Friday, March 19, 2021

Red Dead Online... yeah, none of you saw this coming, did you?

Oh wait, I'm sorry, this post is about something completely different in regards to this situation...

...this post is about the people who are bitching, whining, complaining, pissing and moaning about what Rockstar Games is doing to this tacky, unnecessary add-on to a still great game that I play to this day.

People, my question right now is this;

What were any of you expecting with this online multiplayer add-on? And the updates that make off with your money while under-selling the delivery that they were supposed to deliver?

Did you think it would be some golden prize that would serve as a good side-distraction from the main Red Dead Redemption 2 game?

Or did you once again, refuse to listen to that voice in the back of your heads, warning you of the consequences and trappings that gaming companies are setting up for gamers when it comes to online gaming and forcing all of you to use real-world payments just to get the good stuff in-game?

Why is it that you all refuse to learn this lesson when it comes to the gaming industry using these scummy and shady business practices?

Why is it that every time this happens in the gaming industry, you all keep getting suckered into these schemes, and then you bitch about it later on when you see that these scams and quacks have made off with your money?

Did you all learn nothing when it came to Electronic Arts' practice of these schemes? Or even Bethesda's? Activision's? Or any other scumbag publisher/developer that has done the same thing over and over again in the past?


Well, once again, I feel the need to repeat this age old statement that still rings true with gaming companies (or any company for that matter) pulling shit like this;

"This company, and all it's related sub-companies, developers and employees, are like a really bad restaurant.

You hate their half-assed service, you hate the waiters, you hate the management, you hate the owners, and you hate their shady business practices and their habits of betraying your trust and the trust of their customer base...

Yet despite the countless promises they have made and broken about 'taking customer feedback into consideration!' and 'improving their image!'... YOU all keep coming back here to pay money to buy their shit and keep them in business.

Bottom line; STOP, falling for these scummy business practices and scam artists in the gaming industry.

Show them that you do no approve of their business practices by voting with your wallets.

Take your money elsewhere, and never come back.

Cause that is the ONLY way, that these companies are going to care about your complaints and your anger against them and their scummy business practices. Since clearly, posting 25+ rant videos about it on YouTube isn't accomplishing anything, because at the end of the day, they don't care what you think and will continue to keep doing what they do as long as that sweet moolah keeps rolling in.

Anyway, I'm done repeating myself for the umpteenth time.

Stop falling for these scams, gamers.

Spend your money on worthwhile products in the gaming industry.

And stop giving these scumbags more power over all of us.

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