Saturday, May 25, 2019

5 years later... and nothing much has changed.

Well... here we are, 5 years later, and from what I've seen, nothing much has changed.

5 years after the so-called "virgin killer", the "privileged white boy", the "incel martyr", and the more notorious moniker; the "supreme gentleman" Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger, committed his murders and shooting attack in his college town of Isla Vista that left 7 people dead (including him) and many more wounded.

You'd think that with the scrutiny that this case has gotten over the past 5 years with all the initial media attention it got, and later, the new information that has been leaked onto the internet in regards to Elliot Rodger's life, his dysfunctional family and household, the events that lead up to him doing what he did, and all the video documentaries that YouTube user Mumkey Jones (and several others) created on the subject, you'd think that maybe... just maybe, that there would be some sort of understanding among people in society that we need to do more in regards to bettering our society and trying to prevent a tragedy like this from happening again.

Or at the very least, provide an outlet for people to let their mental illnesses out in a safe way without anyone getting hurt or killed. Rather than going down the same self-destructive path that we as human beings have been going down for decades now.

But, with all the more recent mass attacks by other self-proclaimed "incels", the obvious heavy handed uber-feminist, liberal and anti-male slant in the news and entertainment media, and yes, with all the other political and social bullshit on the internet and in society, that has happened in the 5 years since this event...'s truly saddening that nothing much has changed.

And from what I'm seeing, it looks like nothing is ever going to change.


Humanity can be so depraved and depressing sometimes.

I guess this is one of the reasons why, if there are any alien lifeforms out there in the universe observing and watching our planet, and when they see all of the fucked up and stupid shit that we have done or are capable of doing, I think they've decided that we are not worth befriending, visiting, or conquering.

And before I forget, another thing that needs to be made clear today is this; Elliot Rodger serves as the perfect example as to why the so-called "perfect people" of Hollywood are not the "perfect people" that society, the news and the entertainment medium portrays them to be.

Cause most, if not ALL of them, are extremely, fundamentally, and morally flawed. Despite having everything that they could ever ask for and all the money in the world, it never truly satisfies them in the end.

You are better off trying to succeed in other avenues of life rather than trying to emulate, live, or achieve, the Hollywood lifestyle.

As H.L. Mencken once said; "The theory seems to be that as long as a man is a failure, he is one of God's children. But as soon as he succeeds, he is taken over by the Devil."

And those are my words of wisdom for all of you today.

Until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

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