Friday, July 5, 2019

MisAnthro Pony has crossed a line... and shows the whole world how bad the Brony Analyst fanbase can truly be.

So... MisAnthro Pony is back at it again like the typical drama whore he is, proving once again that you don't need LilyPeet/Orchard, Zak Kayes, Andrew Blaze or Chris-Chan to be the most defining drama whores/troublemakers to make the entire Brony fandom look bad.

So, what is it that MsAnthro Pony has done to raise the ire of people inside and outside the MLP fandom, and the internet in general?

Well, in a semi-recent commentary he made on the Nostalgia Critic (a.k.a., Doug Walker), he flat out accused the man of "rape", because he (Doug Walker) put the fictional character of Sailor Moon on his "Top 11 Hottest Animated Babes" list.


That's right folks; because a grown man who's had more internet success and fame over a span of nearly 15 years, puts a fictional teenage girl on his video list of hottest animated women from over a decade ago, that suddenly makes him a rapist in the eyes of a no-talent internet hack and drama whore man-child who's part of a fanbase that is slowly dying the rightful death it deserves...



Alright. That does it.

MisAnthro Pony, you've crossed the line, okay?

There's just no getting around the incorrect bullshit that you spew out of your fucking mouth.

And all I have to ask is; were you dropped on your head as a child or something?

Sailor Moon is a FICTIONAL character.

You cannot be arrested, charged and convicted of rape against a fictional character that does not even fucking exist in our reality to begin with, you ignorant tumblr snowflake.

You sir, need to think a little and read up on what the law actually says regarding rape and what is defined as crimes against underage individuals, versus individuals who don't even fucking exist in our reality to begin with.

God Almighty, it's statements like the one you've made, that the reasons why we lose the nice things that we take for granted in this life, or why everything on the internet is going down the "karen censorship" route.

And also, while I'm at it; why is everyone in MisAnthro Pony's circle of fans and friends getting their panties in a bunch of Nostalgia Critic's brief rundown of Japan's age of consent law in his Sailor Moon review?

You all do realize that when Doug Walker made this video back in 2012-2013, that might have been what Japan defined as the age of consent back then if you did a Google search on the subject. But maybe, just maybe, in the 8 years that have passed since then, they've changed the law and raised the age of consent?

(which they have, by the way)

So does that really justify the internet crucifixion of Doug Walker that's being spearheaded by MisAnthro Pony and his shock trooper fanboys?


Folks, I am so sick of these false accusations and make-believe slander that morons like MisAnthro Pony come up with.

Granted, I am not exactly a fan of Doug Walker or his Nostalgia Critic show. I lean more towards the Angry Video Game Nerd.

But I will defend my fellow men against false accusations like the one MisAnthro Pony came up with.

So, good job; MisAnthro Pony. You've once again, proven to the whole world, how batshit insane the most prominent members of the Brony community of the MLP fanbase can really be.

And quite honestly, this is the reason why I'm glad I don't associate with your fanbase anymore.

Cause of man-children like you, Lily Peet/Orchard, Zak Kayes, Andrew Blaze, Chris-Chan, and so many others who have made a once cherished and loved fanbase, look like dogshit once again.

Good job moron.

I hope your inner circle of friends gets away from you.

I hope your Brony Analyst community dies the painful death it deserves.

And here's hoping that you fade into internet obscurity.

I'm done.

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