Monday, May 31, 2021

How the American News Media fuels the cycle of violence in a nutshell... sort of

 I really hate repeating myself every time one of these events happens in America, but it seems as though everyone at the top of society just doesn't seem to fucking get it.

Yeah, there has been a bit of an increase in "mass shootings" lately, but why is that?

Well, think about it in this little thought exercise for a moment;

Picture yourself as a disaffected, depraved, individual who has nothing going for them in life. You turn on the news one day to see the talking figureheads debating and discussing the latest tragedy that occurred at a movie theater, mall, school, social gathering, etc., where a depraved maniac marched in and killed dozens of people before either killing themselves or surrendering to the police.

Now you, the next depraved individual, are watching this news report, and you think to yourself;

"Hey! I can do what that guy or gal did, and get famous as well!"

So what's your solution to fixing your problems and your pain? To show the world that you aren't a loser and a nobody? To show them who's the real boss?

Well, it's simple; you go out and get some guns (legally or illegally), you pick a target where nobody can effectively fight back, and you kill as many people as you can before you either kill yourself or surrender to the police.

Then, once all is said and done, you will become the next big thing that the news media talks about for days, weeks, months, sometimes even years on end.

Hell, even the President of the United States, one of the most important men in the world, will drop whatever he is doing so that he can hold a press conference to talk about you and your actions, and he will even shed a single, manly tear if the situation calls for it.

So congratulations; you are now a star.

And then the next depraved, disaffected, loser scumbag who happens to be watching the media coverage about you and your actions, will start taking their own notes about how they can go from a nobody to a somebody.

The cycle repeats again and again, and until the news media, the politicians, and the people at the top of society finally wake the fuck up and smell the coffee, these kinds of events will keep happening for the rest of humanity's existence.

Now that this little thought, exercise is over, there's a few more things that need to be reiterated as well;

Society right now, needs to become better. Without the influence of the progressive left or the hardcore right.

We need to try and do better in trying to be more accepting and loving of others, regardless of their race, religion, beliefs, politics, mental problems, disorders, etc.

Even though in the long run, we cannot prevent all violence and killings in this world.

Sure, we can try to take steps in making America how it used to be before the 1960s ruined everything with Norwegian wood, the hippie culture and Woodstock, but that doesn't change one more fact that needs to be shared today with all of you;

There is NOTHING, NOTHING, that can be done to prevent all future mass shootings or acts of violence.

We can try to make the world a better place.

But it won't change the fact that we as the human race, are a violent species as a whole.

That is all.

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