Thursday, October 24, 2019

The fiasco that is Fallout 76, and why you shouldn't waste your time on this bullshit...

Well, seems like Bethesda has now officially joined in the same shit-pile that EA, Activision, Blizzard, and many other developers and publishers like them, now share.

And yes folks, I get it; you are all angry with what Bethesda has been doing for the past (roughly) 2 years regarding Fallout 76 and the Creation Club.

But you know what?

They do not care what you like or don't like. Why? Because Bethesda, Activision/Blizzard, Electronic Arts, and every other developer and publisher like them knows that; even though we hate the things they've done and the changes they've made to the franchises that we know and love; all of you know as well as I do that if they change nothing back, then you will be back to buy more games from them.

And they know it.

I'm sorry, but, that's just the truth we all need to face when it comes to the gaming community of today.

If these companies change nothing and improve nothing, then there will still be a group of people within the gaming community that will still come crawling back to pay money for another game from these companies.

(Which makes me a little concerned for Doom Eternal now, considering that a week before this post, the most recent announcement for the game said that it would be delayed for March 2020. And given the fiasco of Fallout 76's newest feature that was unveiled literally within the same week period of Doom Eternal's delay announcement, it has me a bit concerned)

And yeah, I get it; you are all angry with what Bethesda has been doing.

But quite honestly, with everyone who's been complaining about Fallout 76 for a long time now, I feel like you are all genuinely wasting your time on this subject.


Because we all knew MONTHS in advance that Fallout 76 was NOT going to be a mainline story Fallout game, and that it was going to be an MMO. And most likely, Bethesda would implement the same updates, changes, microtransactions, pay-to-win mechanics and other greedy practices that are common in almost every other MMO these days that we all love to hate.

Yet you all still went out and purchased this game.

And now that things are just getting worse when it comes to the most recent updates with Fallout 76, now is when you people choose to care and complain about these changes, false promises and lies that Bethesda has been telling us since June of 2018?

I'm sorry, but with all of you complaining about what's happening with Fallout 76, I've come to the conclusion that this is yet another massive waste of time. And the fact that so many of you who are bitching about this subject on YouTube are also showcasing gameplay of Fallout 76, only further proves the point that even though you all didn't like the idea of a Fallout MMO, you all still went out, purchased the game, and played it so you could record the footage of your gameplay for the 50+ rant videos you've been making about this game.

Which means that you all lost your rights to complain about the game once you bought it.

You all knew that this was bound to happen sooner or later.

Yet you all still went out and bought the game, and now you're angry with what's happened to the game.

I'm sorry, but, you all have no fucking right to complain.

And yes; I, GET, IT; Fallout 76 sucks. And Bethesda is a greedy overlord now.

But as that age old saying goes; if you don't like it, don't buy it, don't rent it, don't play it, don't whatever the fuck it is that you guys want to call it.

And although I personally believe in the idea that if you hate the newer games they've put out, then stick to the older games (if you still have them) and never play any of the newer games. I also want to drive this point home; If you guys are seriously this angry over what Bethesda has done, then you should just do the sensible thing; which is to stop bitching about this bullshit, fucking leave, take your money elsewhere and never come back.

Cause the only way Bethesda and all these other companies are going to give a shit about your complaints is if you hit their bottom line.

And to hit that bottom line, you need to stop bitching about it, just fucking leave, take your money elsewhere, spend it on good quality products, and never return.


You know, I hate to use this age old comment once again, but seeing the massive uproar everyone is throwing over Bethesda's decisions and updates to Fallout 76, I feel that this needs to be said once again;

"This company, and all it's related sub-companies, developers and employers, are like a really bad restaurant.

You hate the owners, you hate the management, you hate the employees, you hate the service, and you hate the way they keep putting things out in a shitty, half-assed manner.

But, despite all the countless promises they've made and broken about 'improving their image!' or 'taking customer consideration into account!', you all keep coming back to pay money to eat their food and keep them in business


So, yeah. That's all I really have to say regarding this debacle.

All of you who are bitching and whining about Fallout 76 and the things Bethesda has done to it, you are all seriously and genuinely wasting your fucking time. Seriously, you are all wasting your time trying to "expose" the inner workings behind what's going on with this game and the company who developed and released it, and how "WE DON'T LIKE THIS!" or "THEY NEED TO CHANGE IT TO X FOR THE GAME TO WIN OUR FAVOR!" or "WE DON'T LIKE THESE CHANGES! CHANGE IT BACK TO WHAT FALLOUT ORIGINALLY WAS!"

You know what?

They don't care what we do or don't like.

They just don't fucking care.

And if they do care, and they do revert back to the way things should've been and give a formal apology for everything that they've done up to this point, then believe me, I will be the first to come on here and say;

"Holy shit! I can't believe how wrong we all were! Bethesda actually listened to us!"

But you know what? A month from now? A year from now? What are you guys going to do?

That's the question; what are you guys seriously going to do one month or one year from now, if nothing changes for the better, and if Bethesda makes more changes that are even worse than what's going on right now?

I want to know; what are you guys, seriously going to do?

Are you just going to sit there and deal with it?

Are you going to upload more 50+ rant videos onto YouTube about it?

Are you going to hack the Bethesda websites to doxx and troll them again?

Or are you going to do the sensible thing that you all should've done a year ago? Which is NEVER purchasing this game and hitting their bottom line to show them that you didn't approve of this fucking game in the first place?

Think about it people.

Think about it.

So, yeah, yeah... that's all I have to say regarding this matter.

Fallout 1st is here, and from what I've seen; it's here to stay.

The shitty microtransaction, pay-to-win and monthly/yearly subscription fee sucks.

Bethesda fucking sucks now, which leaves me a little concerned for Doom Eternal when it's eventually released in March 2020.

And if you're still here and you're still complaining and angry about what Bethesda has been doing, then, you are the exact reason why, Bethesda does and will continue to do what they do.

Because they know, that their fans (and a good majority of gamers) will just fucking deal with it every time they kick them in the fucking nuts or vagina.

That is all.

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