Monday, June 25, 2018

Anthem, Battlefield V and Command & Conquer: Rivals makes you mad? Guess what? Electronic Arts still doesn't care!

Well, here we are, over half a year since the Battlefront II fiasco, and what has happened in the 10 months since then?

Well; the lootbox ban bill failed here in the United States, at least in the states that were thinking of passing said legislation...

While several European countries succeeded in passing their own lootbox ban legislations...

Anthem is being worked on (partially) by the same D-list developer team that created the mess that was Mass Effect: Andromeda, and the rumors are that it will NOT follow the traditional BioWare tropes that have become such a memorable staple with every game they've developed in the company's lifetime.

Although I'm sure part of the blame can be put on Anita Sarkessian's unannounced visits to BioWare's offices and Manveer Heir's never-ending hatred of white people and the insertion of his asinine beliefs that he sees fit to shove down our throats through the terrible/forced story writing...

The developers at DICE have shown that, just like their slave masters, and their opposing publisher Activision, they do not give a shit about historical accuracy anymore when it comes to the most recent World War II-themed, triple A, game releases...

Amy Hennig, the creative mind behind the now-defunct Visceral Games Uncharted-like Star Wars game, which has been shelved/canceled, is no longer working with Electronic Arts, and is heading towards the indie sector of the gaming industry...

We got a new Command & Conquer game coming out... on mobile platforms... and so far, it does not look like a game that will satisfy the long-time fans of a once-great franchise, if anything, it's yet another giant middle finger from EA towards the fans of a game series that defined our childhoods...

And currently, the gaming community is getting all up in arms about Battlefield V having women soldiers in a World War II-themed game on the battlefield alongside their male counterparts, and how it does not accurately represent how women were portrayed or served in that war in real life, while everyone who's on the left-leaning side of the political spectrum in the gaming industry is labeling these gamers who are calling out EA and DICE's bullshit a bunch of 'sexists' and 'misogynists'...

And all the while, I continue to sit here playing my Game of the Year Edition of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, shaking my head at this new controversy pot that I'm sure will boil over once Battlefield V, Anthem and Command & Conquer: Rivals hit the store shelves.


Once again, you all are getting mad and frustrated over what's been revealed so far in these 3 upcoming games...

But guess what?

Electronic Arts still doesn't give a shit about what you think!

They just don't give a shit.

No matter how much you guys rant, scream and protest, they just don't give a fucking shit.

As much as I hate to use this age-old saying, it needs to be said here once again in regards to the actions of Electronic Arts and the game developers under their umbrella;

'This game company and all it's related developers are like a really bad restaurant; you hate the bad food, you hate the waiters, you hate the waitresses, you hate the chefs, you hate the management, you hate the owners, and you hate how everything is prepared in a half-assed manner...

...but you know what? Despite all the constant lies and promises they've made and broken about improving their image and practices, you all keep coming back to pay money to buy their shit and keep them in business.

Which brings me to the most important questions I have for all of you today, gamers;

Are you going to stick to your guns and NEVER purchase these 3 games?

Or are you just going to sit there in your sourpuss little selves and throw your money at EA in the vain hope that these games are better than the shit we got before, and that this will be the good turning point?

Think about it people.

Think really hard and carefully about this decision before you decide to invest any time or money into these 3 games, or this company.


Well, I think that's all the time I'm going to invest on this subject. I'm gonna go play some Doom (2016) now.

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea!

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