Monday, October 14, 2019

The end of Friendship is Magic... and where things may go from here

Well, that's it then...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, or "Generation 4", has come to it's end after 9 years.

We all watched as something that was originally intended for little girls only, became a huge, pop-culture icon with a completely unexpected fanbase, that left a huge impact upon society and the world of geekdom as a whole.

And now, the next My Little Pony remake/reboot/etc., or "Generation 5" as some people are calling it, is due for a release/premiere in 2020.


But of course, the big question remains; where will things go from here?

Honestly, it's hard to say at this point.

But let's get one thing out of the way first; the two-part ending for Friendship is Magic... yeah, it could've been worked out a whole lot better. Rather than going for the cop-out that the writers decided to stick with.

Oh well, that's why we have fanfiction stories to pick up the slack... I guess. But that's assuming that FiMFiction doesn't shut down one day due to lack of interest/new members now that Gen 4 is over. Especially considering the many, many good and well-written stories on there that have been sitting in the incomplete section for 3, 5, sometimes even 6 years...

*ahem*, anyway...

I think with the decision that the writers of the show made regarding the ending... yeah, it's probably pissed off a lot of people, and it has probably alienated many of the longtime fans of Generation 4 who were expecting some sort of proper conclusion in regards to many things that this show has given us, but never went back to after showing/mentioning them only one time.

(although, I will admit that I enjoyed seeing Tempest Shadow appear for one last time... even if it was a non-speaking role)

If that's the case, then these people have probably been alienated to the point where they will just walk away and not bother to give Generation 5 a chance after that half-assed excuse for an ending that Generation 4 had.

But for those who are still willing to stick around and patiently wait for the premiere of My Little Pony Generation 5, we find ourselves back at the question; what will happen in regards to where things will go from here?

Some folks in the Brony community have been concerned/worried about Generation 5 after seeing the leaks of the concept art and art style design for Gen 5, and they are concerned that it's going back to the 2000s days of terrible decisions that Hasbro made in regards to remaking or rebooting their aging franchises for the 21st century, but failing miserably at them.

While others are worried that the lackluster two-part semi-finale to Generation 4 might affect Generation 5 in a bad way.

So, for today, my response to the questions/nervousness/fear/concern/apathy towards Generation 5 My Little Pony, is this;

Has Hasbro saved the franchise yet?

Has Hasbro ruined the franchise yet?

Can any of you see the future?

Can I see the future?

If not, then there's really no way of knowing.

Which means that there's no reason for asking.

And there's really no point in worrying either.

So relax people. Let's see what Generation 5 will bring us in 2020, and if it's good, then hey, become fans of it. If it sucks, then vote with your wallets and never spend a dime on it.

But at the same time, continue to remember and treasure the moments that Friendship is Magic gave to all of you, because as long as you do so, then Generation 4 will never truly be gone.

It will always be right there, with all of you.


Well, that's all I got to say.

Until next time...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

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