Monday, July 11, 2022

Shinzo Abe's assassination further proves how gun control doesn't mean shit to a determined criminal...

I wasn't sure on whether or not I wanted to comment on this event, but I'm going to comment on it in a different way.

Personally, I know nothing about Japan's politics or social spheres when it comes to their own domestic issues and what not.

But what is known for certain in the pro-2A community; is that Japan has some of the most hardcore, unyielding, strictest, gun control you will ever see in an Asian nation. Their gun laws and restrictions on guns are pretty much incomprehensible to half of us Americans, and they make Chicago's gun laws look like Bosie's.

But at the same time, we also need to take into account that Japan is a socially homogenous nation that isn't plagued by the gang and drug problems we have here in America. And even though they are a society that prides itself on respecting each other and the environment they all share, we must not forget that the reason why they are like this is because of the legal and moral punishment that comes with deviating from the norm or what is socially acceptable in Japanese society.

So surely, this level of gun control and control over the civilian population will stop mass shootings, horrible crimes and deviant behaviors, right?

Except for what happened a few days ago where Japan's former prime minister; Shinzo Abe, was assassinated by a maniac who used a gun that was basically, a homemade firearm that was cobbled together out of everyday parts you can buy at a hardware store.

Because once again; the criminal didn't care.

If someone is determined enough to commit a horrible crime, up to and including murder, the system can only hang them once.

And from what's been reported so far, this scumbag built several more homemade firearms and even homemade bombs of all things!

And yes, Japan has strict laws against murder, while there are more laws regulating firearms, and other laws against explosives or explosive devices and ingredients.

But once again; the criminal didn't care.

Cause believe me when I say this folks; there is NO LAW, out there that will completely stop a criminal from acquiring a firearm to commit felonies and perpetuate crimes such as the assassination of a political figure.

And in most cases where a crime like this takes place in a country where firearms are heavily restricted, the criminals will either make their own guns (which isn't hard to do. Just ask anyone who fought for the Irish Republican Army in the late 1960s - early 2000s during The Troubles, anyone who was part of the criminal activities of the Hell's Angels Australia chapters, or anyone who has worked/lived in the Khyber Pass region of Pakistan), or alternatively, they just find a way to smuggle them in (usually through the same people who smuggle in thousands of tons of drugs).

But, as usual, the world's political figures will look at this event and proclaim the usual gun control statements like they always do.

Despite the fact that no matter what laws, rules or regulations are on the books, there's no way to completely stop a criminal from creating their own guns at home for whatever crime or nefarious violation they are willing to commit.

Anyway, that's all I've got to say about this event.

And even if it's not my place to say so, rest in peace, Shinzo Abe. Regardless of whatever it is that you believed in, championed, or campaigned for, it's really sad that a fucked up individual sought to kill you over some petty, trivial bullshit.

So, rest easy dude.

I'm done.

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