Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Russia and China beginning to shake hands and make up with each other... thanks Biden (not), you sure did us Americans a real solid

So, at the time of this blog posting, Russia and China seem to be getting real friendly with each other as of lately... looking to forge a stronger political and military bond with each other, if the meetings between their ambassadors is anything to go by...

Which I'm sure isn't helped by the fact that due to several constitutional amendments in Russia last year during their own election process, Vladimir Putin has pretty much cemented his position of power where he will be ruling Russia until the day he dies.

Also, Biden hasn't helped this situation any better with his comments about Putin where he basically called the man a criminal and that he needs to "pay" for his crimes... or something along those lines...

And now, there are rumors that Russia and China are considering supporting North Korea once again, and enacting embargo sanctions against the United States...

While the Middle East continues to be the burning war-torn shithole that it is, and our boys and girls in the sandbox/mountainous region that is Afghanistan are probably going to have to cancel their homecoming plans due to Biden's unwillingness or incompetence to agree with the Trump plan to pull the troops out of there after spending nearly 20 fucking years in that country...



This situation isn't looking good folks. It really isn't.

So thanks Biden, you really did this country a solid with your idiotic statements and your incompetent actions.


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