

Or do you just lop them into your personal shit pile of what you perceive to be killing video games these days?


Whatever happened to the days where gamers collected and played videogames for fun?

What happened to the days where gamers knew to stay away from false promises, statements that sounded too good to be true, and developers/publishers with track records that are as bad as EA's, Activision's and Konami's have been?

What happened to the days where gamers knew to not associate with whiners and entitled pricks in their community who are never happy and spend their time bitching and complaining about every single thing that the gaming industry says or does, despite the shining good examples?

What happened to the days where gamers only spent their money on good, quality products, and not on products that repeat the same thing over and over with each new release?


I honestly don't have an easy answer to any of this folks.

And to be honest, this is one of the reasons why I don't associate myself with other gamers and gaming fanbases anymore.

Cause it seems like a good majority of people in the world of gamers have been turned into cynical edgelord mchardboileds these days. So much so, that even when the gaming industry does something good and amazing despite all the bad shit they spew out, you'll get a bunch of whiny, entitled little pricks crawling out of the fucking woodwork to bitch, rant, whine, piss and moan about it.

And yes, I get it, people will complain about everything.

But to say that because of the aforementioned actions that are negatively impacting the gaming industry as of late, the whole medium deserves to crash like it did in 1983, is one of the most stupidest, fucking things anyone could ever say.


Well gee, wanting a medium that has become such a huge staple in our lives, to crash like it did in 1983, is not going to solve your personal problems that you have with the gaming industry.

It will negatively impact everything and everyone associated with gaming, and in the very worst way possible.


Once again, it's attitudes like the one this prick has, that gives the rest of the gaming community a very bad name. And to the general public, this is why they view gamers as a bunch of spoiled, entitled little shits and crybaby whiners who bitch, whine, rant, piss and moan no matter what the gaming industry says or does, even if it's something good and amazeballs original.

So, no UrinatingTree... videogames do NOT need to die.

It's Electronic Arts that needs to die, along with Activision, Konami, every publisher and developer that acts and behaves the way they do, and people like you need to stop paying money for their games and falling for crowd-funding scams and independent promises that sound too good to be true.

Bottom line; take your money elsewhere, spend it on good quality products, and you will hit the scumbags where it hurts. And if enough people hurt them enough, then, and only then, will they be forced to listen to your complaints.

In closing, all I can say is; UrinatingTree, I used to respect you, but not anymore.

Go fuck yourself.

Or better yet, grow the fuck up and stop acting like an entitled gamer, or just fucking leave and never come back.


I'm done with this.


So until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Anthem, Battlefield V and Command & Conquer: Rivals makes you mad? Guess what? Electronic Arts still doesn't care!

Well, here we are, over half a year since the Battlefront II fiasco, and what has happened in the 10 months since then?

Well; the lootbox ban bill failed here in the United States, at least in the states that were thinking of passing said legislation...

While several European countries succeeded in passing their own lootbox ban legislations...

Anthem is being worked on (partially) by the same D-list developer team that created the mess that was Mass Effect: Andromeda, and the rumors are that it will NOT follow the traditional BioWare tropes that have become such a memorable staple with every game they've developed in the company's lifetime.

Although I'm sure part of the blame can be put on Anita Sarkessian's unannounced visits to BioWare's offices and Manveer Heir's never-ending hatred of white people and the insertion of his asinine beliefs that he sees fit to shove down our throats through the terrible/forced story writing...

The developers at DICE have shown that, just like their slave masters, and their opposing publisher Activision, they do not give a shit about historical accuracy anymore when it comes to the most recent World War II-themed, triple A, game releases...

Amy Hennig, the creative mind behind the now-defunct Visceral Games Uncharted-like Star Wars game, which has been shelved/canceled, is no longer working with Electronic Arts, and is heading towards the indie sector of the gaming industry...

We got a new Command & Conquer game coming out... on mobile platforms... and so far, it does not look like a game that will satisfy the long-time fans of a once-great franchise, if anything, it's yet another giant middle finger from EA towards the fans of a game series that defined our childhoods...

And currently, the gaming community is getting all up in arms about Battlefield V having women soldiers in a World War II-themed game on the battlefield alongside their male counterparts, and how it does not accurately represent how women were portrayed or served in that war in real life, while everyone who's on the left-leaning side of the political spectrum in the gaming industry is labeling these gamers who are calling out EA and DICE's bullshit a bunch of 'sexists' and 'misogynists'...

And all the while, I continue to sit here playing my Game of the Year Edition of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, shaking my head at this new controversy pot that I'm sure will boil over once Battlefield V, Anthem and Command & Conquer: Rivals hit the store shelves.


Once again, you all are getting mad and frustrated over what's been revealed so far in these 3 upcoming games...

But guess what?

Electronic Arts still doesn't give a shit about what you think!

They just don't give a shit.

No matter how much you guys rant, scream and protest, they just don't give a fucking shit.

As much as I hate to use this age-old saying, it needs to be said here once again in regards to the actions of Electronic Arts and the game developers under their umbrella;

'This game company and all it's related developers are like a really bad restaurant; you hate the bad food, you hate the waiters, you hate the waitresses, you hate the chefs, you hate the management, you hate the owners, and you hate how everything is prepared in a half-assed manner...

...but you know what? Despite all the constant lies and promises they've made and broken about improving their image and practices, you all keep coming back to pay money to buy their shit and keep them in business.

Which brings me to the most important questions I have for all of you today, gamers;

Are you going to stick to your guns and NEVER purchase these 3 games?

Or are you just going to sit there in your sourpuss little selves and throw your money at EA in the vain hope that these games are better than the shit we got before, and that this will be the good turning point?

Think about it people.

Think really hard and carefully about this decision before you decide to invest any time or money into these 3 games, or this company.


Well, I think that's all the time I'm going to invest on this subject. I'm gonna go play some Doom (2016) now.

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

A Non-Brony Comments On: The ToonKriticY2K Situation...





*looks at the audience*

Has everyone finally calmed down now?




Well then, it's time for me to throw in my own two cents regarding this matter...

But first, a bit of a disclaimer;

[DISCLAIMER: I am not a significant member, nor do I have a huge influence in the 'Brony Analyst' community. Furthermore, I am not a Brony. If anything, consider me an outsider who gave My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, a chance, and who doesn't hold any ill-will towards the show or it's fandom, but isn't a fan of the show either. I am what you would call, a passive observer.]

Now, with that noise out of the way, I think it's time I put in my two cents on this matter.

Way back when I first posted my own commentaries on Friendship is Magic's Season 1 two-part pilot episodes in April and June of 2016, I noticed that in the related videos section of those two videos of mine, there eventually were a lot of videos from other YouTubers who were fans of the show, or as they have been known to call themselves; 'Brony Analysts'.

And for the most part, I thought those people were pretty chill folks.

People like Dr. Wolf, Silverquill, Lightning Bliss, Keyframe, Goldenfox, DaWilstanator, Caitbug, Ashley H, Eliyora, MissAnthroPony, Patchwork Heart, Josh Scorcher, Lily Peet/Orchard, SonataDusk, GutiSerenade, Wuten, Astro-Brony,  Emogak, ObabScribbler, LostNarrator, Pitch, and so many others who's names I'm either forgetting at the moment, or I just haven't checked in on their videos for awhile now.

And of course, we cannot forget the one person who is the target of this blog post today; ToonKriticY2K.

Keep in mind though, I don't know any of these people. I've never met them, I've never talked to any of them online or in person, and I've never gone to any of the conventions or gatherings that they've been to. I only know about them through their videos, nothing more.

Now, when I first saw ToonKritic's videos back then, along with the videos from the other aforementioned people, I thought that their videos were pretty good. They were funny, they were cool, and in a lot of the other videos they've made where they went to the various Brony-themed conventions and gatherings, hung out together, and the like, I thought they were cool, funny, cute, and even heartwarming at times.

It just goes to show how a community can really come together, you know?


However, I think the signs regarding ToonKritic's obvious mental instability, and his pervert behavior which is now out in the open for everyone to see, is something that everyone should've seen coming a long time ago...

The first sign was when he and Eliyora (his now ex-girlfriend) broke up back in 2015, and in the videos she made regarding the matter, she seemed to drop some subtle hints as to why they broke up without fully explaining why...

The second sign was when he created and posted his hashtag series of videos where he was dealing with some personal "inner demons"... whatever the hell that means...

The third sign was the "hat incident" at the one con in 2017, and the various other cons he attended in 2016 where he acted like a total egotistical jerkass towards people who were his fans, trying to meet him, or to say hello, along with his pervert behavior towards other notable people in the fandom/community during the hotel stays...

And the following signs was when several different people in the Brony Analyst community and the fandom in general came into contact with him in the worst ways possible at the various cons and gatherings he attended over the years...

But despite all this, ToonKritic was forgiven for his actions by his friends, his peers, the fandom, and then everyone just seemed to forget it. While his victims were forced to keep silent about it...

...and now that the cat's out of the proverbial bag in regards to his soliciting of a 16-year old girl, online, can you people still back up your excuses and all the years you kept defending this guy?

Despite his blatantly obvious shortcomings and crazy personality?

Despite the fact that no matter how much "help" he claimed he was getting, he still proved to be a smug, mentally challenged asshole?

Despite the fact that he claimed to "care" about his friends and his own fans, he kept letting his own ego get in the way?

Despite the fact that he has been known to be a bit of a creeper at your gatherings, you all kept trying to defend and help him with his problems?

And after years and years of this being common knowledge, you all are suddenly shocked when this new round of controversy that he is responsible for, had finally spilled beyond the pot?

To the point where the authorities and the courts are going to get involved? If not already?


Hang on, let me check something...


*peeks into filing cabinet*


...nope, I'm fresh out of pity for this one.


Hopefully, this taught all of you a very important, yet very harsh, life lesson.

And as for ToonKritic, I only have this to say to you if you happen to find this blog post; man, you really, REALLY, fucked up. I hope you're ready for what awaits a creeper, pervert manchild like you in prison.

Enjoy your days of freedom while they last boy, cause they are numbered.

As Johnny Cash once said; "sooner or later, God will cut you down"

As for everyone else who is part of the Brony fandom, but had no knowledge or was not involved in all this madness; I'm really sorry that your fanbase has been tainted yet again by another mentally unhinged jerkoff.

2017 was not a good year for you guys... especially with the Andrew Stair controversy, and I am genuinely sorry that your fanbase is suffering the smears of the aftermath that ToonKritic will inevitably leave upon all of you in 2018

As for everyone who was a close friend to ToonKritic, who collaborated with him, who hung out with him, and who defended him despite his constant shortcomings, mentally unhinged behaviors and the hole he kept digging for himself; like I said before, I hope the actions of this jackass has taught all of you a very important, yet very harsh, life lesson.

Furthermore, what do you all have to say for yourselves now?

You all knew ToonKritic was a nutjob and an untrustworthy individual who's pervy behavior and constant fuck ups were well known to those in your community. Yet you all kept sweeping it under the rug and accepting his half assed apologies or his claims about getting psychological or mental help.

But now that his criminal activity is out in the open for everyone to see, there is NO amount of "i'm sorry's" or "we've cut ties with him" or "we've reported this to the authorities", or 'let's all forgive and forget!' [*cough* Dr Wolf *cough*] that will change the facts on how you guys kept supporting this asshole for all these years.


Surprisingly, this is one of the few moments of controversy in the My Little Pony fandom that I'm going to agree with Lily Peet/Orchard on...




I just said that.

Which goes to show how sad of a day it is when someone in the Brony fandom, who is known as a troublemaker and a drama-starter by everyone else inside or outside the fandom, is speaking more sense than anyone else who was in ToonKritic's inner circle of friends.

The fact that so many of you who were in ToonKritic's circle for all these years kept supporting and forgiving him despite his blatantly obvious mental instability and pervert behavior, while shunning those who were on the receiving end of his mental and emotional instability, are now saying that we should forgive and forget what ToonKritic has done recently in regards to his soliciting of a minor online, is beyond pathetic, and quite honestly, a huge slap in the face to anyone who's ever been a victim of a sexual solicitor.

And all of you have pretty much succeeded in hammering the final nails in the coffins that contain the amount of respect that many people in your fanbase once had for all of you.

Shit, even I've lost respect for each and every one of you, and I'm not even a fucking Brony to begin with.

And there's no way to get it back now.

Especially with all the videos that people have made since January of this year regarding their horrible experiences with ToonKritic.

Well, that's it. Rant over.

Until next time...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Friday, June 15, 2018

The end of EnglishShooting... and why it serves as an important lesson to firearm owners in the United States.

So... today marks a sad day for the firearm enthusiasts on YouTube...

Callum, a swell British guy who is the face of the popular YouTube channel; EnglishShooting, has been forced to put his account on an indefinite hiatus, and he's also been forced to privatize many of the videos that he's made over the years regarding his time being a licensed firearms owner in the United Kingdom...


Now you might be asking yourself, what circumstances or ill-luck has forced him to do this?

Is it due to the current pussification of YouTube by Google?

Well, as shocking as it may seem, it's due to external factors outside of the internet, which you can hear about in this video that he just made;

(Pause your reading and watch this video first before continuing on):


Yep, you heard him right folks, Callum has been forced to put his channel on indefinite hiatus and privatize some of his past videos because;

The government branch of the Police over there have deemed him to be "unfit" or "not sane enough", to own any more firearms or licenses due to (in their personal opinions) the videos he's posted over the years, and how the videos on his YouTube channel stray into the area of "extremism" subjects, and how these videos and his channel may be used by others as an "extremist" platform to spread their views.


After hearing all of this, my only reaction to it is...


Just... fucking... wow...

Truly, it is a sad day when a sane, law-abiding, tax-paying citizen is deemed unstable to legally own a firearm because his local police or government were looking through all the stuff he's posted on the internet, and they come to the conclusion that he is an unfit extremist who cannot be trusted to own guns.

Now granted, those of us who live in the "free states" or "free countries", don't really have to deal with this sort of issues. But for those of you who live in the United States, allow me to bend your ears for a moment to discuss something extremely serious about this event, and how it can affect you as a firearm owner...

Whenever you feel yourselves getting down in the dumps from all the screaming, crying, ranting and raving from the liberals, professors, professional lobbyists, lawyers, social justice warriors, tumblr, Jimmy Kimmel, David Hogg, Flea, anti-gun people, the Brady Center, PETA, and anyone else who speaks out against firearms and firearm owners here in the United States, always remember this;

When the government has control over your guns, what's to stop them from taking control of everything else?

What's to stop them from taking control of your public or personal life?

What's to stop them from always having their eyes on you wherever you go? Whether it's to hang out with your friends, family, or going to work?

What's to stop them from deciding that you're a dangerous individual because of something you posted on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.?

What's to stop them from influencing the supervisors or bosses at the job you work at from suspending, dismissing or firing you because they told them about something you posted on the internet? Like in the case of what happened to YouTube user ObabScribbler back in 2016?

What's to stop them from taking the next step in kicking down your doors in the middle of the night to slap handcuffs onto your wrists and haul you away to prison for simply speaking your mind?


Now before you all dismiss me as some sort of conspiracy nut, allow me to say the following things;

As Monster Hunter author Larry Correia once said in the aftermath of the 2016 election; America is a long, long way off from ever going down the road of absolute dictatorship where it's full on Stasi-jackboot Gestapo and cattle car time.

But I say, never take this fear for granted.

And believe me, America has gone down that road quite a few times throughout history.

Maybe not in the same extremes as Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin have done...

(...unless you count the atrocities committed by both sides during the Native American wars from the 1770s until about the early 1910s, but that's too difficult of a subject to approach without turning a comments section into a full-blown war of words...)

...but you cannot gloss over the facts when, most notably; 120,000 Japanese people, American citizens, mind you, were forcibly removed from their homes, lost their jobs, livelihoods, everything they ever owned or saved up on, and were thrown into Internment Camps, which were ironically called "concentration camps", by F.D.R.'s Executive Order No. 9066 in the aftermath of the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Japanese Navy.

And this is a FACT. Look it up.

(And yes, I am in the small minority who knows that F.D.R. was a scumbag socialist)


Anyway, back to what I was originally going to talk about;

I personally think it's absolutely fucking ridiculous that this man has essentially been turned into the victim of a smear campaign orchestrated by those in a position of power higher than him, all because of the informative subjects, lessons and shooting sessions he talks about or showcased in his videos.

I don't know about the rest of you, but personally, after seeing what happened to EnglishShooting and even ObabScribbler years before, we, the common citizens in the United States, and the citizens all over the world where there's internet access; We need to stand up, now more than ever, and fight for our rights to personal privacy on the internet, and we need to fight for our rights to keep onlookers such as the government, the police, employers, and those who are too nosy for their own good, from using whatever we post on the internet as a stepping stool to judge and label us.

I've always been a firm believer in the idea that whatever you do in the online world shouldn't affect your life outside of the internet.

Now, you may argue this point and say that employers need to look at the things we post on the internet during or after a job interview, or to review an employee's performance in their life outside of the job, or to make sure that whatever an employee posts on the internet doesn't reflect badly on the job or company...

...but honestly, I'm here to say; fuck that shit.

There is nothing, I repeat; nothing, that can be said or done on the internet that would warrant ANY, sort of job performance review or job dismissal.

Just like there should be nothing, that can be said or done on the internet that would warrant a government employee denying a person the ability to go out and buy a firearm.


Unless you are planning to take part in the crimes of identity theft, underage pornography, illegal arms and drug trafficking in the online world, then there should be nothing, that can be said or done on the internet that would warrant a police officer or government employee denying an honest, law-abiding, tax-paying citizen from going out to apply for a firearm license, or from going out to buy a firearm.




This whole thing that's happened to EnglishShooting, is just pure bullshit.

And it's a shame that his YouTube Channel will be going on an indefinite hiatus, and that some of his older videos are now gone.

It's ridiculous folks, it really is.


Well, that's all I've got for today.

So once again, we need to stand up now more than ever for our right to privacy in the online world. And we need to stand up and show the powers that be, that whatever we say or do in the online world should be kept separate from who we are as a person in public.

Unless a person shows serious, legit intent on breaking into the world of crime through the internet, what they do in their time here in the online world is something that should be their business, and no one else's.


And Callum, if you happen to find this blog post, just know that you still have a huge fanbase that's willing to support and back you.

We will miss you, and we sincerely hope that one day, you will be able to return.

Rest In Peace, EnglishShooting (2012 - 2018)

And until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea...