Wednesday, June 20, 2018

A Non-Brony Comments On: The ToonKriticY2K Situation...





*looks at the audience*

Has everyone finally calmed down now?




Well then, it's time for me to throw in my own two cents regarding this matter...

But first, a bit of a disclaimer;

[DISCLAIMER: I am not a significant member, nor do I have a huge influence in the 'Brony Analyst' community. Furthermore, I am not a Brony. If anything, consider me an outsider who gave My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, a chance, and who doesn't hold any ill-will towards the show or it's fandom, but isn't a fan of the show either. I am what you would call, a passive observer.]

Now, with that noise out of the way, I think it's time I put in my two cents on this matter.

Way back when I first posted my own commentaries on Friendship is Magic's Season 1 two-part pilot episodes in April and June of 2016, I noticed that in the related videos section of those two videos of mine, there eventually were a lot of videos from other YouTubers who were fans of the show, or as they have been known to call themselves; 'Brony Analysts'.

And for the most part, I thought those people were pretty chill folks.

People like Dr. Wolf, Silverquill, Lightning Bliss, Keyframe, Goldenfox, DaWilstanator, Caitbug, Ashley H, Eliyora, MissAnthroPony, Patchwork Heart, Josh Scorcher, Lily Peet/Orchard, SonataDusk, GutiSerenade, Wuten, Astro-Brony,  Emogak, ObabScribbler, LostNarrator, Pitch, and so many others who's names I'm either forgetting at the moment, or I just haven't checked in on their videos for awhile now.

And of course, we cannot forget the one person who is the target of this blog post today; ToonKriticY2K.

Keep in mind though, I don't know any of these people. I've never met them, I've never talked to any of them online or in person, and I've never gone to any of the conventions or gatherings that they've been to. I only know about them through their videos, nothing more.

Now, when I first saw ToonKritic's videos back then, along with the videos from the other aforementioned people, I thought that their videos were pretty good. They were funny, they were cool, and in a lot of the other videos they've made where they went to the various Brony-themed conventions and gatherings, hung out together, and the like, I thought they were cool, funny, cute, and even heartwarming at times.

It just goes to show how a community can really come together, you know?


However, I think the signs regarding ToonKritic's obvious mental instability, and his pervert behavior which is now out in the open for everyone to see, is something that everyone should've seen coming a long time ago...

The first sign was when he and Eliyora (his now ex-girlfriend) broke up back in 2015, and in the videos she made regarding the matter, she seemed to drop some subtle hints as to why they broke up without fully explaining why...

The second sign was when he created and posted his hashtag series of videos where he was dealing with some personal "inner demons"... whatever the hell that means...

The third sign was the "hat incident" at the one con in 2017, and the various other cons he attended in 2016 where he acted like a total egotistical jerkass towards people who were his fans, trying to meet him, or to say hello, along with his pervert behavior towards other notable people in the fandom/community during the hotel stays...

And the following signs was when several different people in the Brony Analyst community and the fandom in general came into contact with him in the worst ways possible at the various cons and gatherings he attended over the years...

But despite all this, ToonKritic was forgiven for his actions by his friends, his peers, the fandom, and then everyone just seemed to forget it. While his victims were forced to keep silent about it...

...and now that the cat's out of the proverbial bag in regards to his soliciting of a 16-year old girl, online, can you people still back up your excuses and all the years you kept defending this guy?

Despite his blatantly obvious shortcomings and crazy personality?

Despite the fact that no matter how much "help" he claimed he was getting, he still proved to be a smug, mentally challenged asshole?

Despite the fact that he claimed to "care" about his friends and his own fans, he kept letting his own ego get in the way?

Despite the fact that he has been known to be a bit of a creeper at your gatherings, you all kept trying to defend and help him with his problems?

And after years and years of this being common knowledge, you all are suddenly shocked when this new round of controversy that he is responsible for, had finally spilled beyond the pot?

To the point where the authorities and the courts are going to get involved? If not already?


Hang on, let me check something...


*peeks into filing cabinet*


...nope, I'm fresh out of pity for this one.


Hopefully, this taught all of you a very important, yet very harsh, life lesson.

And as for ToonKritic, I only have this to say to you if you happen to find this blog post; man, you really, REALLY, fucked up. I hope you're ready for what awaits a creeper, pervert manchild like you in prison.

Enjoy your days of freedom while they last boy, cause they are numbered.

As Johnny Cash once said; "sooner or later, God will cut you down"

As for everyone else who is part of the Brony fandom, but had no knowledge or was not involved in all this madness; I'm really sorry that your fanbase has been tainted yet again by another mentally unhinged jerkoff.

2017 was not a good year for you guys... especially with the Andrew Stair controversy, and I am genuinely sorry that your fanbase is suffering the smears of the aftermath that ToonKritic will inevitably leave upon all of you in 2018

As for everyone who was a close friend to ToonKritic, who collaborated with him, who hung out with him, and who defended him despite his constant shortcomings, mentally unhinged behaviors and the hole he kept digging for himself; like I said before, I hope the actions of this jackass has taught all of you a very important, yet very harsh, life lesson.

Furthermore, what do you all have to say for yourselves now?

You all knew ToonKritic was a nutjob and an untrustworthy individual who's pervy behavior and constant fuck ups were well known to those in your community. Yet you all kept sweeping it under the rug and accepting his half assed apologies or his claims about getting psychological or mental help.

But now that his criminal activity is out in the open for everyone to see, there is NO amount of "i'm sorry's" or "we've cut ties with him" or "we've reported this to the authorities", or 'let's all forgive and forget!' [*cough* Dr Wolf *cough*] that will change the facts on how you guys kept supporting this asshole for all these years.


Surprisingly, this is one of the few moments of controversy in the My Little Pony fandom that I'm going to agree with Lily Peet/Orchard on...




I just said that.

Which goes to show how sad of a day it is when someone in the Brony fandom, who is known as a troublemaker and a drama-starter by everyone else inside or outside the fandom, is speaking more sense than anyone else who was in ToonKritic's inner circle of friends.

The fact that so many of you who were in ToonKritic's circle for all these years kept supporting and forgiving him despite his blatantly obvious mental instability and pervert behavior, while shunning those who were on the receiving end of his mental and emotional instability, are now saying that we should forgive and forget what ToonKritic has done recently in regards to his soliciting of a minor online, is beyond pathetic, and quite honestly, a huge slap in the face to anyone who's ever been a victim of a sexual solicitor.

And all of you have pretty much succeeded in hammering the final nails in the coffins that contain the amount of respect that many people in your fanbase once had for all of you.

Shit, even I've lost respect for each and every one of you, and I'm not even a fucking Brony to begin with.

And there's no way to get it back now.

Especially with all the videos that people have made since January of this year regarding their horrible experiences with ToonKritic.

Well, that's it. Rant over.

Until next time...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

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