Saturday, October 15, 2022

Russia is now recruiting inmates from their prison system to fight in Ukraine... where have we seen this before?

 So, the Russian government is now recruiting people from the Russian prison system to become the soldiers who will fight on the frontlines of the war in Ukraine...


...yes folks, you heard right.

Vladimir Putin, is recruiting, prisoners, from Russia's prison system.

...a prison system that contains the lowest of the low, the scummiest of scumbags, and the absolute worst that humanity could ever produce, will now be put in uniform, and sent to the frontlines in this war, with the promise that once they've served their time in uniform, they will either be pardoned or get a lesser sentence...


Well, don't say that "no one saw this coming!", or that "history doesn't repeat itself!"...

...cause guess what people? Adolf Hitler did the same thing when forming the Schutzstaffel, or the SS, before and during World War II.

You see, in that conflict, Hitler's original orders for the Wehrmacht (the army of Nazi Germany back then) was for them to carry out the Jewish extermination. However, many soldiers in the Wehrmacht were sickened by their actions and the orders they were given, and many of them wrote home about it or threatened to quit because of it.

So, to solve this problem, the Nazi Party created the SS. Which, contrary to what the history books will say, was mostly made up of former criminals such as terrorists, anarchists, arsonists, thieves, rapists, murderers, pedophiles, the list goes on. Hell, it even had members who followed Hitler since his early days in the 1920s.

All of these people were some of the most depraved, evil, psychotic pieces of human garbage that you would NEVER, want to meet in a dark alley.

And all of them were given one simple goal; root out guerilla activity and carry out the extermination of the Jews, the Gypsies (Romani people), Slavs, Russians, Communists, homosexuals, and so many more. They were the ones that Hitler assigned to do the dirty work that the Wehrmacht (or any other branch of the Nazi German military) would not do.


Because they were the only ones who were evil enough and depraved enough, to do it.

The unrelenting rule of guerilla warfare is this; if you are fighting a guerilla force, you will have no choice but to commit ethnic cleansing if you want to defeat them completely.

If you're not evil enough to do this, you lose.

And now that Vladimir Putin is basically doing the same thing that Hitler did, I don't know how well the Ukrainians will be able to hold their ground against a group of depraved, sick, criminally insane folks from a prison system that treats them FAR WORSE than our prison system does to it's inmates, who have basically been given free reign to do whatever they want now to innocent people, and not give a shit whether they live or die. Just so long as they can fulfill their own sick and twisted desires now that they're out of prison and in a position of power to do so.

Believe me folks, we're probably going to see a repeat of the many atrocities that Joseph Stalin and his secret police committed when they brutally suppressed revolutionaries and dissidents during his 35-year reign. And we are definitely going to see a repeat of what Adolf Hitler and the SS did during his 12-year rule.

Expect to see the exact same shit that our ancestors saw when they liberated the concentration camps after World War II in Europe ended.

It's not going to be pretty folks.

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