Monday, April 15, 2019

World Wrestling Entertainment does not care about you. At all. Period.

You know, it seems like every time I log onto YouTube with the intent to just watch some videos, or even leave a few comments here and there, it never ceases to amaze me when I run into several dozen videos in the related videos section of whatever current video I'm watching, where it's videos posted by people who are complaining, whining, and ranting for 5, 10, 15, sometimes even 30 minutes, about how; "World Wrestling Entertainment sucks dick!" or "Fuck 'Botched'-Mania 35!", or ranting on Roman Reigns being pushed as John Cena 2.0, or Nia Jax's tweets about 'not enough diversity!' in the wrestling business.

(even though I've seen plenty of fucking diversity in wrestling for many, many years now, but that's a rant for another day)

Now, me personally, I've never had the time or patience to give World Wrestling Entertainment a millisecond of my attention.

(Then again, I quit watching WWE after Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit died, and plus, I was transitioning into adulthood around that time, and had other concerns to deal with)

But seeing all these people, day after day, month after month, and sometimes year after year, getting on their cameras or booting up their microphones to bitch and rant about World Wrestling Entertainment and how it's been going downhill for the past decade now...

...I just can't understand all the hate.

And you want to know why?

Because World Wrestling Entertainment, Vince McMahon, Paul Levesque, and every single owner, writer and promoter, does, not, care, about, you.

Seriously people, this isn't rocket science.

WWE and it's corporate leaders, do not give a shit what you; the fans think. Especially the old-school fans who continuously praise the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression era of WWE. And they especially do not give a shit about your endless YouTube videos, Facebook posts, Twitter rants, etc., where you are screaming, yelling, bitching and crying about how the company sucks and it's going down the shitter.

Cause once again, they just don't give a shit.

And yes folks, I get it; you are all fucking frustrated with how Vince McMahon, Paul Levesque and every other corporate cocksucker are ruining WWE and how they've turned it into a shadow of it's former greatness.

But you know what? With all the complaints, posts, angry reviews and rants that you people have levied at WWE for the past decade, let me ask all of you a serious question right now;

What, has any of this, really accomplished?

Seriously, has it actually accomplished anything?

Has any of the ranting and raving that you people have levied at WWE for so many years now, really accomplished anything?

No, of course not.


Because once again, WWE and it's corporate leaders, do not give a shit about you and your complaints.

They are just going to keep marching on the same PG-era, kid-friendly path that they've pretty much been forced to take ever since the death of Eddie Guerrero and the Chris Benoit murder-suicide. And from what I've seen, they will continue marching along this path of suicide until it either kills the company permanently, or until the holdouts just give up on their complaints and go back to watching WWE again.

And from what I've been seeing constantly throughout the last decade of people ranting and raving about WWE; is that no matter how angry people have gotten about WWE and it's current direction, and no matter how many rants, posts, vlogs, etc., they've made voicing their disdain for the company, at the end of the day, WWE knows that if they change nothing back, then these people will be back to watch them again and again.

(cause honestly, with all the ranting and raving that you people do about the current superstars in the WWE, how else do you get this information about them other than a basic google search? Well, I can think of one way; just turn on the TV to check the listing for the next WWE showing, or just hop onto the WWE online networks or even it's YouTube channel.)

Another thing that I have to mention, is that no matter how much negative press that WWE gets, whether it's from the old-time fans or even younger people who don't like this company, WWE always finds a way to roll with it, and use it to their advantage to draw in more people who keep WWE going with their wallets and view counts.

Which brings me to my next point; if you are a former fan of WWE, or someone who's never liked them due to the current pussification of a once-great series of entertaining shows, then the only way any of you will ever get them to care about your opinions, your rants, and your dissatisfaction with the PG-era; and that's if you hit their bottom line.

What do I mean by that?

Well, for one, don't buy their shit, and never buy it again.

Don't buy a ticket for any of their shows, don't buy their merchandise, don't buy their DVDs, don't buy the videogames, don't buy the action figures, don't sign up for WWE network, don't turn on the TV to watch their shows, don't browse the internet for their official online channels, don't spend any money on the next Pay-Per-View event, don't whatever the fuck it is that you guys call it.

Cause the only way any of you guys will ever get WWE to care about you and your complaints/opinions, is if you hit their bottom line, and voting with your wallet; which is, if you hate how WWE has gone down the toilet for the last decade to the point where it causes your blood to boil every time someone mentions WWE, then all you need to do is just fucking leave, take your money elsewhere, and never come back.

And if the amount of people who leave to take their money elsewhere, is GREATER than the number of people who are coming in and voting with their wallets, then, and only then, will World Wrestling Entertainment be forced to sit up and take notice.

And by the way, I don't know if any of you have ever noticed this, but for every person who leaves the WWE universe and never comes back, there's at least 10 or more people who come in to pay money for their products.

Oh yeah, and another way you can stop giving them free exposure is to stop bitching about them.

Cause seriously, the amount of videos on YouTube that trash talk WWE, is getting to the point where it's reaching the same level of clogging YouTube's intestinal tract back when AMV videos were all the rage.

And like I said before, no matter how much hate WWE gets, they always somehow find a way to use the negative press to draw in more people into becoming fans or regular viewers.

So the only other way to hit WWE where it hurts, is to stop bitching about them. Other than voting with your wallets and not spending a dime on their shit, you all need to stop uploading and posting endless rants, commentaries, or whatever, of how much you hate WWE and how it's gone down the shitter.

Cause really, what has all this bitching and whining really accomplished?

Do you think that all the pissing, whining and moaning that people have been doing for years about WWE, has really accomplished anything?


Folks... I really don't know what else I can tell you.

I really don't know what else to say about your hatred for World Wrestling Entertainment, and how the company has gone down the shitter for the past decade now.

Other than this, if you truly want to make them care about your complaints and the problems you have with them, then all you have to do Is hit their bottom line. And that will only happen if you leave, take your money elsewhere, stop bitching about how much they suck on social media platforms, and never come back.

You know, I hate to use this statement again, but it applies now more than ever when it comes to companies like WWE. And that statement, is this;

"This company, and all it's related sub companies and personnel, are like a really bad restaurant; you hate the service, you hate the waiters, you hate the servers, you hate the owners, you hate the management, and you hate the way everything it put out in a half-assed manner...

...but you know what? Despite the constant lies and promises they've made and broken about 'improving their image!' and 'taking customer feedback into consideration', you all keep coming back here to pay money to buy their shit and keep them in business.

And quite honestly, I'm not sure what else to say about this whole thing.

Me personally, I gave up on bitching about WWE years ago, because no matter what they do or don't do, whether it's good or bad, people will still complain about them.

Which is why I think they just don't give a shit anymore about the complaints that people have about them.

And that is why I don't give a shit about them either, and neither will I waste my time bitching about how I don't like the modern PG-era, or how much they suck, or how they 'need to change back!' or 'they need to fire Vince McMahon and Triple H!', 'We don't like this current era of WWE!'...

You know what? They don't care what we do or don't like.

They just don't care.

And if the day should come that they do care, and they change back to the way things were; then you'd better believe that I will be the first to come on here and say; "Holy shit! I can't believe how wrong we all were! WWE, Vince McMahon and Triple H actually listened to us and our complaints!"

But you know what?

A month from now, a year from now, or even another 10 years from now, what are you guys gonna do?

What are you guys seriously gonna do if WWE does nothing to change? Or even if they change for the worse?

What are you guys gonna do?

Are you still gonna sit there and complain about it? Or are you going to hit their bottom line like you should be doing if you don't like what they've been doing?

Think about it, people.


Anyway, that's all I have to say regarding this matter.

I am so fucking sick and tired of people constantly getting on camera or booting up their microphones to bitch, whine, rant, piss, and moan about WWE and how it's gone down the shitter.

Cause really, what has any of this complaining achieved?

Has it helped to change WWE back to the way it was?



Cause World Wrestling Entertainment does, not, care, about, you.

At all.


Anyway, yeah, that's all I have to say regarding this matter.

WWE's PG Era is here to stay, and from the looks of things ever since Eddie Guerrero's death and the Chris Benoit murder-suicide, the PG era isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

And if you're still here and still angry at WWE, then, you are the exact reason why Vince McMahon does what he does every time he kicks the WWE Universe in the fucking nuts or vagina.

Well, that's the end of this rant.

So until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

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