Wednesday, August 18, 2021

My head cannot possibly hurt any more than it already is with this new development...

There is a reason why Afghanistan is known as; "The graveyard of Empires"... ...because damn near every empire or world power that has tried to invade and conquer this harsh, unforgiving region of the Far East, has ended in complete fucking failure, with the would-be conquerors leaving Afghanistan with massive body counts, severe political and social turmoil, and even more unstable and chaos-ridden than before. And more than likely, the would-be conquerors end up going through a massive societal and country-wide breakdown of their own culture and government due to the foolishness of trying to challenge the Afghan Mujahedeen on the battlefield. Shit, we've already seen what happened to the Soviet Union after they left Afghanistan in 1989; 2 years later, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics broke into pieces, and now they are little more than a faded memory. Plus, let's never forget how fucking evil the Soviet Union was. That government murdered twice the number of people than Hitler ever did. And if we are truly being honest here, we should've let Stalin and Hitler fight to the death in World War II, rather than trying to get involved in that conflict. Cause really, what more could the world ask for? Two of the most hated, despicable men on earth, pushing the most asinine political philosophies, fighting to the death in the most destructive and brutal conflict in human history. We all should've just let them fight it out. And hey, if one of them beat the other and survived to become a serious threat, then the United States can join the Western Allies in beating down the threat. But no, instead, jerkass scumbag Roosevelt chose to side with Stalin since he was a scum-sucking communist himself, and his decisions to get involved in World War II is what saved the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Which in turn, allowed Joseph Stalin and his successors to murder and torture millions of innocent people for decades to come. Well, that is, until the Afghan Muslims broke the will of the Soviets and shattered their empire after 10 years of conflict, and then 2 years later the Soviet Union dissolved. So on one hand; yes, the world owes a debt of gratitude to the Mujahedeen of Afghanistan for destroying the most evil nation on earth. Always remember; Roosevelt and his socialist cronies are what saved the Soviet Union, and the Afghan Muslims are the ones who shattered it. So that brings me to the ultimate question today; will the same thing happen to the United States since we are now apparently leaving Afghanistan after 20 YEARS(!!!) of conflict after the horrible event of September 11, 2001? I mean shit, we've been in Afghanistan TWICE as long as the Russians were there, and from what I've been seeing for the past 10 years in America, we're going through a MASSIVE cultural, governmental, political and societal breakdown that eerily mimics that of the final days of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics! So does that mean the United States is going to suffer the same fate that the Soviet Union fell into? Where we become divided into different republics and individual countries rather than a united whole? Honestly, I don't know what the answer is anymore. But I'm going to keep stocking up on dried food and water, just in case. And if this truly the beginning of the end for the American Republic... well, then maybe those hardcore survivalists such as Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski and the people that made up the Branch Davidians were right all along; America is fucked, and this Union is going to be destroyed. So prepare yourselves for the end as best as you can, and make your peace with whatever God or deity you choose to believe in. Now as for the news footage of all those Afghan refugees trying to catch a ride on a military or civilian plane leaving Afghanistan? Well, that certainly evokes the memories of the innocent South Vietnamese citizens and refugees who were trying to escape on the US Military helicopters leaving Saigon in 1975... now doesn't it? But the truth of the matter is this; a majority of those refugees are the moderate Muslims who fight against the more asinine ones. You know, the moderate Muslims who will ally with the West because they know how committed the more radical ones are in spreading their message of "submit to Allah, or die!". And then America will come in with the greatest fighting force the world has ever known... ...oh wait, MSNBC, CNN and the DNC are upset. Never mind, moderates! Buh-bye! You're all on your own now! So America pulls out, radical motherfuckers like Boko Haram, the Islamic State, Al-Quaeda, the neo-Hezbollah, and this new wave of neo-Taliban comes in and does the same shit again and again of mass murder, rape, torture and dictatorship. Different names, sure... but it's all the same mass murder asininity and religious insanity. And maybe 5 years later after a massive attack or massacre of these moderate Muslims at the hands of the more radical and asinine ones, people will change their Facebook profile pictures into a "memorialization" picture in honor of those folks, which goes to show how much this country and it's government really cares. But hey, at least the current administration is all about the fucking climate change and getting rid of all those pesky assault rifles! Good to see that they're on top of that! *sigh* Seriously folks, these events, along with all the shit Obama did (the constant drone strikes), is going to go down in history as part of the list of America's greatest embarrassments on the world stage. And quite honestly, I don't know how anyone can ever trust us anymore, or even bother to work with us ever again. Especially when a Democrat is in office. Bottom line; we royally screwed the more innocent people and moderate Muslims of Afghanistan over. Granted, we screwed them over with the decision George W. Bush (*ahem*, excuse me, Colonel Clusterfuck) made in choosing to invade Afghanistan, and later, Iraq (don't even get me fucking started on that mess). When we should've just gone after Osama bin Laden in the first place, rather than trying to declare war on two nations. And now, the innocent moderate Muslims are paying the price for our misdeeds, while there's a new Cold War brewing in the Middle East between the two biggest powers over there; Saudi Arabia and Iran. In closing, this is the reason why when America was founded, one of the major principles was to have the same mentality that the people of Switzerland have; be an armed, but polite society, and stay completely neutral from all the world's conflicts and turmoil. Sure, be friendly, trade and do business with other nations if you wish. But DO NOT get involved in their politics and wars. Cause choosing to tread on that road will lead down the path of madness and fuckery. Which is exactly, what is happening now in America, and the rest of the world. So what's the solution? I don't know. Remember, I'm just a nobody, ranting into the chasm of the internet. I'm done.

Monday, May 31, 2021

How the American News Media fuels the cycle of violence in a nutshell... sort of

 I really hate repeating myself every time one of these events happens in America, but it seems as though everyone at the top of society just doesn't seem to fucking get it.

Yeah, there has been a bit of an increase in "mass shootings" lately, but why is that?

Well, think about it in this little thought exercise for a moment;

Picture yourself as a disaffected, depraved, individual who has nothing going for them in life. You turn on the news one day to see the talking figureheads debating and discussing the latest tragedy that occurred at a movie theater, mall, school, social gathering, etc., where a depraved maniac marched in and killed dozens of people before either killing themselves or surrendering to the police.

Now you, the next depraved individual, are watching this news report, and you think to yourself;

"Hey! I can do what that guy or gal did, and get famous as well!"

So what's your solution to fixing your problems and your pain? To show the world that you aren't a loser and a nobody? To show them who's the real boss?

Well, it's simple; you go out and get some guns (legally or illegally), you pick a target where nobody can effectively fight back, and you kill as many people as you can before you either kill yourself or surrender to the police.

Then, once all is said and done, you will become the next big thing that the news media talks about for days, weeks, months, sometimes even years on end.

Hell, even the President of the United States, one of the most important men in the world, will drop whatever he is doing so that he can hold a press conference to talk about you and your actions, and he will even shed a single, manly tear if the situation calls for it.

So congratulations; you are now a star.

And then the next depraved, disaffected, loser scumbag who happens to be watching the media coverage about you and your actions, will start taking their own notes about how they can go from a nobody to a somebody.

The cycle repeats again and again, and until the news media, the politicians, and the people at the top of society finally wake the fuck up and smell the coffee, these kinds of events will keep happening for the rest of humanity's existence.

Now that this little thought, exercise is over, there's a few more things that need to be reiterated as well;

Society right now, needs to become better. Without the influence of the progressive left or the hardcore right.

We need to try and do better in trying to be more accepting and loving of others, regardless of their race, religion, beliefs, politics, mental problems, disorders, etc.

Even though in the long run, we cannot prevent all violence and killings in this world.

Sure, we can try to take steps in making America how it used to be before the 1960s ruined everything with Norwegian wood, the hippie culture and Woodstock, but that doesn't change one more fact that needs to be shared today with all of you;

There is NOTHING, NOTHING, that can be done to prevent all future mass shootings or acts of violence.

We can try to make the world a better place.

But it won't change the fact that we as the human race, are a violent species as a whole.

That is all.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Russia and China beginning to shake hands and make up with each other... thanks Biden (not), you sure did us Americans a real solid

So, at the time of this blog posting, Russia and China seem to be getting real friendly with each other as of lately... looking to forge a stronger political and military bond with each other, if the meetings between their ambassadors is anything to go by...

Which I'm sure isn't helped by the fact that due to several constitutional amendments in Russia last year during their own election process, Vladimir Putin has pretty much cemented his position of power where he will be ruling Russia until the day he dies.

Also, Biden hasn't helped this situation any better with his comments about Putin where he basically called the man a criminal and that he needs to "pay" for his crimes... or something along those lines...

And now, there are rumors that Russia and China are considering supporting North Korea once again, and enacting embargo sanctions against the United States...

While the Middle East continues to be the burning war-torn shithole that it is, and our boys and girls in the sandbox/mountainous region that is Afghanistan are probably going to have to cancel their homecoming plans due to Biden's unwillingness or incompetence to agree with the Trump plan to pull the troops out of there after spending nearly 20 fucking years in that country...



This situation isn't looking good folks. It really isn't.

So thanks Biden, you really did this country a solid with your idiotic statements and your incompetent actions.


Friday, March 19, 2021

Red Dead Online... yeah, none of you saw this coming, did you?

Oh wait, I'm sorry, this post is about something completely different in regards to this situation...

...this post is about the people who are bitching, whining, complaining, pissing and moaning about what Rockstar Games is doing to this tacky, unnecessary add-on to a still great game that I play to this day.

People, my question right now is this;

What were any of you expecting with this online multiplayer add-on? And the updates that make off with your money while under-selling the delivery that they were supposed to deliver?

Did you think it would be some golden prize that would serve as a good side-distraction from the main Red Dead Redemption 2 game?

Or did you once again, refuse to listen to that voice in the back of your heads, warning you of the consequences and trappings that gaming companies are setting up for gamers when it comes to online gaming and forcing all of you to use real-world payments just to get the good stuff in-game?

Why is it that you all refuse to learn this lesson when it comes to the gaming industry using these scummy and shady business practices?

Why is it that every time this happens in the gaming industry, you all keep getting suckered into these schemes, and then you bitch about it later on when you see that these scams and quacks have made off with your money?

Did you all learn nothing when it came to Electronic Arts' practice of these schemes? Or even Bethesda's? Activision's? Or any other scumbag publisher/developer that has done the same thing over and over again in the past?


Well, once again, I feel the need to repeat this age old statement that still rings true with gaming companies (or any company for that matter) pulling shit like this;

"This company, and all it's related sub-companies, developers and employees, are like a really bad restaurant.

You hate their half-assed service, you hate the waiters, you hate the management, you hate the owners, and you hate their shady business practices and their habits of betraying your trust and the trust of their customer base...

Yet despite the countless promises they have made and broken about 'taking customer feedback into consideration!' and 'improving their image!'... YOU all keep coming back here to pay money to buy their shit and keep them in business.

Bottom line; STOP, falling for these scummy business practices and scam artists in the gaming industry.

Show them that you do no approve of their business practices by voting with your wallets.

Take your money elsewhere, and never come back.

Cause that is the ONLY way, that these companies are going to care about your complaints and your anger against them and their scummy business practices. Since clearly, posting 25+ rant videos about it on YouTube isn't accomplishing anything, because at the end of the day, they don't care what you think and will continue to keep doing what they do as long as that sweet moolah keeps rolling in.

Anyway, I'm done repeating myself for the umpteenth time.

Stop falling for these scams, gamers.

Spend your money on worthwhile products in the gaming industry.

And stop giving these scumbags more power over all of us.

Monday, March 1, 2021

About that minimum wage increase dilemma...

 You know, I'm not one for the endless debate about how much people "should be paid for their work"...

...cause generally speaking, we are living in a time period where you can have a variety of jobs, each with different pay rates, and if you feel comfortable at one of those jobs, then you can push yourself to climb up the ladder towards a higher position with higher pay...

...and that's what work is all about; bettering yourself and pushing yourself for a higher position and a higher reward.

But with this debate about increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour nationwide, I only have one question to ask;

Where are you going to get this money to finance the $15 an hour wage increase?

That money cannot come out of thin air.

It HAS to come from somewhere.

And sadly, it looks like it's going to come from one of two options; either increased taxes, or increased prices on goods and services.

Always remember; TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)

Everything has a cost, everything has a downside, and everything has to come from somewhere.

And all the while the D.C. Shitshow continues to burn like the dumpster fire that it is.


Until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Trump acquitted for a second time, Democrats rage against the people and each other, RINOs get nervous as re-elections draw closer, so what comes next?

Well folks, looks like it's official; Donald Trump has been acquitted for the second time in regards to the powerseekers and corrupt officials in Washington D.C. trying to impeach him... even after he's left political office...

The Nation that failed to elect him a second time, has now failed to impeach him for a second time...

And from what we are seeing;

The Democrats are crying and shitting themselves after receiving a second strike, which leaves me wondering; will they try again and hope that '3rd time's the charm'? Or will it end with '3 strikes and you're out'? And all the while, they continue to turn on each other and tear each other's throats out... at least, in regards to the Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom situations...

The Republicans who voted for impeachment are now getting nervous as they look to the people of the states they represent, and as midterm/re-election comes around, those people will certainly remember this blatant move of treachery when they go to the polls to vote...

People are slowly tearing off the shackles of big tech from their lives, even though it's not an easy transition, while Microsoft seems to be the ONLY big tech giant who is playing smart by not rocking the boats of it's customers...

Giant entertainment corporations who have gone full woke or pulled a bait and switch are now panicking as millions of their users cancel any and all accounts they have with them in protest of their woke/bait and switch ideals... or they vote with their wallets and never watch or buy their merchandise again...

China's economy is still in the dumpster with their massive GPD expansion and the exchange rate being almost 7 Yuan for 1 Dollar... and the Democrats still think that the 3rd stimulus checks will be financed by China?

The various world leaders are either reluctantly or begrudgingly agreeing to work with Biden, some of the others have made it clear that they won't work with Biden, while the people of the countries they represent continue to protest against Biden while cheering for Trump...

Kamala Harris doesn't really seem to be making any sort of headway in the news, although on social media her presence continues to be strong... despite the fact that millions of people are finally cutting social media out of their lives for good...

And as of this posting, it seems that Biden has chosen to retreat to a safe mountain resort that's specifically designed for the President of the United States, rather than facing the problems head on.


So... what happens next?

Honestly, I have no clue what's supposed to come next for America.

All we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the best, while going out to vote, calling our representatives, congressmen and senators, and making our voices heard.

Or, we all could just sit back, open a bag of popcorn, and watch whatever shit-show comes next play out in front of us.

And that shit-show will, hopefully, be the crashing and burning of the entertainment industry, social media, big tech, and the Democrat party.

It's time for a reboot anyway.

Until next time folks,

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Monday, January 25, 2021

This is fucking golden...

I don't care what anyone says, but this right here, is fucking golden!

This shit is fucking gold-star worthy of internet awards.

But at the same time, it's a harsh reminder of the fucked-up situation we as the American people are facing right now.



...hopefully a good laugh was had from this video.

Until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.