Sunday, December 15, 2019

Evanescence doesn't cut it for me anymore...

Oh boy... I never thought I'd be posting about my (somewhat formerly) favorite music artists on here, but in all honesty, this needs to be said;

Evanescence, a band that I, for the most part, have enjoyed listening to since 2004 when I was in high school up to now, has kinda gone downhill for me over the last couple of years with the decisions and outlandish claims that the band's frontwoman has made as of lately...

Sorry, my fellow goth and emo peeps...

...but this "new sound" and "new direction" that Amy Lee Hatzler has been pushing the band towards for the past 8 years since the release of their self-titled album in 2011... or if we truly want to be picky, the past 15 years which also includes the drama revolving around Ben Moody, David Hodges and their previous management after the release of Fallen... plus, the way she treated her musician ex-boyfriend by writing and releasing a full-on trash-talk song version about their bad breakup (come on, you don't do that shit even if you aren't a famous musician, that's something an 8 year old would do) and the way she treated the former members who helped in utilizing the distinct sound and style of Evanescence by firing/dismissing them for reasons that we still don't know about to this day (other than the same old excuse of 'they wanted to try new things!')...

I'm sorry, but this "new sound" and "new direction" just doesn't cut it for me.

Their most recent album, Synthesis (or should it be classified as a "remix" album?) that they put out 2 years ago which contains a good chunk of their old songs that have been remixed the way Amy "wanted it to be", along with the few new songs contained on it that completely abandon the style and sound that we old-timer fans grew to know and love?

Yeah, I'm not spending a damn penny of my hard earned money on this crap, and neither will I be purchasing whatever new album they have planned for 2020.

If you want to hear better remixes of Evanescence's older songs, just look up Enigma TNG's remixes, he does it a lot better and more dynamically than Amy or the producers at BMG ever could.

And do not, I repeat; DO, NOT, believe her bullshit lie of "Oh, this is what I've always intended for Evanescence to sound like since the beginning!"


Yeah... honey; George Lucas pulled that same shit for 15 fucking years (1997 - 2012) when he kept re-releasing the "special editions" of the original Star Wars trilogy with different edits, cuts, dialogue and additional effects added in or taken out completely, and shafting us out of the original, unedited versions that many of us grew to know and love...

...and look how fucking well that's turned out for him.


Also, the fact that she went and pandered to the Woke and SJW crowd with that one song she and the band made for Gears of War 5 (ugh), that's when Amy Lee Hatzler officially lost all credibility in my book, and in the books of those who aren't swayed by this toxic trash.

Amy, if you want to go and "do your own thing", feel free to do so. But don't drag Evanescence into "your own thing"... ok?

Or better yet, just end the band and then go "do your own thing" as a solo artist, since it's clear that the band you helped form has lost it's signature sound and flavor that many of us came to know and love since 2003.

So folks, as much as I hate to say it; Evanescence has gone downhill, and Amy Lee Hatzler has officially lost all credibility.

I still love their older works from the Origin EP up to The Open Door, and I will continue to enjoy those older albums for many more years to come.

But as for their new stuff?

Fuck no.

Anyway, I'm done ranting.

So until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Hideo Kojima, do humanity a favor, and shut the fuck up.

You know, I used to think that Konami was a piece of shit for treating Hideo Kojima the way they did 4 years ago with how Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain were put out to the gaming masses, and with the horrible fiasco that Metal Gear Survive became...

...but now? With the comments he's made about us Americans not liking his overrated game with a pretentious storyline, unlikeable characters, cutscenes that go on for way too long, and for a good majority of gamers not bowing down and riding his dick like they used to every time a new Metal Gear game was announced...

...all I have to say is; maybe Konami had a good reason for letting him go.

Granted, I still think Konami is a piece of shit for the stunts they've been pulling for the last couple of years.

But with Kojima's comments about us Americans preferring "shooter games" over his overrated, exposition-heavy, cutscene-laden "games".

All I have to say is; Kojima, there is a little thing in this world known as "cultural differences", and "the changing of the tides".

Oh sure, so many gamers (except me) used to bow down and kiss your ass when Metal Gear made it's leap into the 3rd dimension with Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 way back in 1998. But guess what? People change, and so do their expectations and their interests.

Just because Death Stranding is basically Metal Gear set in a futuristic world with a post-apocalyptic setting where you spend 3 hours walking from point A to point B while carrying a baby, doesn't mean that everyone is going to like this game or praise the hell out of it.

If anything, the complaints about your precious game should speak volumes about how fucking BORING, it is.

Hmm, kinda like how every Metal Gear game from 1998 up to MGSV was boring and chock full of bullshit that doesn't make any fucking sense in this reality or any reality for that matter.

In closing;

Hideo Kojima, do humanity a favor; and shut the fuck up.

Go direct the movies you want to make already, and stop acting like an entitled bitch who expects the entire gaming community to bow down and suck your dick just because a game has your name on it.

I'm done.

So until next time...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The fiasco that is Fallout 76, and why you shouldn't waste your time on this bullshit...

Well, seems like Bethesda has now officially joined in the same shit-pile that EA, Activision, Blizzard, and many other developers and publishers like them, now share.

And yes folks, I get it; you are all angry with what Bethesda has been doing for the past (roughly) 2 years regarding Fallout 76 and the Creation Club.

But you know what?

They do not care what you like or don't like. Why? Because Bethesda, Activision/Blizzard, Electronic Arts, and every other developer and publisher like them knows that; even though we hate the things they've done and the changes they've made to the franchises that we know and love; all of you know as well as I do that if they change nothing back, then you will be back to buy more games from them.

And they know it.

I'm sorry, but, that's just the truth we all need to face when it comes to the gaming community of today.

If these companies change nothing and improve nothing, then there will still be a group of people within the gaming community that will still come crawling back to pay money for another game from these companies.

(Which makes me a little concerned for Doom Eternal now, considering that a week before this post, the most recent announcement for the game said that it would be delayed for March 2020. And given the fiasco of Fallout 76's newest feature that was unveiled literally within the same week period of Doom Eternal's delay announcement, it has me a bit concerned)

And yeah, I get it; you are all angry with what Bethesda has been doing.

But quite honestly, with everyone who's been complaining about Fallout 76 for a long time now, I feel like you are all genuinely wasting your time on this subject.


Because we all knew MONTHS in advance that Fallout 76 was NOT going to be a mainline story Fallout game, and that it was going to be an MMO. And most likely, Bethesda would implement the same updates, changes, microtransactions, pay-to-win mechanics and other greedy practices that are common in almost every other MMO these days that we all love to hate.

Yet you all still went out and purchased this game.

And now that things are just getting worse when it comes to the most recent updates with Fallout 76, now is when you people choose to care and complain about these changes, false promises and lies that Bethesda has been telling us since June of 2018?

I'm sorry, but with all of you complaining about what's happening with Fallout 76, I've come to the conclusion that this is yet another massive waste of time. And the fact that so many of you who are bitching about this subject on YouTube are also showcasing gameplay of Fallout 76, only further proves the point that even though you all didn't like the idea of a Fallout MMO, you all still went out, purchased the game, and played it so you could record the footage of your gameplay for the 50+ rant videos you've been making about this game.

Which means that you all lost your rights to complain about the game once you bought it.

You all knew that this was bound to happen sooner or later.

Yet you all still went out and bought the game, and now you're angry with what's happened to the game.

I'm sorry, but, you all have no fucking right to complain.

And yes; I, GET, IT; Fallout 76 sucks. And Bethesda is a greedy overlord now.

But as that age old saying goes; if you don't like it, don't buy it, don't rent it, don't play it, don't whatever the fuck it is that you guys want to call it.

And although I personally believe in the idea that if you hate the newer games they've put out, then stick to the older games (if you still have them) and never play any of the newer games. I also want to drive this point home; If you guys are seriously this angry over what Bethesda has done, then you should just do the sensible thing; which is to stop bitching about this bullshit, fucking leave, take your money elsewhere and never come back.

Cause the only way Bethesda and all these other companies are going to give a shit about your complaints is if you hit their bottom line.

And to hit that bottom line, you need to stop bitching about it, just fucking leave, take your money elsewhere, spend it on good quality products, and never return.


You know, I hate to use this age old comment once again, but seeing the massive uproar everyone is throwing over Bethesda's decisions and updates to Fallout 76, I feel that this needs to be said once again;

"This company, and all it's related sub-companies, developers and employers, are like a really bad restaurant.

You hate the owners, you hate the management, you hate the employees, you hate the service, and you hate the way they keep putting things out in a shitty, half-assed manner.

But, despite all the countless promises they've made and broken about 'improving their image!' or 'taking customer consideration into account!', you all keep coming back to pay money to eat their food and keep them in business


So, yeah. That's all I really have to say regarding this debacle.

All of you who are bitching and whining about Fallout 76 and the things Bethesda has done to it, you are all seriously and genuinely wasting your fucking time. Seriously, you are all wasting your time trying to "expose" the inner workings behind what's going on with this game and the company who developed and released it, and how "WE DON'T LIKE THIS!" or "THEY NEED TO CHANGE IT TO X FOR THE GAME TO WIN OUR FAVOR!" or "WE DON'T LIKE THESE CHANGES! CHANGE IT BACK TO WHAT FALLOUT ORIGINALLY WAS!"

You know what?

They don't care what we do or don't like.

They just don't fucking care.

And if they do care, and they do revert back to the way things should've been and give a formal apology for everything that they've done up to this point, then believe me, I will be the first to come on here and say;

"Holy shit! I can't believe how wrong we all were! Bethesda actually listened to us!"

But you know what? A month from now? A year from now? What are you guys going to do?

That's the question; what are you guys seriously going to do one month or one year from now, if nothing changes for the better, and if Bethesda makes more changes that are even worse than what's going on right now?

I want to know; what are you guys, seriously going to do?

Are you just going to sit there and deal with it?

Are you going to upload more 50+ rant videos onto YouTube about it?

Are you going to hack the Bethesda websites to doxx and troll them again?

Or are you going to do the sensible thing that you all should've done a year ago? Which is NEVER purchasing this game and hitting their bottom line to show them that you didn't approve of this fucking game in the first place?

Think about it people.

Think about it.

So, yeah, yeah... that's all I have to say regarding this matter.

Fallout 1st is here, and from what I've seen; it's here to stay.

The shitty microtransaction, pay-to-win and monthly/yearly subscription fee sucks.

Bethesda fucking sucks now, which leaves me a little concerned for Doom Eternal when it's eventually released in March 2020.

And if you're still here and you're still complaining and angry about what Bethesda has been doing, then, you are the exact reason why, Bethesda does and will continue to do what they do.

Because they know, that their fans (and a good majority of gamers) will just fucking deal with it every time they kick them in the fucking nuts or vagina.

That is all.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The end of Friendship is Magic... and where things may go from here

Well, that's it then...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, or "Generation 4", has come to it's end after 9 years.

We all watched as something that was originally intended for little girls only, became a huge, pop-culture icon with a completely unexpected fanbase, that left a huge impact upon society and the world of geekdom as a whole.

And now, the next My Little Pony remake/reboot/etc., or "Generation 5" as some people are calling it, is due for a release/premiere in 2020.


But of course, the big question remains; where will things go from here?

Honestly, it's hard to say at this point.

But let's get one thing out of the way first; the two-part ending for Friendship is Magic... yeah, it could've been worked out a whole lot better. Rather than going for the cop-out that the writers decided to stick with.

Oh well, that's why we have fanfiction stories to pick up the slack... I guess. But that's assuming that FiMFiction doesn't shut down one day due to lack of interest/new members now that Gen 4 is over. Especially considering the many, many good and well-written stories on there that have been sitting in the incomplete section for 3, 5, sometimes even 6 years...

*ahem*, anyway...

I think with the decision that the writers of the show made regarding the ending... yeah, it's probably pissed off a lot of people, and it has probably alienated many of the longtime fans of Generation 4 who were expecting some sort of proper conclusion in regards to many things that this show has given us, but never went back to after showing/mentioning them only one time.

(although, I will admit that I enjoyed seeing Tempest Shadow appear for one last time... even if it was a non-speaking role)

If that's the case, then these people have probably been alienated to the point where they will just walk away and not bother to give Generation 5 a chance after that half-assed excuse for an ending that Generation 4 had.

But for those who are still willing to stick around and patiently wait for the premiere of My Little Pony Generation 5, we find ourselves back at the question; what will happen in regards to where things will go from here?

Some folks in the Brony community have been concerned/worried about Generation 5 after seeing the leaks of the concept art and art style design for Gen 5, and they are concerned that it's going back to the 2000s days of terrible decisions that Hasbro made in regards to remaking or rebooting their aging franchises for the 21st century, but failing miserably at them.

While others are worried that the lackluster two-part semi-finale to Generation 4 might affect Generation 5 in a bad way.

So, for today, my response to the questions/nervousness/fear/concern/apathy towards Generation 5 My Little Pony, is this;

Has Hasbro saved the franchise yet?

Has Hasbro ruined the franchise yet?

Can any of you see the future?

Can I see the future?

If not, then there's really no way of knowing.

Which means that there's no reason for asking.

And there's really no point in worrying either.

So relax people. Let's see what Generation 5 will bring us in 2020, and if it's good, then hey, become fans of it. If it sucks, then vote with your wallets and never spend a dime on it.

But at the same time, continue to remember and treasure the moments that Friendship is Magic gave to all of you, because as long as you do so, then Generation 4 will never truly be gone.

It will always be right there, with all of you.


Well, that's all I got to say.

Until next time...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Friday, July 5, 2019

MisAnthro Pony has crossed a line... and shows the whole world how bad the Brony Analyst fanbase can truly be.

So... MisAnthro Pony is back at it again like the typical drama whore he is, proving once again that you don't need LilyPeet/Orchard, Zak Kayes, Andrew Blaze or Chris-Chan to be the most defining drama whores/troublemakers to make the entire Brony fandom look bad.

So, what is it that MsAnthro Pony has done to raise the ire of people inside and outside the MLP fandom, and the internet in general?

Well, in a semi-recent commentary he made on the Nostalgia Critic (a.k.a., Doug Walker), he flat out accused the man of "rape", because he (Doug Walker) put the fictional character of Sailor Moon on his "Top 11 Hottest Animated Babes" list.


That's right folks; because a grown man who's had more internet success and fame over a span of nearly 15 years, puts a fictional teenage girl on his video list of hottest animated women from over a decade ago, that suddenly makes him a rapist in the eyes of a no-talent internet hack and drama whore man-child who's part of a fanbase that is slowly dying the rightful death it deserves...



Alright. That does it.

MisAnthro Pony, you've crossed the line, okay?

There's just no getting around the incorrect bullshit that you spew out of your fucking mouth.

And all I have to ask is; were you dropped on your head as a child or something?

Sailor Moon is a FICTIONAL character.

You cannot be arrested, charged and convicted of rape against a fictional character that does not even fucking exist in our reality to begin with, you ignorant tumblr snowflake.

You sir, need to think a little and read up on what the law actually says regarding rape and what is defined as crimes against underage individuals, versus individuals who don't even fucking exist in our reality to begin with.

God Almighty, it's statements like the one you've made, that the reasons why we lose the nice things that we take for granted in this life, or why everything on the internet is going down the "karen censorship" route.

And also, while I'm at it; why is everyone in MisAnthro Pony's circle of fans and friends getting their panties in a bunch of Nostalgia Critic's brief rundown of Japan's age of consent law in his Sailor Moon review?

You all do realize that when Doug Walker made this video back in 2012-2013, that might have been what Japan defined as the age of consent back then if you did a Google search on the subject. But maybe, just maybe, in the 8 years that have passed since then, they've changed the law and raised the age of consent?

(which they have, by the way)

So does that really justify the internet crucifixion of Doug Walker that's being spearheaded by MisAnthro Pony and his shock trooper fanboys?


Folks, I am so sick of these false accusations and make-believe slander that morons like MisAnthro Pony come up with.

Granted, I am not exactly a fan of Doug Walker or his Nostalgia Critic show. I lean more towards the Angry Video Game Nerd.

But I will defend my fellow men against false accusations like the one MisAnthro Pony came up with.

So, good job; MisAnthro Pony. You've once again, proven to the whole world, how batshit insane the most prominent members of the Brony community of the MLP fanbase can really be.

And quite honestly, this is the reason why I'm glad I don't associate with your fanbase anymore.

Cause of man-children like you, Lily Peet/Orchard, Zak Kayes, Andrew Blaze, Chris-Chan, and so many others who have made a once cherished and loved fanbase, look like dogshit once again.

Good job moron.

I hope your inner circle of friends gets away from you.

I hope your Brony Analyst community dies the painful death it deserves.

And here's hoping that you fade into internet obscurity.

I'm done.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

5 years later... and nothing much has changed.

Well... here we are, 5 years later, and from what I've seen, nothing much has changed.

5 years after the so-called "virgin killer", the "privileged white boy", the "incel martyr", and the more notorious moniker; the "supreme gentleman" Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger, committed his murders and shooting attack in his college town of Isla Vista that left 7 people dead (including him) and many more wounded.

You'd think that with the scrutiny that this case has gotten over the past 5 years with all the initial media attention it got, and later, the new information that has been leaked onto the internet in regards to Elliot Rodger's life, his dysfunctional family and household, the events that lead up to him doing what he did, and all the video documentaries that YouTube user Mumkey Jones (and several others) created on the subject, you'd think that maybe... just maybe, that there would be some sort of understanding among people in society that we need to do more in regards to bettering our society and trying to prevent a tragedy like this from happening again.

Or at the very least, provide an outlet for people to let their mental illnesses out in a safe way without anyone getting hurt or killed. Rather than going down the same self-destructive path that we as human beings have been going down for decades now.

But, with all the more recent mass attacks by other self-proclaimed "incels", the obvious heavy handed uber-feminist, liberal and anti-male slant in the news and entertainment media, and yes, with all the other political and social bullshit on the internet and in society, that has happened in the 5 years since this event...'s truly saddening that nothing much has changed.

And from what I'm seeing, it looks like nothing is ever going to change.


Humanity can be so depraved and depressing sometimes.

I guess this is one of the reasons why, if there are any alien lifeforms out there in the universe observing and watching our planet, and when they see all of the fucked up and stupid shit that we have done or are capable of doing, I think they've decided that we are not worth befriending, visiting, or conquering.

And before I forget, another thing that needs to be made clear today is this; Elliot Rodger serves as the perfect example as to why the so-called "perfect people" of Hollywood are not the "perfect people" that society, the news and the entertainment medium portrays them to be.

Cause most, if not ALL of them, are extremely, fundamentally, and morally flawed. Despite having everything that they could ever ask for and all the money in the world, it never truly satisfies them in the end.

You are better off trying to succeed in other avenues of life rather than trying to emulate, live, or achieve, the Hollywood lifestyle.

As H.L. Mencken once said; "The theory seems to be that as long as a man is a failure, he is one of God's children. But as soon as he succeeds, he is taken over by the Devil."

And those are my words of wisdom for all of you today.

Until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Monday, April 15, 2019

World Wrestling Entertainment does not care about you. At all. Period.

You know, it seems like every time I log onto YouTube with the intent to just watch some videos, or even leave a few comments here and there, it never ceases to amaze me when I run into several dozen videos in the related videos section of whatever current video I'm watching, where it's videos posted by people who are complaining, whining, and ranting for 5, 10, 15, sometimes even 30 minutes, about how; "World Wrestling Entertainment sucks dick!" or "Fuck 'Botched'-Mania 35!", or ranting on Roman Reigns being pushed as John Cena 2.0, or Nia Jax's tweets about 'not enough diversity!' in the wrestling business.

(even though I've seen plenty of fucking diversity in wrestling for many, many years now, but that's a rant for another day)

Now, me personally, I've never had the time or patience to give World Wrestling Entertainment a millisecond of my attention.

(Then again, I quit watching WWE after Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit died, and plus, I was transitioning into adulthood around that time, and had other concerns to deal with)

But seeing all these people, day after day, month after month, and sometimes year after year, getting on their cameras or booting up their microphones to bitch and rant about World Wrestling Entertainment and how it's been going downhill for the past decade now...

...I just can't understand all the hate.

And you want to know why?

Because World Wrestling Entertainment, Vince McMahon, Paul Levesque, and every single owner, writer and promoter, does, not, care, about, you.

Seriously people, this isn't rocket science.

WWE and it's corporate leaders, do not give a shit what you; the fans think. Especially the old-school fans who continuously praise the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression era of WWE. And they especially do not give a shit about your endless YouTube videos, Facebook posts, Twitter rants, etc., where you are screaming, yelling, bitching and crying about how the company sucks and it's going down the shitter.

Cause once again, they just don't give a shit.

And yes folks, I get it; you are all fucking frustrated with how Vince McMahon, Paul Levesque and every other corporate cocksucker are ruining WWE and how they've turned it into a shadow of it's former greatness.

But you know what? With all the complaints, posts, angry reviews and rants that you people have levied at WWE for the past decade, let me ask all of you a serious question right now;

What, has any of this, really accomplished?

Seriously, has it actually accomplished anything?

Has any of the ranting and raving that you people have levied at WWE for so many years now, really accomplished anything?

No, of course not.


Because once again, WWE and it's corporate leaders, do not give a shit about you and your complaints.

They are just going to keep marching on the same PG-era, kid-friendly path that they've pretty much been forced to take ever since the death of Eddie Guerrero and the Chris Benoit murder-suicide. And from what I've seen, they will continue marching along this path of suicide until it either kills the company permanently, or until the holdouts just give up on their complaints and go back to watching WWE again.

And from what I've been seeing constantly throughout the last decade of people ranting and raving about WWE; is that no matter how angry people have gotten about WWE and it's current direction, and no matter how many rants, posts, vlogs, etc., they've made voicing their disdain for the company, at the end of the day, WWE knows that if they change nothing back, then these people will be back to watch them again and again.

(cause honestly, with all the ranting and raving that you people do about the current superstars in the WWE, how else do you get this information about them other than a basic google search? Well, I can think of one way; just turn on the TV to check the listing for the next WWE showing, or just hop onto the WWE online networks or even it's YouTube channel.)

Another thing that I have to mention, is that no matter how much negative press that WWE gets, whether it's from the old-time fans or even younger people who don't like this company, WWE always finds a way to roll with it, and use it to their advantage to draw in more people who keep WWE going with their wallets and view counts.

Which brings me to my next point; if you are a former fan of WWE, or someone who's never liked them due to the current pussification of a once-great series of entertaining shows, then the only way any of you will ever get them to care about your opinions, your rants, and your dissatisfaction with the PG-era; and that's if you hit their bottom line.

What do I mean by that?

Well, for one, don't buy their shit, and never buy it again.

Don't buy a ticket for any of their shows, don't buy their merchandise, don't buy their DVDs, don't buy the videogames, don't buy the action figures, don't sign up for WWE network, don't turn on the TV to watch their shows, don't browse the internet for their official online channels, don't spend any money on the next Pay-Per-View event, don't whatever the fuck it is that you guys call it.

Cause the only way any of you guys will ever get WWE to care about you and your complaints/opinions, is if you hit their bottom line, and voting with your wallet; which is, if you hate how WWE has gone down the toilet for the last decade to the point where it causes your blood to boil every time someone mentions WWE, then all you need to do is just fucking leave, take your money elsewhere, and never come back.

And if the amount of people who leave to take their money elsewhere, is GREATER than the number of people who are coming in and voting with their wallets, then, and only then, will World Wrestling Entertainment be forced to sit up and take notice.

And by the way, I don't know if any of you have ever noticed this, but for every person who leaves the WWE universe and never comes back, there's at least 10 or more people who come in to pay money for their products.

Oh yeah, and another way you can stop giving them free exposure is to stop bitching about them.

Cause seriously, the amount of videos on YouTube that trash talk WWE, is getting to the point where it's reaching the same level of clogging YouTube's intestinal tract back when AMV videos were all the rage.

And like I said before, no matter how much hate WWE gets, they always somehow find a way to use the negative press to draw in more people into becoming fans or regular viewers.

So the only other way to hit WWE where it hurts, is to stop bitching about them. Other than voting with your wallets and not spending a dime on their shit, you all need to stop uploading and posting endless rants, commentaries, or whatever, of how much you hate WWE and how it's gone down the shitter.

Cause really, what has all this bitching and whining really accomplished?

Do you think that all the pissing, whining and moaning that people have been doing for years about WWE, has really accomplished anything?


Folks... I really don't know what else I can tell you.

I really don't know what else to say about your hatred for World Wrestling Entertainment, and how the company has gone down the shitter for the past decade now.

Other than this, if you truly want to make them care about your complaints and the problems you have with them, then all you have to do Is hit their bottom line. And that will only happen if you leave, take your money elsewhere, stop bitching about how much they suck on social media platforms, and never come back.

You know, I hate to use this statement again, but it applies now more than ever when it comes to companies like WWE. And that statement, is this;

"This company, and all it's related sub companies and personnel, are like a really bad restaurant; you hate the service, you hate the waiters, you hate the servers, you hate the owners, you hate the management, and you hate the way everything it put out in a half-assed manner...

...but you know what? Despite the constant lies and promises they've made and broken about 'improving their image!' and 'taking customer feedback into consideration', you all keep coming back here to pay money to buy their shit and keep them in business.

And quite honestly, I'm not sure what else to say about this whole thing.

Me personally, I gave up on bitching about WWE years ago, because no matter what they do or don't do, whether it's good or bad, people will still complain about them.

Which is why I think they just don't give a shit anymore about the complaints that people have about them.

And that is why I don't give a shit about them either, and neither will I waste my time bitching about how I don't like the modern PG-era, or how much they suck, or how they 'need to change back!' or 'they need to fire Vince McMahon and Triple H!', 'We don't like this current era of WWE!'...

You know what? They don't care what we do or don't like.

They just don't care.

And if the day should come that they do care, and they change back to the way things were; then you'd better believe that I will be the first to come on here and say; "Holy shit! I can't believe how wrong we all were! WWE, Vince McMahon and Triple H actually listened to us and our complaints!"

But you know what?

A month from now, a year from now, or even another 10 years from now, what are you guys gonna do?

What are you guys seriously gonna do if WWE does nothing to change? Or even if they change for the worse?

What are you guys gonna do?

Are you still gonna sit there and complain about it? Or are you going to hit their bottom line like you should be doing if you don't like what they've been doing?

Think about it, people.


Anyway, that's all I have to say regarding this matter.

I am so fucking sick and tired of people constantly getting on camera or booting up their microphones to bitch, whine, rant, piss, and moan about WWE and how it's gone down the shitter.

Cause really, what has any of this complaining achieved?

Has it helped to change WWE back to the way it was?



Cause World Wrestling Entertainment does, not, care, about, you.

At all.


Anyway, yeah, that's all I have to say regarding this matter.

WWE's PG Era is here to stay, and from the looks of things ever since Eddie Guerrero's death and the Chris Benoit murder-suicide, the PG era isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

And if you're still here and still angry at WWE, then, you are the exact reason why Vince McMahon does what he does every time he kicks the WWE Universe in the fucking nuts or vagina.

Well, that's the end of this rant.

So until next time folks...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Non-Brony comments on - the ending to Your Human and You, and it sucks...

Hoo boy... I never thought I'd be reviewing fanfiction on this blog, especially when it comes to My Little Pony fanfiction...

But with the final chapters that the author of Your Human and You has given us over the last couple of years, along with all the other detours, interludes, and pointless shoehorned characters that were introduced into the story that either went nowhere or had a minor involvement but then faded into the background...

...I am sorely disappointed in this story, and it's conclusion.

I mean, my god, with the conclusion to this story and all the other shit involved in it, it's as if the writer took some cues from the non-existent ideas that the screenwriters for 'The Last Jedi' came up with.

Shit, other fanfic writers have come up with more comprehensive and compelling stories that take place in the Your Human and You universe, and they make a lot more sense than the final chapters that the author of the original story came up with!

Let's begin with one of the first problems the ending of this fanfiction had;

Introducing Flash Sentry right the fuck out of nowhere, as described here;

"Huddled behind the corner, Flash Sentry took a deep breath to steady his nerves. His heart was hammering in his chest with enough force that he was almost certain that it would give away his position. It had taken a long time for this moment: years of planning, months of observing, weeks of preparation, several promotions and transfers—as well as a drunken night with one of his commanding officers—in order to get him to where he was now.

Everything had come down to this very moment. Now, all he needed to do was simply walk around the corner, bump into Princess Sparkle, deliver one of his patented one-liners, and she’d be putty in his hooves.

They didn’t call him ‘Waifu-Stealer’ in school and Basic for nothing. There was nothing quite like snatching an available mare up, banging her, and then flexing in front of the stallion that had been interested in her. Dozens of conquests had been conquered so far in his campaign, but now he was after the finest game.

If he got Twilight Sparkle, newest Princess of Equestria, he’d be set for life.
He had been planning to pull the heist off last week, back when estrus was still in full swing. Not only would mares be more receptive to advances, but he might have even gotten lucky enough to seal the deal with a foal in her belly.

Then that whole fiasco with Discord and the humans happened, and he thought he had lost his chance. But no—Twilight was still in the castle, and it was now or never.
Flash’s ears perked as a feminine voice came from around the corner. It took him a moment, but he quickly identified it as his target. Good, she was on her way. Checking his reflection in the window one last time, he steeled himself, straightened up, and stepped out from behind the corner…

...only to walk face first into a human’s crotch. Both parties stumbled backward, and the human was barely able to keep himself from falling by leaning heavily upon a cane. Flash, however, fell right on his plot, his nostrils suddenly filled with the deep, heated scent of male.

“Are… are you alright?” a voice asked.

Glancing up through watering eyes, Flash saw his intended target staring down at him from atop the human’s shoulders, a concerned look on her face. The human himself bore a look of discomfort, a hand over his crotch. Flash couldn’t be sure, but he swore he heard the human mutter a gruff “Mother fucker” under his breath.

Realizing that the Princess was still giving him a look of worry and that now was the time to strike, Flash opened his mouth to deliver his planned response… but his tongue failed him. He could only stare up at the human as his nostrils flared. Slowly, a red hue spread across his muzzle.

“Well, um…” Princess Sparkle exchanged uncertain glances with the human. “Please be more careful next time?” She gave the human another look, but he only shrugged before stepping around Flash and continuing down the hall.

Flash could only sit there and watch them go, a dazed look on his face. His eyes were riveted to the human’s backside until he limped around another corner and was lost to view. The heated scent still lingered in his nostrils, and he felt his wings twitch as he inhaled again. He blinked twice before his eyes narrowed.

I must have him!"

You know, last time I checked, the author made a few blog posts stating that he wanted his story to have no relation and nothing to do with anything or anyone related to the Equestria Girls spin-off...

...basically, an alternate take on the generic 'human(s) in Equestria' stories that have plagued fanfiction boards and sites since 2010-ish...

...and yet, right the fuck out of nowhere, Flash Sentry suddenly makes an appearance?

Just, what the fuck?

And also all of a sudden, right the fuck out of nowhere, he's got a gay hard-on for Max?

Where the fuck did all of that come from?!

Sorry, but unless you had Flash Sentry introduced somewhere in the story several chapters back, then his introduction in the last chapter was completely and utterly fucking pointless.

Unless you're planning on expanding into this further when you eventually get around to writing the sequel (or not), then I see no other reason for his introduction. Especially how, once again, you've stated countless times in the past 6 years you've been writing this story, that you wanted it to have nothing to do with anything or anyone related to the Equestria Girls universe.

Next up; the conclusion regarding the humans that were brought to Equus from Earth, how the dilemma regarding Max's ex-girlfriend went nowhere, Celestia's attitude regarding the whole thing, and how Max is just like; 'Okay', after hearing Celestia's side of things when she explained why she returned the humans to earth.

(You know what, that's a majority of Max's actions and attitude throughout the whole fucking story; all this bad shit happens constantly to him, and his response is either 'okay', trying to fight and failing spectacularly at it, or acting like a sobby beta male... shit, now that I realize it, nearly 99% of all the My Little Pony fanfictions where there's a human male protagonist, he's a sobby beta male!)



So you mean to tell me that you, Celestia, didn't bother to wait until Max woke up from his coma, so that he could try to be a mediator between your ponies and the humans from earth?

Instead, you gave into the pressure that the ponies you rule over are going to turn into a mob and demand their blood for everything Discord/Paul Riddick did behind your back to manipulate the Earth and Equus humans into rising up and attacking Canterlot and your citizens?

I mean, are you even going to tell your citizens and Equestria who the true culprit was? Or are you too scared to lose your position as ruler?

Shit, you didn't even give Max a chance to smooth things over with his ex-girlfriend before you decided to send her and the remaining Earth humans back to Earth!

Like I said before, it's as if the author was running out of ideas, or had no ideas to begin with and didn't give a shit about the last few chapters when writing them.

But then again, this is a common recurring theme throughout many of the fanfiction stories about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic... shit, now that I think about it; this is a recurring theme throughout the whole fucking show in the 9 years it has been airing on TV!

Bottom line; Celestia is an idiot. And her sister is an even bigger idiot for not voicing any objections towards her plans and leadership...



I could keep going on and on about how so many other stupid and pointless things really dragged this story down and how they served no point or purpose to the eventual conclusion to whatever it is that the author was trying to tell us..., re-introducing that one Equus Human female at the end of the final chapter who suddenly had the hots for Max in the middle of the story...

...the male zebra character who slipped some transformation potion into Max's pockets/saddlebag/etc., which transformed him into an earth pony temporarily...

...never explaining how Discord/Paul Riddick "killed" Max during their fight in the limbo world and how he was able to come back as a human...

...introducing the two random Earth Human characters who used a makeshift flamethrower to help the Mane 6 get past the Discord Vines and through the Everfree Forest to get to the Tree of Harmony... even though we had never seen or heard of them in prior chapters...

...writing a bunch of interludes that, while they may serve as a good distraction for the fans of the story, ended up making the rest of us grit out teeth in anger as we wonder what kind of ADD-influenced "interlude" the author would come up with next...

...and writing a bunch of differing perspectives from different characters, switching between 1st and 3rd person with Max, and not delivering on what this story was supposed to be; a first-person perspective about a human from our world ending up in a twisted, planet of the apes-esque version of Equestria.


I'm done with this.

This story has just... left a really sour taste in my mouth in regards to how everything was supposedly resolved.

And now, I am just going to move on and never read this story ever again.

And neither will I read the sequel... if it ever comes out.

That's all for now folks.

Until next time, Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Paramount Pictures cancels World War Z sequel, and I couldn't be more happier...

Well folks, it's official; Paramount Pictures has officially killed off the planned sequel to Brad Pitt's version of World War Z (2013)...

...and to that end, I say; good riddance.

Kill this piece of shit garbage sequel before it taints the legacy of World War Z any further, and make sure it stays buried like the zombies we love to see getting punched, shot, dismembered and eviscerated in the movies, tv, books, comics and videogames.


Nobody (as far as I can tell), liked that piece of shit movie.


Cause it had absolutely NOTHING, to do with the book.

And the fact that Max Brooks once said in an interview was alright with how Paramount, Plan B, and Brad Pitt turned out the film's finished script which was nothing like the book he wrote, and gave the 3 aforementioned parties the o.k. to go ahead with that idea, goes to show how he's gone down the road of creators who know nothing about their creations and are perfectly fine with whatever Hollywood does to it when adapting it for the big screen.

Also, you can say that this movie was yet another example of the Hollywood studios being interested in the name, and not the actual character.

World War Z was about 3 simple things;

1) it's a global apocalypse of slow, shambling, walking-paced zombies

2) the type of zombies who cannot run, be stopped or fooled by conventional means

3) and they can only be killed by destroying the brain.

Now, some people may argue this point and say; "well, maybe that was unrealistic, and they were trying to go for a more realistic approach!"

But I'm here to say that this statement is the rotten core of where this movie stank like bullshit.

That would be like if Goku was made to be "realistic" where instead of training out in the forest, honing his powers and martial arts, he was made to be a dorky teenager trying to become popular in high school and attempting to get laid with some hoe he met for all but two seconds!

It doesn't fucking matter if it's "realistic" or not. Because it's a time-honored trademark of the character or story;

Goku is an alien monkey boy who is naïve, yet has a strong heart, is loyal to his friends, family and adoptive planet, has a huge appetite, has a love for fighting, training and getting stronger, and is willing to step in and fight for the weak and the defenseless.

While World War Z is about an unstoppable, global apocalypse of the walking dead who cannot be stopped by conventional means of modern warfare, are slow, shambling walkers who cannot run, and can only be killed by destroying the brain.

And Brad Pitt's movie, was NOT, World War Z.

In fact, I'd be more content if this movie was more associated with the never-made movie sequel to 28 Weeks Later. Cause with everything that was shown in this movie, it seemed to fall more in line with those 2 "zombie" films than the actual zombie films that the book, World War Z, is actually based on.

I'm done ranting.

So until next time folks, Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Ghostbusters 3 is back in production, and the Hollywood Left loses it's collective shit over it...

Oh yeah folks, it's official;

Ghostbusters 3, a film that we all thought was confirmed dead since 2014 with the death of Harold Ramis, and especially in 2016 with the failure of that god-awful reboot that shit all over the legacy of the first 2 films, is now back in production.

From what's been revealed so far; Jason Reitman, the son of Ivan Reitman, who was the original director of Ghostbusters 1 and 2, will be directing Ghostbusters 3, and from what's been revealed as of this moment in time; the film will follow the events of the first 2 films and it will be an official continuation of where the story left off after the second film.

There's no word yet if any of the original cast and crew will make an appearance in this upcoming Ghostbusters, although, it would be interesting to see them make an appearance as mentors, where they show off the ropes and pass the torch on to new, younger Ghostbusters. Which apparently, according to some rumors, is going to be a major theme of this new film.

Naturally though, since this upcoming film is going to try and salvage the Ghostbusters name and legacy of this franchise after the anal rape that was Ghostbusters (2016), all the actresses, screenwriters, director, and especially the left-leaning femnazis and libtards in Hollywood are losing their collective shit over this new Ghostbusters film, and how it will NOT be a continuation of the 2016 version.

In fact, actress Leslie Jones is going so far as to call this new Ghostbusters film "so insulting", in regards to the so-called "hard work" that she and her co-workers put into the 2016 version. Which, of course Melissa McCarthy agrees with, probably along with Kirsten Wig and Kate Mckinnon. And, for all we know, Paul Fieg.

(*snort* Yeah, whatever, you deluded bitches. Keep trying to justify the non-existent success of your shitty failure of a feminist propaganda movie that nobody fucking asked for.)


Now, listen; I may not be an 80s kid (I was born in 1988), and I may not share the same love and enthusiasm that the longtime fans of this franchise have shared since 1984, but I do recognize the impact and legacy that the first 2 Ghostbusters films left on our culture.

And while I did not grow up with the original Ghostbusters films and cartoons, I did grow up on the 1990s cartoon sequel; Extreme Ghostbusters, which served as a sequel to the sequel cartoon to the first 1984 film. And just like the upcoming 2020 film; the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon followed a new group of young Ghostbusters mentoring under the original crew, and by the end of the series, the original Ghostbusters crew passes on the torch to the newer, younger generation.

If anything, that's what a proper sequel to Ghostbusters 2 should be now that it's been 30 years since that film.

So, all I have to say is; best of luck to you; Jason Reitman. Hopefully your movie will salvage the franchise, and please, for the love of whatever is left holy and sacred in the Ghostbusters franchise; do not left the Leftists in Hollywood taint your film.

And as for all the femnazis, libtards, social justice warriors, sexists, news media outlets and internet shitheads who are losing their minds over this new Ghostbusters film that will continue the story of Ghostbusters 2... humanity a favor; and shut, the, fuck, up.

Nobody gives two shits about your pathetic failure of a shitty femnazi's non-existent wet-dream movie that was the 2016 Ghostbusters.

In fact, the reported earnings and audience score should speak volumes about how terrible your movie truly was.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. So until next time...

Goodnight America, and to all the ships out at sea!